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I just noticed something weird about Malavai

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Never noticed this on other playthroughs but I wonder why in the blue hell some random voice actor takes over for him for no apparent reason just before confronting Jaesa when she first contacts you on your ship and Malavai gives his opinion on it? His voice actor in that scene is TOTALLY different. Malavai's voice is extremely distinctive don't know how I never noticed this before now xD
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It is very odd. I couldn't figure out if it was definitely another actor entirely or if his VA was just trying something out with his voice early on and it was left in-game for some reason?


I mean, either way, it's weird. xD

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It is very odd. I couldn't figure out if it was definitely another actor entirely or if his VA was just trying something out with his voice early on and it was left in-game for some reason?


I mean, either way, it's weird. xD


Totally right? I don't think it was even the same guy in a different style the voice is just so completely different.

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It is very odd. I couldn't figure out if it was definitely another actor entirely or if his VA was just trying something out with his voice early on and it was left in-game for some reason?


I mean, either way, it's weird. xD


Everytime i hear VA, to people that have been around the Military like me VA= Veterans Administration:(

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You know there is a Voice Actors strike on right?

We are lucky to get any VO in this current state of the industry.


Deal with the new voice and move on because if the players cannot accept a relatively "small" change like Quinn then how can the studio make the "big" changes like Jennifer Hale.


We accept this or we will likely see no more voice.

Edited by QuinlanSaathis
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You know there is a Voice Actors strike on right?

We are lucky to get any VO in this currently state of the industry.


Deal with the new voice and move on because if the players cannot accept a relatively "small" change like Quinn then how can the studio make the "big" changes like Jennifer Hale.


We accept this or we will likely see no more voice.


...this was back in vanilla. The dialogue was recorded in 2011 or previously. There was no strike back then. No one's complaining; just a tad confused about the odd change in voice for all of thirty seconds. We are, indeed, "accepting it."


Read the full post, please, before you start jumping in and making assumptions.

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...this was back in vanilla. The dialogue was recorded in 2011 or previously. There was no strike back then. No one's complaining; just a tad confused about the odd change in voice for all of thirty seconds. We are, indeed, "accepting it."


Read the full post, please, before you start jumping in and making assumptions.


Point taken, I misread the post initially.


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Totally right? I don't think it was even the same guy in a different style the voice is just so completely different.


Yes, I believe some of us discussed this on our Malavai Quinn love/fan thread. It sounds to us like it's Joe Gatt, who plays Scourge, filling in for Richard Teverson. Don't know why, it is weird, all I can think of was that maybe Teverson was ill or couldn't be present for that line, it could have been a change or addition that came after the other lines had been done.


I hope they never do that again, Richard Teverson is Malavai Quinn.

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The voice sounded Australian to me, but then again, I'm not very good at identifying accents. I watched 5 episodes of a tv show on netflix before I noticed they were Australian >.<


I always think Jaesa's voice sounds a bit strange the first time you hear her in the story, when you get the recorded message from her.

I hope they never do that again, Richard Teverson is Malavai Quinn.



Edited by grania
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I just noticed something weird about Malavai


Only just now? Wow. I couldn't help noticing something weird about Malavai from day one since EVERYTHING about that guy IS weird.


I'm not jealous by the way. Vette loves me.

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Point taken, I misread the post initially.



Wow. You came, you saw, you talked down to me, then you actually realised YOU were in the wrong and actually apologised? Is this really the internet? Or am I in some kind of simulation? Cos thats usually a 3 page argument starter xDD

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Yes, I believe some of us discussed this on our Malavai Quinn love/fan thread. It sounds to us like it's Joe Gatt, who plays Scourge, filling in for Richard Teverson. Don't know why, it is weird, all I can think of was that maybe Teverson was ill or couldn't be present for that line, it could have been a change or addition that came after the other lines had been done.


I hope they never do that again, Richard Teverson is Malavai Quinn.


Hmmm. It didn't exactly put me in mind of Scourge either but it could well have been. Very odd. And yeah Teverson IS Quinn. Love his weird nasally voice. I literally couldn't stand it at first too xD Grew on me

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So this is different from the ongoing, 18 months old, bug where Doc spouts Kira's voice/lines or Scourge does his Rusk impression, or Iresso borrows Zenith's voice, or Temple speaking as Kaliyo, and so on, and so on. Like the shampoo commercial.
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So this is different from the ongoing, 18 months old, bug where Doc spouts Kira's voice/lines or Scourge does his Rusk impression, or Iresso borrows Zenith's voice, or Temple speaking as Kaliyo, and so on, and so on. Like the shampoo commercial.


Never heard any of that happen. This is different. This is actually in the cutscene. Sounds like what you are talking about is talking to them while they are standing on the ship outside of cutscenes when they just parrot out lines to you.

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So this is different from the ongoing, 18 months old, bug where Doc spouts Kira's voice/lines or Scourge does his Rusk impression, or Iresso borrows Zenith's voice, or Temple speaking as Kaliyo, and so on, and so on. Like the shampoo commercial.


I think it's about this

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You know there is a Voice Actors strike on right?

We are lucky to get any VO in this current state of the industry.


Deal with the new voice and move on because if the players cannot accept a relatively "small" change like Quinn then how can the studio make the "big" changes like Jennifer Hale.


We accept this or we will likely see no more voice.

And you are aware that the strike only affects games that started production After February 17, 2015? SWTOR doesn't fall under the strike.

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And you are aware that the strike only affects games that started production After February 17, 2015? SWTOR doesn't fall under the strike.


They got it. No need to pile on, yeah? :)


Anyway, the more people talk about this, the more it really does sound like Joseph Gatt, who voiced Scourge. With...an Australian accent? (Heh, grania, I'm in the same boat as you. Couldn't distinguish between Australian and British accents. :o I wonder if that was the same show...? ...which I cannot remember the name of. Doctor...something...mysteries...?? *facepalm*)

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They got it. No need to pile on, yeah? :)


Anyway, the more people talk about this, the more it really does sound like Joseph Gatt, who voiced Scourge. With...an Australian accent? (Heh, grania, I'm in the same boat as you. Couldn't distinguish between Australian and British accents. :o I wonder if that was the same show...? ...which I cannot remember the name of. Doctor...something...mysteries...?? *facepalm*)


YES! Doctor Blake mysteries lol, I found it kind of boring >.>

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