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Best Rep PVP DPS


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What would be the best PvP republic dpser at the moment?


All pubs must die.


But until than...Gunslingers and Commandos are OP and tend to do very well if the person knows the class, as far as Melee DPS, Sentinels and Shadows tend to put out high numbers if the skill level is there. Juggs [Guardians] can put out nice numbers too, but part of that is fluff damage from dot spread. Skank tank Juggs can do very well.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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All pubs must die.


But until than...Gunslingers and Commandos are OP and tend to do very well if the person knows the class, as far as Melee DPS, Sentinels and Shadows tend to put out high numbers if the skill level is there. Juggs [Guardians] can put out nice numbers too, but part of that is fluff damage from dot spread. Skank tank Juggs can do very well.


Lol who are you kidding. Pubs only play fotm. All you will see are gunslingers, commandos, guardian tanks and sage heals. They don't even have other classes on that server. I logged in to check. Zero scoundrels online, zero shadows online, zero vanguards and zero sentinels as well.


I even asked people on fleet on pub side a good sentinel build was and I got a bunch of "???? what's a sentinel...is that the thing from x-men?" and another person replied, "Lmao noob, it's from Halo..."




Not really, but yeah I notice pubs stack fotm otherwise they'd never have hope in pvp. 4.x about 90% of pub teams had 2 tanks and 3 sage healers everytime...usually 4.

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Lol who are you kidding. Pubs only play fotm. All you will see are gunslingers, commandos, guardian tanks and sage heals. They don't even have other classes on that server. I logged in to check. Zero scoundrels online, zero shadows online, zero vanguards and zero sentinels as well.


I even asked people on fleet on pub side a good sentinel build was and I got a bunch of "???? what's a sentinel...is that the thing from x-men?" and another person replied, "Lmao noob, it's from Halo..."




Not really, but yeah I notice pubs stack fotm otherwise they'd never have hope in pvp. 4.x about 90% of pub teams had 2 tanks and 3 sage healers everytime...usually 4.



I know what you mean, we have that problem on the Shadowlands. There is a pub PVP guild that habitually makes double premades and they just stack them to the brim with multiple Gunslingers [sabo of course, wouldn't want to miss out on that 'we win cuz you can't channel" aoe, and Commandos, skank tank and of course the obligatory Sage healer.


Sometimes they have a sent tho, but not always, I think if they have a mando or a Gunslinger who just didn't show up than they'll throw a bone to their resident Sent heh.


A well played Sent can really bring the smackdown, only trouble is, it only has to die once to make it stick =p

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Lol who are you kidding. Pubs only play fotm. All you will see are gunslingers, commandos, guardian tanks and sage heals. They don't even have other classes on that server. I logged in to check. Zero scoundrels online, zero shadows online, zero vanguards and zero sentinels as well.


I even asked people on fleet on pub side a good sentinel build was and I got a bunch of "???? what's a sentinel...is that the thing from x-men?" and another person replied, "Lmao noob, it's from Halo..."




Not really, but yeah I notice pubs stack fotm otherwise they'd never have hope in pvp. 4.x about 90% of pub teams had 2 tanks and 3 sage healers everytime...usually 4.


Exact opposite on TRE, here it is imps that do that xD

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Exact opposite on TRE, here it is imps that do that xD


Plenty of blame to go around. Truth is, where you find one group of people banding together and loading the deck in the favor [by pimping the group up by an idea balance of FoTM classes and support], in order to offset that advantage the original group made for themselves other people are going to do the same in response as a means of defense.


You fight fire with fire.


At this point, I do not blame anyone for premades. It's so common now that to not do so is leaving yourself at a disadvantage.


Personally, I'll go either way. I go most nights not in a premade, but if I get invited by some other regular PVPers and they have a healer in that group, you bet your *** I'm accepting! heh As a Carnage Marauder I'm completely dependent on heals from other players, so the presense of a healer on my team is obviously a very desireable thing, made all the more so by the fact that I'm playing the only class that doesn't have any self heals. In that regard, I don't feel like I'm doing something wrong or gaining an undue advantage [i'm not referring to a pocket healer, merely a healer on my team]. In most cases, the premades that spring up, they are more about people who know each other and play alot together anyways just banding up. There isn't any strategical class formations being made, and often time people will switch to other toons after a while so as to complete the PVP dailies on those characters.


Not all premades are the same, sometimes it's just 2 or 3 people joined up, who know each other and are friendly. Than there are the strategic stacking the deck in their favor kinds of premades and we all know what that's about. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what's going on when a premade is comprised of 2 Engineering Snipers, a Merc and a Corruption sorc.


When you see Engineering Snipers and Mercs being guarded, you know what that's about, gaining an undue advantage over less organized players, especially when the team the premade belongs to has an only so so geared PT running around who isn't guarded!. Even that is not against the rules, but it is about gaining an undue advantage.

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Lol who are you kidding. Pubs only play fotm. All you will see are gunslingers, commandos, guardian tanks and sage heals. They don't even have other classes on that server. I logged in to check. Zero scoundrels online, zero shadows online, zero vanguards and zero sentinels as well.


I even asked people on fleet on pub side a good sentinel build was and I got a bunch of "???? what's a sentinel...is that the thing from x-men?" and another person replied, "Lmao noob, it's from Halo..."




Not really, but yeah I notice pubs stack fotm otherwise they'd never have hope in pvp. 4.x about 90% of pub teams had 2 tanks and 3 sage healers everytime...usually 4.


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That's not entirely true as of lately, to be honest. Difference is, Imps can play their fotm to some extent, whereas Reps are stupid to the point of not being able to tell Grav Round and Vortex Bolt apart.


Thats funny....I am able to kill fotm rerollers on imp side 1 v 1 as a plasmatech vg sometimes....just saying. :rak_03:

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In unranked level 70 on Mantle of the Force, I find that (Gunnery) Commando functions very, very well as a lightning rod, attracting entire teams of reds. 'Course they have their problems, too, since they all seem to think that bouncing around stops me shooting them.
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Nope, just really REALLY bad players. =P There are garbage people on both sides. Its just more glaring on rep since we have less people. :(


What time do you play at nowdays btw? Haven't seen you in a long time, though maybe that's 'cause you've renamed all your toons.

Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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What time do you play at nowdays btw? Haven't seen you in a long time, though maybe that's 'cause you've renamed all your toons.


I made all new toons. Youll see me on as Jade D. , or some variation of that name. I usually play either my gunslinger, healer scoundrel or tank vg.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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