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Worst bug in the entire time!


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I refuse to believe that this is anything but a bug, as Star Wars has always delivered amazing soundtracks. But for whatever reason, someone got his 6 years old kid to play this on the home keyboard and it is.... terrible. My ears are burning!


I talk about the Battle of Rishi final boss battle soundtrack. Seriously, just listen. It's all sounding so synthetic and 80's style. This abomination needs to go!

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You actually listen to the games music?

I turn it off and play something from my library.


Some of this game's music is actually very beautiful or sounds good (Alderaan, Dromund Kaas, Korriban and more). But where I don't like it, I REALLY don't like it. So unless I'm going to any of those planets I just turn the music off and play something in the library.

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Some of this game's music is actually very beautiful or sounds good (Alderaan, Dromund Kaas, Korriban and more). But where I don't like it, I REALLY don't like it. So unless I'm going to any of those planets I just turn the music off and play something in the library.


You know some people think that listen to music in game is a big shame. Listening own music is soo cool during playing... and post about that even more :cool:


About the thread I dont like this revan theme, but it's not so bad...

Edited by tummiswtor
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Some of the music in this game is absolutely amazing like on Balmorra and I especially love the haunting ambient tracks like Alderran, Hoth, etc. (Site Note: I have the CE with the SWTOR official soundtrack and was disappointed the ambient tracks weren't on it.) On the other hand, some of the music is downright distracting and I think this might be because the timing in which the game plays the music doesn't make sense, which I think is probably just a technical thing.


For example, I could be in a battle with the game playing one of John Williams' classic Star Wars movie soundtrack songs, but when I exit combat and the song just keeps going. With as "busy" as those songs are, they often times distract me from my task at hand if I'm not in a battle or some other appropriate situation. To solve this issue, I just turn the music off and listen to old reruns of Judge Judy while I play.

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...I must be the only person in existence to actually like that music... o.O

If I had to hear it all the time, I'd hate it. But it's only for that one boss fight, and I think it's fun to listen to for the few moments that it plays.


Most of the time I listen to the game's music. But places like Hoth or Belsavis - when I'm just footling about (especially on Hoth), I turn it off and listen to something from YouTube. Amazing how Vode An makes trudging across endless lumps of snow seem epic.

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I like Revan's theme each time it pops up. The only bad thing about it is its repetitiveness if you listen to the whole song.


But my favorite track while playing the game is when "Anakin vs. Obi-Wan (Battle of The Heroes)" starts playing during an epic encounter. I can listen to that song all day long. Similarly I can listen to "Duel of the Fates" all day long during Epic encounters.

Edited by nootsie
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Aren't you deaf?


Partially. Have problems with background noise.




Nice catch there! I remember seeing that too, in regards to that player's arbitration issues with EAWare.


Which I have stated multiple times. Phones are a problem, especially overseas calls.


edit: usually if one says you're "Partially deaf", you wind up either having to explain or folks get in your face and scream at you trying to get you to hear them.


reedit: And since you're nitpicking I will also say that I often load up something to watch while playing the game. Never said I had to load the Closed Captioning which I do. Again it usually requires explanation.

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