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What if the Sith Empire wins?


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We know that in the movies the Empire came from the Republic, sort of, and it began as a Republic, but... What if the prequel era Republic didn't start out as a Republic?


What if the Sith Empire beats the Republic in SWTOR, assimilates it, and rules the galaxy for a very long time? But, Sith being Sith, eventually a rebellion comes up and triumphs from within with the unlikely return of the secret Jedi Order. In this way, we get a non-predictable and interesting end for SWTOR's story, having the Sith win, and still have it make sense. Hell, this could even serve as foreshadowing for what will happen to the Republic in Revenge of the Sith, and the Voss planetary storyline would also serve as a simile to the Republic and Empire (they're one and the same).


I'm probably drunk, but this would be a hell of a twist, in my opinion. You could even do KOTOR 4 off of that ending and canonize Starkiller but have him be an Old Republic dude (maybe he starts out as the Emperor's Wrath). What do you guys think?

Edited by Joluka
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More likely an event will come that will shatter both empires to the point they are dying with no way back individually, both sides begin to fall over and chaos ensues, politicans and sith start looking out for themselves while soldiers are given the jobs of police men and become the enemy of the state when rebellions are a serious concern after massacres by republic military forces who are overwhelmed and overtaxed. Meanwhile things are getting worse for the empire when the sith practically abandon the empire they once ruled leaving civilians and soldiers alike in anarchy.


I suspect a day will come where both sides decide it is time to fuse together and survive, it ends the sith empire as the remaining sith start dying out, the jedi become the new protectors of this new order, those few sith that stood by the old empire and want to do good convert to the lightside and seek redemption for their actions while the former imperial military and intelligence is reorganised into a greater military force along with all the current republic personnel.


Obviously at first things will be very tough, actions will be taken that will poke holes in the new alliance and threaten to tear it apart, but it will endure and stand.


i doubt any of this will happen overnight though and where this event will come that will fracture the empire and republic like that could come from a few difference sources, the hutts, the eternal alliance controlled by traitors, Jadus and any empire he has mustered, traitors within both empires causing a civil war... there is no way to know for sure, but it seems the most likely action.

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I always believed the Republic/Sith Empire war continued all the way until 1000 BBY when the Sith are defeated and Darth Bane created the Rule of Two.

Palpatine's Empire was created to honor the Old Sith Empire, hence why the logo is similar.

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