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An Idea for New Pilots!

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'Morning Gents,


Aside from a few balance issues, the biggest knock against GSF seems to be the steep learning curve for new pilots, which seriously discourages them from playing and queuing regularly after the introductory mission. The next patch should help with gearing them more appropriately than it is now, but still...


The super good pilots on Begeren have one thing in common that gives them a really big advantage in both TDM and domination: they know the maps, know where all the boosts are, and most importantly are experts at using the various obstacles to either get away from sticky situations or get the jump on opposing pilots.


Let's face it: the tutorial level is pretty weak. So what if the Bioware Gods opened up the GSF maps for exploration as part of the tutorial? No rewards or anything, but I think having the ability to just fly around Denon or Kuat learning the environment without being shot at would definitely help them. And for us regular pilots? It would be so much fun to just fly around, explore and practice while waiting for a pop.


What do you all think?

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'Morning Gents,


Aside from a few balance issues, the biggest knock against GSF seems to be the steep learning curve for new pilots, which seriously discourages them from playing and queuing regularly after the introductory mission. The next patch should help with gearing them more appropriately than it is now, but still...


The super good pilots on Begeren have one thing in common that gives them a really big advantage in both TDM and domination: they know the maps, know where all the boosts are, and most importantly are experts at using the various obstacles to either get away from sticky situations or get the jump on opposing pilots.


Let's face it: the tutorial level is pretty weak. So what if the Bioware Gods opened up the GSF maps for exploration as part of the tutorial? No rewards or anything, but I think having the ability to just fly around Denon or Kuat learning the environment without being shot at would definitely help them. And for us regular pilots? It would be so much fun to just fly around, explore and practice while waiting for a pop.


What do you all think?


I think it's a wonderful idea! I still tool around in the one practice area we get in between matches. Sometimes, free flight really hits the spot - just zooming around for 15 minutes, practicing the art of flight.


Do the kids still say /signed?

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'Morning Gents,


Aside from a few balance issues, the biggest knock against GSF seems to be the steep learning curve for new pilots, which seriously discourages them from playing and queuing regularly after the introductory mission. The next patch should help with gearing them more appropriately than it is now, but still...


The super good pilots on Begeren have one thing in common that gives them a really big advantage in both TDM and domination: they know the maps, know where all the boosts are, and most importantly are experts at using the various obstacles to either get away from sticky situations or get the jump on opposing pilots.


Let's face it: the tutorial level is pretty weak. So what if the Bioware Gods opened up the GSF maps for exploration as part of the tutorial? No rewards or anything, but I think having the ability to just fly around Denon or Kuat learning the environment without being shot at would definitely help them. And for us regular pilots? It would be so much fun to just fly around, explore and practice while waiting for a pop.


What do you all think?


I think its a good idea, but to help them out even more. Have AI fighters in those maps that they can kill and will shoot at them, but they will take no damage from being hit. This will let them fly around the maps, and practice dogfighting and using the map to escape incoming fire.

Edited by Neflarion
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This is basically PvE mode for GSF. But I do agree that it would be good for new pilots if they could practice against GSF bots before heading into PvP against veterans.


In my mind, GSF PvE mode would be very similar to the Skyhook space battle in the N64/PC game "Shadows of the Empire." In fact, the AI mechanics could be identical, and so long as AI ships continue respawning from a variety of points, the flight AI doesn't have to be terribly complex or even mimic any skilled human pilot (i.e. crashes/self-destructs are okay for AI ships), there would be plenty of target practice (while evading AI fire) for new pilots.

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I think one thing pretty much everyone would agree on is that GSF really needs a better tutorial or training mission of some sort. Even just adding in the ability to try out different ships and components/builds in the existing tutorial level would be a big improvement for helping new players, and would probably be the easiest option for the devs to implement out of the many ideas that have bees suggested by the community over the years.
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If it doesn't sound Irish, Space combat might even be on their roadmap.


- But similar things have been suggested before. - And the devs have done nothing.


The tutorial is fine for just learning the flight controls, steering around objects and such. There are static drones to shoot - although nothing moving to try to keep up with or dodge away from.


Once you can cover the map and fly around solid objects, the shooting straight and obtaining locks should develop over time.


It's called learning the ropes. - And your first few sessions are paying your dues. - But there are numerous threads here on the forum and many streams and videos out there that people can watch to learn some of the basics. -The studio is ignoring GSF, but the community is doing its best to attract and retain newcomers.


FWIW: /signed.

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