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Increase in UC's


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Keith, are you guys ever gona bring UC's back to the way WZ comms were pre KOTFE?? I mean, lows and mids is essentially killed on my server. It just does not pop because there is ZERO incentive to pvp. I play 5 nites a week for 2-3 hrs and literally have 1 out of 6 toons in at least 240-242's. I really don't want to drop out of school and quit my job just so I can gear alts. Throw us a bone here. Its not like we are going to UNSUB if we can finally gear out all our alts for pvp. If anything that would encourage me to buy more junk of the CM market to support the game aside from the bare minimum sub fee you guys deduct from my bank account every month. Edited by PoshTS
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