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Hood/Mask issue


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Where should I sign or vote for bringing back the option to have hood and mask at once? Since on forum is no search I will not find it manually...


It looks really horrible that mask with no hood... I know that some hard worker in Bioware studios was making that mask whole weekend but it does not mean that it should be this way...


I have a nice underwear from Styx but it does not mean that I wear it over my pants... I mean that mask suppose to be layer under hood... If you have no hood than you have visible mask if you have hood than it covers mask... It looks good that way.. It is how it should be... The same like underwear should be under pants even if it looks really good and sexy...


I do not wear masks because I love hood... If there would be option to wear hood over mask than I would wear mask.. And I know more people this way.. And if people refuse to wear mask because of this than mask loose its point anyway...


We all know Revan with mask and hood.. Bioware ***** even him... Isnt it illegal or something?



This is an answer from Bioware after "Turokhan" (one of players and visitors of this topic) sent ticket to Bioware... Thank you for this information Turokhan:


"Thank you for letting us know of your concern. We do apologize for any inconvenience or frustration that this has caused on your part.


The hoods in the game are working as intended by the developers. That is, if you place an equipment in the head slot, the hood will be taken off showing the helm or maks that you equipped. Although, if you wear a headband, the hood will be kept.


We are sincerely apologizing for he confusion regarding your previous ticket as I assume that the last agent thought that you were reporting a known bug.



I would be pleased by some toggle hood up down feature... If you like mask with no hood than ok.. but there are a lot of people who likes hood over mask..."

Edited by Allblackmusic
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When I saw Revan without a hood I threw up a little bit. Then to find out I couldn't have a hood on when wearing a mask made me thoroughly disappointed.


Yeah Revan without mask is a big issue for me... He is just legendary for his mask and hood... And other NPCs who wears masks.. most of them had hoods too in beta.. now they look very stupid..

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I'm just surprised this doesn't bother more people, and there isn't already a huge thread about this.


If there was it probably got buried in the million threads created by trolls complaining about something.


there was thread about this before launch.. It was on the testers forum... But than Forums were cleaned up... and if there is other than probably somewhere beyond billions of threads... Also I think that many people who did not experienced hood and mask in beta do not really until they come to a huge issue like Revan or something... Also some people think that it is just bug that will be fixed...

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I wasn't in the beta but, I can't imagine how difficult it would be to have a hood up/down feature in the User Interface section.


Yeah there would be just two possibilities.. one would look like in beta - hood up (they have to get this possibility somewhere in codes) and second would be the hood down which is current state... Easy as that... I mean.. They already had this feature...

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+1 from me.


Just look at the first trailer that was released, when all the sith lords ignited their lightsabers and you could check out their outfit/gear.


The hood + awesome mask combo was SO COOL.


Pleeeeeease Bioware, make it possible to have the hood over the mask.


Besides, we've seen it far too many times in trailers and what not to not really disbelieve it would be ingame.

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