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Can we please have True Black for new hairstyles ?

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Hair color 10 is a nice dark black on the original hair styles but some of the newer ones hair color 10 looks like it has a weird green tint to it, this is quite disappointing since its throws off some outfits that have black dye (doesn't match color)
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I completely agree. I usually never do a black or dark colour with the newer hairstyles because of the green tint that seems to appear. I really wish they made it black, just black. Not this... weird greenish-black combination. Edited by Ylliarus
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What do the new hairstyles look like?


One of them, female only, is Shae Vizla's haircut. Yay. :D

The other two... uhh?


There's a link to Dulfy's article about them - but something's odd about that. The first "unisex" hairstyle seems to, in Dulfy's picture, be missing two little braids in the back. They were there when I previewed them for a character.


True black would be wonderful for them. Greenish-black... ew. Sounds like they wash their hair in motor oil.

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With this hairstyle update, does anyone know if they happened to fix the old hairstyles that appear as two different colors? (My launcher is forever "Reorganizing data...")
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One of them, female only, is Shae Vizla's haircut. Yay. :D

The other two... uhh?


There's a link to Dulfy's article about them - but something's odd about that. The first "unisex" hairstyle seems to, in Dulfy's picture, be missing two little braids in the back. They were there when I previewed them for a character.


True black would be wonderful for them. Greenish-black... ew. Sounds like they wash their hair in motor oil.

Thanks for the link. Shae's is Shae, so no real comment, there... a quick one for them to implement, no doubt.


The Unisex 2 style is just hilarious... what a god-awful hot mess. I was hoping we were over that emo-bangs in the face phase, but apparently there's a demand for it. I guess some people just don't want to be able to see their enemies while fighting them.


Unisex 1: Macklemore.

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Yeah, there's something a little janky going on with the colouring of the newer hairstyles. A lot of colours look nothing like they should, and if you wanted actual black ( not dark mossy green), you're fresh out of luck. Which is really unfortunate because I didn't realize that when I bought the messy hairstyle from the cartel market as a gift for a friend of mine- her character's hair is black, and when she tried it out, we were both pretty dismayed to find that it was not at all what we'd expected.


I can't imagine it would be a very difficult fix, and I'd really like to see it get addressed. A lot of people are very serious about getting their character to look how they want them to, and it's disappointing to buy something with real money under the impression it will do what it's supposed to, only to find that it doesn't.

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I'll add my voice here. I bought the new hairstyles for my character but I'm faced with this strange greenish colour rather than black. Disappointing to say the least but I'd hope it is a fairly easy fix.


And for the rare person who might actually like the greenish colour (I've yet to find one)... well, I can't imagine it would be too much to add another colour option to the slider?

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A devs/designers inability to properly color something black is an issue that was even in SWG.

I remember when I ordered a tailor to make a black shirt and he gave one that was dark green.

It not only looked hideous, but he couldn't even tell that it wasn't black. I mean, it WAS black as far as the game was concerned, but It wasn't black, if you know what I mean.

Some people, mostly men, have problems seeing certain shades of colors.

My only assumption is that whomever designed the color of these latest hairstyles has such an issue.

To test this theory, I would be interested to know if anyone actually sees black when selecting the "black" color for these styles.


If that's not the case, then I must once again state that one of the devs or designers is a sadistic jerk, who hates happiness and joy.

Edited by Moonstorm
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I agree, the "true black" comes out looking horrible on the newer hairstyles. Sadly, it isn't the only colour that translates badly to the haristyles that have been added - the dark red hair colour comes out looking pink, and even the blonde shades come out looking utterly fake whereas they look more natural on the original styles.
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Hair color 10 is a nice dark black on the original hair styles but some of the newer ones hair color 10 looks like it has a weird green tint to it, this is quite disappointing since its throws off some outfits that have black dye (doesn't match color)

OMG Thank you i was about to post the same thing.

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I would love to see those two little rat tails disappear from the new hairstyle, but I know they won't do it. Someone would undoubtedly miss their cute little braids.


Y'all are right about the hair colors. They come out looking odd, very odd, and there's no black hair option.

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