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Qui-Gon Jinn - Was he right?


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Well, even in the EU there are no Sith Lords after Sidious. All Sith Lords are self proclaimed as such. Before Sidious each Sith Lord came from a certain lineage or were proclaimed as such by ancient Sith Spirits. The Sith spirits have rejected every Dark Lord since then including Darth Krayt and if they weren't rejected they proclaimed themselves as Lords of the Sith.


So technically.. there hasn't been any true Sith Lords for a long time. The closest there are to real Sith is the lost tribe.


Well xoxaan(can't spell her name) trained krayt in the ways of the sith and she is one of the first sith lords who founded the sith religion. Lets not forget as darth bane said in the books the spirits of the old sith only appear to those who they deem worthy. So don't you think this means that Krayt has a better to claim to be a sith than darth bane? Cause when bane tried to visit the ghosts none of em popped up none of them called to him when he went to their tombs. So does this mean bane is the pretender? Does this not make krayt a true sith? I mean he was approved by one of the founders of the sith religion.


Even If i don't really like krayts order all that much In my opinion krayt has a better claim to the rank sith lord than darth bane imo.

Edited by lokdron
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The impression I got was that the Sith created an imbalance, and by killing Darth Sideous/The Emperor/Palpatine/Anyone else feel like this guy has too many names?, Anakin restored balence to the Force. Luke helped his father redeem himself. He did NOT actually defeat the Sith. There's a clear difference. But, as I said in the begginning, this is my impression, NOT actual fact. My advice would be to go to a Star Wars convention and ask Lucas himself. Granted, not everyone can afford it, but you could ask someone who can go to give your question for you. And this is getting rather convoluted. Anyway, I've shared my two cents. Peace! Edited by JamesPicard
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Well xoxaan(can't spell her name) trained krayt in the ways of the sith and she is one of the first sith lords who founded the sith religion. Lets not forget as darth bane said in the books the spirits of the old sith only appear to those who they deem worthy. So don't you think this means that Krayt has a better to claim to be a sith than darth bane? Cause when bane tried to visit the ghosts none of em popped up none of them called to him when he went to their tombs. So does this mean bane is the pretender? Does this not make krayt a true sith? I mean he was approved by one of the founders of the sith religion.


Even If i don't really like krayts order all that much In my opinion krayt has a better claim to the rank sith lord than darth bane imo.


Good point. However, he was the only true Sith at the time then. So after his death.. no more true Sith. No more Sith Lords. I guess I'm going back on my original statement to there not being another Sith Lord after Sidious death until the emergence of Darth Krayt, which was short lived, and once again a Skywalker coming down from Anakin's lineage destroyed him and once again removing Sith from the galaxy. I guess after Anakin's sacrifice from then on it's been practically impossible for the Sith to make a true return. Any emergence or near emergence is met with another destruction of the order soon after.

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Hello folks a buddy of mine and I have been debating weather or not Qui-Gon Jinn was correct in believing Anakin Skywalker (AKA Darth Vader) was the one foretold in the prophecy to bring balance to the force, Or was it his son Luke Skywalker?


Both Sides have very valid points, in one hand it was Anakin for returning to the light side of the force and destroying the last sith before he himself expired.


Or Luke being used as an instrument of the force, his actions being the result his father returned to the light.


I really wanted to see what the community has to say on this. And go


First, I will deal with a couple of misconceptions. According to the way the actual setting functions, balance in the Force is not measured by the number of Sith and Jedi, or the number of lightsiders vs. darksiders. Don't know where that myth came from, but I really wish it would crawl back into it's hole and die. Also, it was not the light side that had grown strong, it was the dark side. The Force was thrown so far out of balance, in favor of the dark side, due to the actions of the Sith and all of the evil that they caused. Note that due to the spread of the dark side, the Jedi's ability to use the Force had diminished significantly from Episode 1 to Episode 2, Mace Windu even comments on this in the movies.


That out of the way, there were actually two prophecies. One was The Chosen One prophecy, the other was The Prophecy of the Savior. According to George Lucas, as stated in the RotS DVD Commentary, Anakin was the prophesied chosen one who brought balance to the Force, by destroying the Sith, after he reclaimed his former Jedi self, which Luke released through love in RotJ. Luke, is the one spoken of in the prophecy of the savior, being refered to as, "The Son of Suns," a reference to the twin suns of Tatooine.

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Well, given that Anakin chucked the Emperor down an energy shaft, he ended the 2nd to last Sith in existence. And by "ensuring" he was mortally wounded with no apprentices, he did in fact end the Sith line forever.


Or at least give Light and Dark a fighting chance by resetting things from near-total Sith domination, depending on how much Expanded Universe you enjoy.


Technically, if you ask Lucas, the EU content exists and is perfectly valid, but is part of a split alternate timeline. In timeline 1, nothing happens after RotJ. In timeline 2, the alternate dimension, all EU content is valid, regulated by the canon system.

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In Lucas's canon yes he was right. He kills the last of the Sith and u get the happily ever after.


In the extended universe no Anakin didn't banish the Sith and didn't bring balance to the force.


Actually, even in the Eu content, he did destroy the Sith and bring balance to the Force. The Sith just re-emerged, but the Force was never re-unbalanced, even in EU content.

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Potential Spoiler alert.



The most recent book Darth Plagueis explained how Anakin was to be the balance. Plagueis (Sidious master) experimented with creating life with the force. During the height of his work Anakin was born on another planet. He came about as a counter balance to what the Sith were doing. The way the Jedi managed him, his shortcomings and Sidious influence led to his downfall. Plagueis himself talked about moving with the currents of the Force and the backlash that could result from not doing so. He seemed to regard Anakins birth as a reaction from the force.


You get it. In fact, this story is re-told really, in the Mortis arc of TCW. The Father (The Unifying Force) sends a weapon (The Chosen One) to stop the Son (the dark side) which has grown unbalanced, the Son obtains the weapon and kill the Daughter (the light side) and then, well, you know the rest.

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