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I re-subbed for the story


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There, I said it! I hope I don't get lots of hate. I've been a vet since the day 1 of beta, and at some point within the past 2 years I un-subbed because I felt there was nothing beyond the story. Since I never really got a chance to play Knights of the Eternal Throne, and double xp was here, I decided to re-sub to play through the story. All chapters had me HOOKED. Granted, I'm not at a point where I ask myself the following questions:


-Do I really want to play through the entire story again and deal with that "final fight" or just get my 8 "main" classes to level 70 and be done with it and focus on one character only. No way am I going to go through this with the 21 characters I have on one of the servers (and even more on another!)


-Where do I go after the story and what do I do? I enjoyed the story and the SOLO play (sorry folks) so I want more of that but is there anything beyond that or will I just be spending time upgrading my gear and decorating my stronghold?


-Is there ever going to be a continuation of individual class storylines again? You know, a DIFFERENT story for each class like what was done earlier on with Knight, Smuggler, etc. That is what made it fun for me. Not the same story across all classes with just different choices. Plus, I really miss running into people on more open worlds.


-Where did everyone go? I am in what was once one of the largest guilds on POT5 and they just vanished.... maybe I see one person pop on (on top of this, I am now the guild leader on another character of my first original guild :rolleyes: ) Seems to be the case across the server as well? I thought this was one of the most populated servers?


-Will I ever get a chance to complete the Flashpoints and Operations I never did just to know what they were about? Will I ever get all the datacrons? :cool:


Anyway, it's nice to be back but I'm uncertain if I'll stay at a monthly price after this double xp is over. Yes, the double xp helps and yes I know we get lots of xp already without it but it's nice to have this option and have it stack with the xp consumables I've had saved up!

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Whatever floats your boat I say. I recently re-subbed to play KotET myself. I enjoyed the story, a little irritated at the RNG aspect of GC though.


As far as class specific stories, sadly, I think that ship has sailed and it isn't happening.

Edited by RaiderMid
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As far as class specific stories, sadly, I think that ship has sailed and it isn't happening.


Yeah, that is what I was afraid of. It's ok I guess... just gotta enjoy what is given to us for now. Taking that big of a break makes me realize I have no reason to get bent out of shape over the stupid things in game.

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Same, i am enjoying the stories, coming back this has made me love this game all over again!


I only resubbed for one month. I figured this would be enough to get me through the double xp even for my 8 main classes and then focus on my top character for the remainder. If I had more money, I'd consider longer, but alas it is not the case. Unfortunately, I've only gotten 4 classes to 70 and only 1 throughout the entire story. :jawa_redface:

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I understand where you're at, OP. I'm a player that only does PvE solo in this game (love PvP and GSF, hate endgame group PvE) and I love the class stories up through Ziost.


But having done KotFEET on Knight and Warrior, I have zero desire to run the chapters again. Scratch that, I have less than zero desire to do it. I am simply not going to do it. It's just not compelling for repeat play.


This reached its apex in Iokath. The dev team clearly put a lot of work into Iokath. This is super unfortunate, since Iokath is about 45 minutes of disposable content with very little replay value, despite effort they put in to trying to make it so.


It turns out the one-path, on-rails story chapters just aren't compelling as repeatable endgame activities. It feels like they are very labor-intensive for the studios, too. I wish they would go back to making compelling planet-based expansions rather than on-rails chapters and trashclogged Makeb-like daily areas. I would gladly trade all of KotFEET for a single Rise of the Hutt Cartel sized full expansion (with several planets with mission arcs, ops, warzones, and so on). Yes, the cutscenes were nicely done and entertaining - once. I am glad they found a way to tell that story - once. For replay, no. It's just not there.


Conversely, running alts through their class stories is STILL AMAZING. It's kind of bittersweet because it reminds you of how good this game could be.

Edited by stoopicus
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Knights of the Feet? o_O Um...sure! Sure, let's go...save the galaxy from, uh...evil pedicurists... (Kidding. :p And, truthfully, I'd do the same. I love KOTFE/KOTET, but I'd much, MUCH rather have eight different class stories, even if they were much shorter and sparser. I want my knight and consular to be different than warrior and inquisitor - my trooper and smuggler are different from my bounty hunter and agent. None of this "one story fits all" thing.)


