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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Class balance feedback


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I cant take this serious because you left out the most underpowered spec in the game.


Plasmatech / Pyro

I think we just got so used to ignoring this spec that we forgot to mention it. :(


Pyro has potential to be an extremely fun spec, if only it didn't have such poor damage output and die instantly.

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Overall, healing is too strong. AOE and dot damage are too weak due to weak output and strong healing. You are relying on single target burst to burn nearly unkillable targets. I have been in games putting 5K dps and not managing but 3-4 kills. Most trinity arenas end-up in acid. Games with no/weak healers significantly favor snipers and merc, which are ranged dps as well. TTK is at a snail pace. This is surely the worst class balance since 1.0 era. At least back then the game was new. Now, its just BW/EA refusing to support the game.


As a PvP healer, I should be able to keep my subject alive against your attacks. It's not like I can do much DPS or even have time to DPS.


The problem I see in PvP is that opposing players like to take each other on 1v1 when one of them has a healer keeping them up. You shouldn't be able to easily kill that opponent if I'm here helping them stay alive. If the opposing team isn't coordinating their attacks, don't blame that on healing.


I figure I can survive 1v1 (me v. attacker) about 70% of the time. I can't kill my opponent, but I can at least run for reinforcements. 2v1 that drops to a 50/50, but 3v1 forget it. I'm dead.


If I can't function as a capable healer in PvP then why should I PvP? It's the role I want to play to help my team win. There's no reason why I shouldn't be good at doing it.

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As a PvP healer, I should be able to keep my subject alive against your attacks. It's not like I can do much DPS or even have time to DPS.


The problem I see in PvP is that opposing players like to take each other on 1v1 when one of them has a healer keeping them up. You shouldn't be able to easily kill that opponent if I'm here helping them stay alive. If the opposing team isn't coordinating their attacks, don't blame that on healing.


I figure I can survive 1v1 (me v. attacker) about 70% of the time. I can't kill my opponent, but I can at least run for reinforcements. 2v1 that drops to a 50/50, but 3v1 forget it. I'm dead.


If I can't function as a capable healer in PvP then why should I PvP? It's the role I want to play to help my team win. There's no reason why I shouldn't be good at doing it.


The problem isn't that healers are able to keep someone alive who is being attacked. The problem isn't if someone is attacking a healer and cannot bring them down.


THE PROBLEM IS two people attacking a healer consistantly unable to bring it down. Pay attention, you clearly didn't read any of the previous posts in the thread mentioning healers and their overwhelming abilities.


You can function perfectly as a healer in pvp, being able to keep yourself alive in 1v1 or a teamate alive currently engaged.


What you SHOULD NOT be able to do, is keep yourself or teammates alive if engaged by superior numbers. Do you play ranked or arenas? It takes waaay too long for even 3 players to bring down 1 healer and the team in arenas or warzones without a healer is pretty much destined to lose or have a terrible experience.


You should absolutely play a role that contributes to your team winning, however you just because of your spec should not be the determining factor in your team wins 99% of the time. How is that possibly fair towards everyone else who isn't a healer in PvP?

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When people ask for a class to be nerfed, Bioware comes and destroys that class. Look at what they did to hatred sins.

So instead of touching arsenal mercs or engineer snipers, I think they should work in getting the other classes right instead.

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^^ Yeah, no matchmaking is the biggest problem with healers/tanks. If I'm playing e.g. Novare Coast and we have two dps at the east node, and suddenly along comes a Sorc healer with an Immortal Jugg (in dps gear) buddy, that creates a 2v2 scenario. Should be fair, right? Nope. Assuming that the Jugg knows he has a guard button and the Sorc knows that he has some heal buttons, what chance do the two dps have? Zero.


Well then call for help, right? Ok, so my team has to completely outnumber and overwhelm the guard / healer tandem in order to win. Meanwhile, since we had to shift our forces east, that leaves the other node vulnerable to attack from a superior number of foes. Winning by composition. It's part of what makes premades so desirable. You don't actually have to be better players in order to win, you just need the better (trinity) composition.

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How do you balance PVE, Ranked PVP and Objective PVP?


