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New Playable Races


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  • Must speak Basic. (No Wookiees.)
  • Must be human-sized and proportioned. (No Wookiees, Jawas, Voss, Gormaks, Ithorians, Rodians, Whatever-it-is-that-Yoda-ises, etc.)
  • Must have a human-like face for factial expressions and romance purposes. (No Rodians, Ithorians, Niktos, Weequays, etc. Probably no Devaronians and Nautolans.)

Chagrians could work, though.

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Why probably no Devaronians and Nautolans. Is it or is not?

We are talking important things here probably does not work.

Is / Is not? No idea. But their faces, while kind of close to human in appearance, *AREN'T* human in appearance. Cathar aren't quite human in appearance, but much closer than either Nautolans or Devaronians. My best guess (note: speculative) is that they are too far to be allowed.

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I don't understand why speaking basic is such a big deal! They have subtitles for all NPC we interact with so why not for species that do not speak basic?


Listen to some of the non basic speaking NPCs...specifically those who use Huttese. They use the exact same "words" to mean different things...according to the subtitles anyway. Front and center: "Jakuntu Vackeysay" /shudder.


In addition, try listening to a foreign language you do not understand for any length of time. How long do you think it will take before you get annoyed?


thirdly, there are a LOT of people out there who HATE reading subtitles.


Lastly, and this is from a technical standpoint, cutscenes have lips mapped to English/Basic.


All that said, back on topic...

If they hold to their previous schedule we will see a new species this summer. They released Cathar two years into the game. They released Togruta two years after that. We are rapidly approaching the next two year mark.

Edited by psandak
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I think a fun race to play would be Nautolans. Another race I think would be enjoyable to play could be Dathomirian (From Dathomir - Nightsister homeworld also the origin place of Darth Maul and Savage Opress. It could be a Sith exclusive class, as there are Dathomirian Witches along with the Dathomirian Warriors. One more race that I think could be fun would be the Devaronians (Dual-horned people that look freaking awesome). Edited by xAidanloox
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