OP - as for the server you're on, Prophecy of the Five is...well, rather dead. Apparently most people migrated to more populated servers like Harbinger. Which then contributed (probably) to the server crashing several times because of a perfectly ridiculous amount of people on it. Either that, or the sheer toxicity of that community made the server hamster faceplant into its little wheel repeatedly.....

Server transfers, if you're interested, are only 90 CC. If you want to move to another server, I'd highly recommend Ebon Hawk. It's very friendly and welcoming (save for the few odd trolls on the Imperial fleet/Dromund Kaas, but then again, what server doesn't have those? :rolleyes:). It's also got a pretty healthy population.

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I understand where you're at, OP. I'm a player that only does PvE solo in this game (love PvP and GSF, hate endgame group PvE) and I love the class stories up through Ziost.


But having done KotFEET on Knight and Warrior, I have zero desire to run the chapters again. Scratch that, I have less than zero desire to do it. I am simply not going to do it. It's just not compelling for repeat play.


This reached its apex in Iokath. The dev team clearly put a lot of work into Iokath. This is super unfortunate, since Iokath is about 45 minutes of disposable content with very little replay value, despite effort they put in to trying to make it so.


It turns out the one-path, on-rails story chapters just aren't compelling as repeatable endgame activities. It feels like they are very labor-intensive for the studios, too. I wish they would go back to making compelling planet-based expansions rather than on-rails chapters and trashclogged Makeb-like daily areas. I would gladly trade all of KotFEET for a single Rise of the Hutt Cartel sized full expansion (with several planets with mission arcs, ops, warzones, and so on). Yes, the cutscenes were nicely done and entertaining - once. I am glad they found a way to tell that story - once. For replay, no. It's just not there.


Conversely, running alts through their class stories is STILL AMAZING. It's kind of bittersweet because it reminds you of how good this game could be.

I agree with all of this. SW is my favorite story so far (I haven't yet finished Consular, Trooper and Smuggler.) I took my SW main all the way through KOTFE/ET/Iokath, but haven't been able to finish it out with any other character. I found the gameplay tedious and boring and the story lazy and nonsensical... and don't even get me started on how many vanilla Companions got/are getting the shaft.


I now wait with bated breath for the day I can repeat vanilla Class stories on higher difficulty modes... I mean, who really wants to keep wrecking Baras in ten seconds with two three-button rotations on an alt with second hand gear? I loved everything up until the end of my Class story, then I only liked everything up until Ziost, as I lost a little Class identity and BW forgot my romanced Companion existed... then... I wondered exactly how far from left field BW was trying to come from to advance the main scenario with every Class assuming the role of the main character... who does nothing unless authorized by Theron and Lana.

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OP - as for the server you're on, Prophecy of the Five is...well, rather dead. Apparently most people migrated to more populated servers like Harbinger. Which then contributed (probably) to the server crashing several times because of a perfectly ridiculous amount of people on it. Either that, or the sheer toxicity of that community made the server hamster faceplant into its little wheel repeatedly.....

Server transfers, if you're interested, are only 90 CC. If you want to move to another server, I'd highly recommend Ebon Hawk. It's very friendly and welcoming (save for the few odd trolls on the Imperial fleet/Dromund Kaas, but then again, what server doesn't have those? :rolleyes:). It's also got a pretty healthy population.


Funny enough, I was wrong about the server I am on. I'm actually on Shadowlands and POT5 has my OTHER 25 characters I never touched since that server was almost all abandoned by my original guild when we moved over.

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Funny enough, I was wrong about the server I am on. I'm actually on Shadowlands and POT5 has my OTHER 25 characters I never touched since that server was almost all abandoned by my original guild when we moved over.


I love Shadowlands! We are still alive and kicking! I do hear TEH is also a good server with good people. I hear a little less than stellar things about Harby, lol, but then again it does make sense (more people = more crazy people to run into, and larger loads on the server, leading to downtime). But there are good people on Harby, too. So you can stay with us, join another guild (ours is open for ya), or move to another server to start a brand new adventure.

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