Ranked arenas are not the same at all as OPG. NiM is not the same at all as Voidstar. How do you balance Huttball with Denova?


by having seperate bolsters for pve, pvp and raids. bioware needs to stick to their classes and their strengths and weaknesses and balance them accordingly and then adjust with seperate bolsters, so proper balances can be made. all classes and advanced classes should be equal and competitive, no one can spam cooldowns forever, no one should be able to heal themselves while having 6 players shooting at them and surviving it. everyone can and will die just as easily as the next. i rarely play pvp because it's inherently unbalanced and every new change makes things not much more different. before it was snipers with a healer that was overpowered, now it's mercenaries and maras and their equivient classes on the republic side.


i would also like to point that that anyone overgeared past the baseline for pvp bolster should be brought down and the gear rating made irrelivant. this way everyone is at a base dps, heal and tank state and it's not a variable maze of which is best in pvp any more. controllong the bolster correctly could be the key than nerfs and buffs to each class.


for raids it's the same, bring a little challenge to the fights, by bringing the bolster baseline down a little so it's a little more harder and gives an appreciation for what it's like heading towards HM so the learning curve isn't so steep. for general pve, the passive bolster on planets should be adjusted according to level within instances. fighting a level 12 baras with a level 70 sw is not even a fight. Baras should be the challenge he was meant to be as your former master, he needs to be a challenge and a threat where you need to use your cooldowns and defensive options. same for all the others on any planet you go to with an instance, same with trashmobs in those instances.


a lot can be made of these seperate bolsters if they are carefully configured right.

Edited by Celise
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1) Warzone matching making to limit healers and tanks in each game, even if this lengthens queues. Some type of UI warning that too many of X are queuing would be fine. (note: probably shouldn't apply to lowbies, since there aren't as many people in the pool).

2) Remove Guard from dps.

3) Nerf Guard slightly, probably to 30% or so.

4) If you can't temper back the survival abilities of each class, damage simply needs to be increased across the board. Getting blown up in 1 sec might not be fun, but warzones with 0 deaths and infinite fights on the doors in Voidstar are the worst possible outcome. Focused DPS need to die quickly without defensive cooldowns up and still be killable with them active. One healer shouldn't get killed by one dps, but they should have to spend 80%+ of their time staying alive when focused. This is where the problem with Guard comes in - you either have to balance the game assuming everyone has it or no one does because it is too powerful. Two DPS should still be able to kill a healer through guard over a reasonable period of time, assuming no peels.


Basically, lowbie warzones are better than max level ones because people actually die

Edited by Amera
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I think we just got so used to ignoring this spec that we forgot to mention it. :(


Pyro has potential to be an extremely fun spec, if only it didn't have such poor damage output and die instantly.


Seems like everyone ignores Plasmatech / Pyro woes now. Even with mostly 240/242s my vg cant do smurf all as PT, and die super quick, but as Tactics I can blow people up quickly, and and survive a bit longer. .. .. .. .:(


Plasmatech was my favorite spec for the longest, and then.....boom, smurfed.

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When people ask for a class to be nerfed, Bioware comes and destroys that class. Look at what they did to hatred sins.

So instead of touching arsenal mercs or engineer snipers, I think they should work in getting the other classes right instead.


Unfortunately there is a ceiling on what they can do for PvP in a tab target game... CC, Damage, Heal... They can balance these things and that is it.


If dodging and staying on the move made a difference then mobility would play a greater factor but with tab target mobility is limited in its effect. You can LoS or run out of range but not make yourself hard to hit by dodging or moving. So the recent mobility race is reaching its max potential...


At this point I would rather not increase the amount of CC in the game... So you are left with two options. Increase damage for certain classes to bring them up to par or give them some form of mitigation/healing to keep them alive longer...So they can potentially outlast their opponents...


As crazy as it sounds I miss the faster TTK... Fights should be about quick smart decisions and if you mess up you hit the cloner... I say increase damage on struggling classes especially melee and make them a burst threat. This will make PvP interesting again.


Attrition battles are awful and the game can only support a certain amount of strategy because of the tab target system...Which will never go away.

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