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Jedi stories/voice acting feels vanilla - is it me?


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Are the Jedi Knight and Counselor more straightforward than other stories? Or should I stick with them for twists and good characters?


I've finished the stories for Inquisitor and Sith Warrior and loved both stories. The British voice acting was great, the dialogue had a mix of humor and sithy powerful awesomeness, and the stories had interesting villains and companions. It felt like playing a good movie.


I've taken the Counselor to the end of Chapter 1 and the Jedi Knight only to level 25 or so and they just don't feel the same. I love Kari Wahlgren as a voice actress but as the female Jedi Knight she sounds like a teenager to me. Athena Karkanis has more depth as the female Counselor but still feels a little flat. In cut scenes they just don't feel as dynamic or compelling as the Empire side. It feels like only the pure good choices even make sense so the story is kind of predictable. A Dark side choice is usually 'pay me' which make no sense.


I dunno. Maybe I am overthinking. Maybe the stories get better. Maybe the Jedi Knight story is just not for me and I should focus on other classes.


In short - what do you all think of the Jedi Knight story?

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The Jedi Knight story is straight-up heroic fantasy - you go save the galaxy. It does take a few unconventional twists to get there (namely, the end of Act II), but for the most part it's pretty straightforward.


As for voice acting... honestly, the male Knight is, in my opinion, much better than the female Knight. Yeah, female Knight sounds like a cheerleader. o_e Male Knight, on the other hand, does a much better job at sounding mature when you want him to (light-side), or threatening and ominous (dark-side). And sarcastic. He does a good job with the sarcastic/snarky lines, too. :p


Unfortunately, the female Consular continues to sound extremely flat all the way throughout the vanilla story. I've heard she gets better later on in other expansions, though. The male Consular manages to keep a perpetually-amused/curious/diplomatic tone in his voice as long as you pick the inquisitive or intelligent conversation options. Pure light-side makes both male and female Consulars sound like airheads. Dark-side is...petulant, and female Consular's still extremely flat. Male Consular does a bit better.

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Thank you. Maybe I'll use my level 60 boost on a Counselor and see how it in in KotFE.


I'd caution you against jumping into KOTFE/KOTET if you haven't played the Jedi Knight's story, Shadow of Revan, and Ziost (the interlude between Shadow of Revan and KOTFE). Those explain the set-up and backstory for KOTFE - jumping straight ahead locks you out of class story and Shadow of Revan/Ziost... it's also very confusing. "Wait, who are they talking about here? What happened on Ziost that's so important? Who's this guy now?" etc.

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If you loved the Warrior and Inq story, I'd suggest doing Agent next. I understand the desire to try the other force users, but the jedi stories both started and stayed bland for me, and their voice acting is my least favorite in the entire game, especially the males. The Jedi Knight story is very central to the entire game's plot, though, so it might be worth a try just for that.


I feel the agent story gives so much freedom of interpretation and character expression. It's the most complex. It's just a shame you have to use a gun instead of a lightsaber :D The companions are quite interesting, too, especially Vector.

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Good call - my Sith Juggernaut is level 70 due to boosts but story wise I am in the middle of Revan. I skipped Hutt Cartel because I just want the main story. Next is Ziost, some flashpoints in story mode, and then KoTFE.


It just feels wasteful to play a character at 70 when we have double XP. So I thought I'd try and alt for the next 10 days. And the Jedi is just not working for me.


Thanks for the advice though - I'll save my boosts until I see all the story on someone.

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It might be that 90% of the video games we play, we play the 'hero', or the Good Guy. So the Jedi story is more common. Having the ability to play the other side, or to play 'Grey'...those stories might be more intriguing. The female JC is my main, tho I have played the others up to Illum. I play her mostly light side, making decisions that I would, if it were me.


I feel the Jedi's story is much stronger during KOTFE/KOTET. The Jedi seems to be the natural foil to Valkorion, and the JC seems to be the one most experienced and qualified to govern the Alliance after KOTET. The JC is a diplomat after all.


The Sith had their moments, particularly playing light sided, and seeking to change the Empire from within, however after Corellia, the Sith story on Illum feels generic, like all their efforts to change the Empire had no effect. The LS Sith would likely agree with Malgus and his new Empire and not oppose him.


It seems being am LS Sith rebelling/changing the Empire is better written than a Jedi going Dark.


As far as voice acting, I didn't find Athena's voice to be bothersome. Athena's voice seems to fit the face and bodytype for my JC quite well. I felt she portrayed who the canonical JC is supposed to be. Diplomatic, confident yet humble.


I think body shape/face and species might play a part too. For instance I had particular Chiss female body type and face that seemed to fit very well as a BH, but when I tried that same body/face/species as a Smuggler, it didn't seem to fit as well.


I do agree with the above posters, all of the storylines have highs and lows. Consider the non force users too.



Edited by AndorianTJ
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Knight story is essentially KOTOR 3 mixed with every Jedi hero trope possible. However, it gets better in Act 2/3 after the awful, boring and pointless Act 1 so I would say stick with it, even if only for 1 companion that joins later and is considered one of the very most interesting companions in the game.


Consular... ehhh. There are some twists there after Act 1 but let's just say it's widely considered to be the weakest class story.

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I think the voiceacting is a matter of taste. It depends on how well the acting lines up with how you envisage your character. For instance, I imagine my female consular as being very calm and serene, so the "flat" voiceacting is actually perfect for her. But I can see how some people wouldn't like it.
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I have actually made two lady consulars as I enjoyed the story. I did a sentinel on the knight and for me not really what I was looking for. I tend to like the consular story due to the fact that she is more diplomatic than in your face, so to speak. That one actually enjoyed more.


It really depends on the type of story you are looking for. I knew going in that the consular story was going to be more diplomatic than say a jedi knight since I took the time to research what a consular was supposed to be.


The voice doesn't sound flat to me just more calm which is something a diplomatic would need to be. You should always be calm if you are going to try to negotiate and that is what she sounds like to me.

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I've completed Chapter Three of five classes with female characters so far. The voice acting for the Consular was the one I liked the least. I thought it was uninspired. I kept picturing someone at Bioware dragging a person at random off the street, shoving a script in their face and saying, "Read these lines into the microphone."


I actually liked the Consular story better than the Jedi Knight story. But I don't think I could ever play a Consular a second time because the affectless voice acting puts me off the class.

Edited by PseronWyrd
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I've completed Chapter Three of five classes with female characters so far. The voice acting for the Consular was the one I liked the least. I thought it was uninspired. I kept picturing someone at Bioware dragging a person at random off the street, shoving a script in their face and saying, "Read these lines into the microphone."


I actually liked the Consular story better than the Jedi Knight story. But I don't think I could ever play a Consular a second time because the affectless voice acting puts me off the class.


I agree, the Consular's story is better than the Knight's. Not by much, though.


IMO, she gets better in the expansions ('cept for SoR. What happened there?). Unlike female Knight (and female Smuggler) she's got a lot more gravitas and charisma. She feels like an actual leader. Can't comment on the Trooper (haven't gotten that class past Makeb).

Edited by Riftgrinder
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I like the Female Jedi Knight's voice. As for the male Jedis of both classes...they're dull in my opinion and female consular sounds like she's zoned out on valium any time she opens her mouth.


The Jedi Knight story is excellent, but for my tastes, Consular is Snoozeville.

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