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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Vote With Your Wallet: Boycott Cartel Packs!


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Or wait for Direct sales to ruin the value of packs


EAWare is ruining the value packs all on their own, without direct sales even being an issue. They're reducing the amount of items that can drop and making those items 4 times the price in CCs to unlock in collections, and making it so only 1 new item can drop from each pack and forcing the other slot to hold a Chance Cube, while keeping the price exactly the same. That's not the fault of direct sales, that's EAWare wanting more money for less effort.


If you want to start a discussion about wanting to boycott direct sales on the CM or something, I would suggest you make your own thread about it instead of dragging that issue into every other thread you post in on the forum. :)

Edited by AscendingSky
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I agree with the sentiment of this thread, OP. I myself have bought I think 1 hypercrate over the last 7 or 8 months, whereas I used to buy them pretty frequently.. I have noticed that the overall quality of many of the items has slipped rather dramatically when compared to the stuff I remember getting a couple years ago out of them. You now have silver armors that look like bronze quality from previous packs, and some of the gold armor, I just scratch my head and wonder how it ever got a gold designation in the first place, like that Resourceful Engineer set that's in whatever pack it's in.


I will not spend real money on re-skinned items and a bunch of chance cubes. I also won't spend a dime unlocking any of the newer silver armors either until or unless they come up with a solution to that, because as it looks now, they're simply charging more money for unlocks under the guise of "higher quality." Now, I don't want to be overly-pessimistic, and maybe we will see the quality of the items reach a consistently higher level than what we've been seeing, but as of now, I'm with you brother.

Edited by Karasuman
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A couple of things:


I like opening packs for grins. As a subscriber, I get 500 CC per month which I'm happy to waste on packs.


It cost $20 to buy 2400 CC, With 2400 CC I can buy 2 x 5-packs and have CC left over to unlock things. That's only $2 per pack. I personally don't think that's a lot of money. You can easily spend $20 just to go to a movie (and buy snacks) for 1.5-2.0 hours of entertainment. You can spend a lot more than that to go to a concert by the latest money-grubbing pop artist.

What does it cost to go to the Indy 500 and watch cars go 'round 'n 'round for a couple of hours?


It's all a matter of perspective, but if $20 is a lot of money to you, don't spend it. For many of us, $20 is cheap - so don't get on here thinking you speak for everyone. :)


P.S. I just opened 10 of the new packs. I got the blue crystal I wanted plus the Gurian mount, plus the big ape like mount, plus some nice decorations. I'm happy with that. :)

As a matter of perspective, for $20 I can get a full game on STEAM that cost millions of dollars to develop and feeds hundreds of game developers, designers,artists, hr, marketing people and such for 2-3 years.


Versus reskinned textures takes at best half a day to to and a whole gear set a week worth of effort for a mesh artist and a texturer, even less if they are good.

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As a matter of perspective, for $20 I can get a full game on STEAM that cost millions of dollars to develop and feeds hundreds of game developers, designers,artists, hr, marketing people and such for 2-3 years.


Versus reskinned textures takes at best half a day to to and a whole gear set a week worth of effort for a mesh artist and a texturer, even less if they are good.


You are of course completely forgetting about the very high numbers of CCs that come into players hands for no actual additional purchase. There are players that work the crap out of their referral links, and subs do receive CCs every month as well, and not all of them immediately spend them. At any given time, probably about a third of the available CCs in players hands are actually not directly purchased.


Yes, yes.. there are players who buy and spend CCs often and regularly. But so what? Their choice in how they wish to play the game. Frankly, a majority of these players will continue to play the packs... because they want to and they like to.


The idea of someone trying to promote a boycott is hilarious, especially when they themselves do not buy packs. Why not just let each person do what they want to do? Some people, like myself, have never played them and never will. Some people LOVE packs.. not so much for the loot table itemizations, but because they like games of chance. Just let every player play the way they want to play, in my view.

Edited by Andryah
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