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When is the next chapter scheduled to be released?


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No more chapters.

Let us use mounts in Chapters and speed up the AT-ST Walkers we when play as them.

Nerf/Slim-Down/Dumb-Down existing Chapters, particularly Eternal Throne's Chapter 6 and perhaps Chapter 8.

Either put Alliance Crate vendors on the fleet or allow those who haven't started Chapters to access them on Odessen.



Lastly the Companion Re-locator Terminal should be placed on our ship or on the fleet or both, clearly marked, with mouseover and hoverovers.


As it stands now the terminal is in small hard to get room inside Odessen's war room, with no highlight, hover tip or mouseover.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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Really? because this ******** strike business is the main excuse I've been hearing for why BW hasn't got their finger out and brought back most of the companions people actually care about.


As far as I'm aware, BioWare hasn't said a word on the strike (correct me if I'm wrong, please! :) If they've said anything about it, I totally missed it). People speculated about why companions haven't been brought back, the strike was brought up, and it's been tossed about as a theory ever since.

Edited by Jagaimee
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As far as I'm aware, BioWare hasn't said a word on the strike (correct me if I'm wrong, please! :) If they've said anything about it, I totally missed it). People speculated about why companions haven't been brought back, the strike was brought up, and it's been tossed about as a theory ever since.


Didn't say BW personally announced it as the reason I said it was the reason I've been hearing everywhere.

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Nope Bioware hasn't even mentioned the strike concerning this game that I have seen. There are lots of reasons we may not have them back. 1) Perhaps they had planned them into chapters all the way through KotET but with all the whining about KofFE they changed gears and we lost out because of it. 2) .....no I got nothing else , I really believe that is what happened. We will now probably have to wait longer while they try and find new ways to bring them back.:rolleyes:
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i've also been wondering when the next chapter is coming and BW have been quiet recently. the roadmap is upon us now, any day over the next week we will find out what they have planned. i would assume the next stage of the gods of the machine will be out within the next month or so because there are half a dozen old world gods of zakuul, so it would make sense if all of them or most of them are in this operations.
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As far as I'm aware, BioWare hasn't said a word on the strike (correct me if I'm wrong, please! :) If they've said anything about it, I totally missed it). People speculated about why companions haven't been brought back, the strike was brought up, and it's been tossed about as a theory ever since.

I've heard from multiple people that the strike doesn't affect SWTOR. Given that Jennifer Hale is a major voice for the strike and voices the trooper and Satele, I'd say this is likely correct.

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