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Sith Ingusitor questchain Prison Break: Travel to Belsavis


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I've traveled to Belsavis 3 times now, the quest does not update.

This is very annoying. Having a bug in a class quest, means that I cannot progress my story. I raised an ingame ticket, but you don't seem to have anyone working on actually answering those?


I just resubscribed after many years away, I played when the game first came out. Was a lot of bugs to class quests back then, I figured surely you have fixed that by now!

But no....


Since I am guessing you don't have many people whos job it is to actually answer forum posts either, my question is directed more to the veteran players:


-How long does it take for them to answer tickets?

-Do they actually SOLVE the problem, or just give you an automatic answer like "we are aware of the problem". Or "we will inform our devs about the problem".

-How buggy is the game now? Is it worth me getting invested in it?


Thanks in advance to all the players who take the time to answer. :)

Edited by Lillepus
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Not sure about answering tickets, but there is a way around this bug. It was introduced with 5.2, just recently. Quoting myself from another thread about the same thing...


It's a common bug, actually. What happened with the new galaxy map in 5.2 is that it allowed travel to both Belsavis proper and a place called Section X, another area on Belsavis. For some reason, Section X is selected by default - but it is very, very easy to mistake that for Belsavis proper.


Try going back to a different planet (doesn't matter which one), then flying back to Belsavis. Make sure it's *Belsavis* that's selected, not the other place on the planet selection screen, Section X.


Edit: You'll hit the same bug later on in the story, on Corellia. That has both Corellia and The Black Hole, with The Black Hole (an area of Corellia) being selected automatically. Make sure it's Corellia that's selected, not the other place on the planet.


As for the rest of the game, it's not that buggy. The newest content, The War for Iokath, however, IS pretty buggy - but there are fixes scheduled for this next Tuesday, so they'll be implemented well before you get there. Hopefully.

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I can confirm this bug. I get to the Imperial Orbital Station and go to the shuttle and there is no mission triangle thingy. I go down to the planet and it tells me to go back to the shuttle. I have left many time and used different minions and even solo to go and nothing works.
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It's the way they've changed the galaxy map that makes it a problem. Section X is the default for Belsavis on the galaxy map (the one on board your ship to set your corse). You have to change the selection to Belsavis when you set your ship course. The mission cutscene then launches once you've arrived, via your own ship (it won't trigger if you arrive via shuttle).
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How did you submit your ticket? I've used their in-game ticketing system and have my issues resolved (except the Dark V thing) but its a real person responding (typos for days ).


As to the OP's issue, for class quests, you MUST use your ship. This is not a new issue. In most space-travel quests, you have to use your holoterminal immediately after, and you can only trigger the "travel requirement" of the quest by using your ship to get to the destination. Remember the ship takes you to the orbital station, and not planet-side (you usually have to shuttle down to the planet (not in every case though)).

Edited by Yezzan
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I just had this issue. The issue was when the quest didn't update in your personal ship. I had to fly to another planet and fly back, then the quest updated and asked you to speak with your crew at the intercom.


So if anyone reading this has this issue, fast travel to the Imperial Fleet, walk to your ship, and use the console to open the map. This worked and allowed the quest to update.

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I just had this issue. The issue was when the quest didn't update in your personal ship. I had to fly to another planet and fly back, then the quest updated and asked you to speak with your crew at the intercom.


So if anyone reading this has this issue, fast travel to the Imperial Fleet, walk to your ship, and use the console to open the map. This worked and allowed the quest to update.


Same thing happened to me. But once I returned to Belavis from the Fleet, I had to actually click the door to exit my ship instead of clicking on the intercom. From there, the story picked up right where it left off. :)

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I had this issue as well when I first came back but I noticed it was defaulting to Section x rather than Belsavis proper. I went back to the fleet, boarded my ship from the hangar and made sure I selected Belsavis and it was fine.
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