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SEVERE instance lag since 5.2


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Over the last two weeks multiple members of my raid group have encountered significant lag localized to instances, this frequently occurs in Dread Palace and Tyth, however members have experienced it in Dread Fortress and some PVP instances as well.


Interestingly this lag feels like frame rate lag and MS does not fluctuate but characters hit invisible walls and are unable to perform actions for notable periods of time.


I'm wondering if other players/groups are experiencing this on other servers to Harbinger or if it is endemic to our server.

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This is happening on JC as well affecting a variety of instances. One thing that stood out to me was the frame rate on the Core on Revan was quite even more terrible on frames. Also had people experiencing ability lag and poor frames in general. Feels like there's a giant memory leak or somethin.


Reminds me of 3.0 launch :/

Edited by FerkWork
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  • 2 weeks later...

This has been seen on Shadowlands as well, going on nearly 3 weeks since first noticeable, group wide, instance issues:


location render issues are increasing in that some see in one spot, others another, if at all. Frequently we'll have random entrance mobs not render for those that did not have their spawn location in their camera view when they spawn, most notably in Brontes with the fingers in P1.


The DP Council fight is also having increased issues in registered location vs render location when they come off their seats and again when they go into last phase.


Trash NPC's not spawning, at all, usually a missing member of a pack. Not invisible, just gone.


Bosses that drop/spawn in the wrong location a/o facing the wrong direction (Corrupter Zero in P2 now regularly drops @entrance Facing the door, and fires his chest laser out the door. As yet, we have had no volunteers to see if the damage path of the laser is also going out the door.)


Please note that while these issues (for us) are in 8m, there is some talk of 16m being much worse.

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