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Unassembled Components dropping from Flashpoints and Operations

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Well good for you. Master mode flashpoints pops on the other hand are almost dead now. :(


Was the same before. I was doing the 100% FPS and had to que as tank and healer in order to get pops, also had to swap between rep and imp when i wasnt getting pops on one side.


There isnt much incentive to do them, maybe specific ones for cxp like Hammer station.

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Well good for you. Master mode flashpoints pops on the other hand are almost dead now. :(


It's not the reward thing. I think there's still players who only want level 70 characters in there and have unrealistic gear requirements (242 for master mode etc.). In fact, some players decline if they see even one low level player in veteran mode queue.

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And what do you find easier with your sorc? I do a lot of both PvP and Master FP's myself, and I personally find PvP a lot more mentally engaging than most Master Flashpoints (blood hunt is an obvious exception).


If you would have read my posts you would know I'm absolutely not enjoying pvp, though I seem to be not that bad at it, getting lots of MVPs and compliments from other players and beeing kinda immortal with guard on me...dunno maybe that's kinda normal for healers and especially for sorc/ sage healing towers.

But if I had a choice I would prefer doing random master mode flashpoints. But first of all those pops are super rare even for me as a healer and on top of that I'm kinda wasting my time in there in terms of gear progression.


For me master mode flashpoints are much more mentally engaging (besides Black Talon etc.) than the slaughter that is called pvp, though I know there are objectives as well. Mokan (Battle of Rishi), endboss of Battle of Rishi, Ortuno in Manaan with a tank that stands in the water puddles (you often get them in random pugs), enraging bosses all over the place (bonus bosses as well as regular bosses like the droid in Korriban Incursion) offer me as a healer a much greater challenge than any warzone quicky ever did.


And on top of that I have fun doing master mode flashpoints, something I don't have when doing pvp.


I haven't had issues with Master FP queues in peak hours or running some with my guildies in off-peak, and this is in a low-pop server. The weekly reward makes it well worth it to run at least a few per week. More so if you have alts you wanna reach 300 with.


Oh sure I get my pop once a day in peak hours and if I'm lucky maybe even a second one but that's it.

And running flashpoints with your guildmates in off-peak times doesn't give you an idea of how dead random master mode flashpoint pops actually are.


But I'm totally aware that all this doesn't interest you at all. Like all the other users in this forum complaining about beeing forced to pvp and asking for alternative ways to earn components, I'm just a soulless stranger to you.

Our problems are not your problems so why even bother to empathize with us.


Maybe one day when all of us soulles strangers gave up on asking for changes and have left the game for good, you will realize that making pvp kinda mandatory for pve-gear progression was a bad move.

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It's not the reward thing. I think there's still players who only want level 70 characters in there and have unrealistic gear requirements (242 for master mode etc.). In fact, some players decline if they see even one low level player in veteran mode queue.


You are right, a lot of players are just tired of having to play level 70 endgame content with lv 50s.

That's simply lazy game design and a desperately attempt to bring more live into master mode flashpoint pops, actually causing the contrary.


But this just adds to the missing master mode flashpoint rewards for level 70s.

In fact doing a master mode flashpoint is much more worth it for a low level than for a max level player.

Low levels get tons of exp, while max level players actually waste their time and usually want to grind components instead.

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If you would have read my posts you would know I'm absolutely not enjoying pvp, though I seem to be not that bad at it, getting lots of MVPs and compliments from other players and beeing kinda immortal with guard on me...dunno maybe that's kinda normal for healers and especially for sorc/ sage healing towers.

But if I had a choice I would prefer doing random master mode flashpoints. But first of all those pops are super rare even for me as a healer and on top of that I'm kinda wasting my time in there in terms of gear progression.


For me master mode flashpoints are much more mentally engaging (besides Black Talon etc.) than the slaughter that is called pvp, though I know there are objectives as well. Mokan (Battle of Rishi), endboss of Battle of Rishi, Ortuno in Manaan with a tank that stands in the water puddles (you often get them in random pugs), enraging bosses all over the place (bonus bosses as well as regular bosses like the droid in Korriban Incursion) offer me as a healer a much greater challenge than any warzone quicky ever did.


And on top of that I have fun doing master mode flashpoints, something I don't have when doing pvp.


If it's fun for you, keep at it. You still have a chance at BiS, you still get gear for your alts, you still get sellable loot, you still get Conquest contribution. The game encourages you to try out other things, but if you don't enjoy them you don't have to do them.


For my mostly-248 tank, I do master flashpoints for conquest, CXP packs for my alts, helping guildmates when they need a tank, and saving up crates for my future DPS off-spec. Having a complete set of 248 isn't the only reason to play the game.


Keep in mind that in 4.7, flashpoints couldn't get you 224's at all.



Oh sure I get my pop once a day in peak hours and if I'm lucky maybe even a second one but that's it.

And running flashpoints with your guildmates in off-peak times doesn't give you an idea of how dead random master mode flashpoint pops actually are.


But I'm totally aware that all this doesn't interest you at all. Like all the other users in this forum complaining about beeing forced to pvp and asking for alternative ways to earn components, I'm just a soulless stranger to you.

Our problems are not your problems so why even bother to empathize with us.


Maybe one day when all of us soulles strangers gave up on asking for changes and have left the game for good, you will realize that making pvp kinda mandatory for pve-gear progression was a bad move.


Of course it interests me. I do flashpoints, I do uprisings. Have you tried queue'ing for a random veteran uprising recently? It's much tougher to get a pop there.


I've actually been finding myself doing less PvP recently, because I burned out a bit after getting nearly 3k Unassembled Components from doing 2-3 PvP dailies almost every day for a month in preparation for 5.2. I'm doing more Flashpoints, SM Ops and GSF. I'd rather get more characters to rank 300 and 246/248 gear instead of getting those last few pieces of 248 on my main, which will come eventually.


If a lot of people are frustrated, then UC's outside of PvP/GSF might be the right answer. But you have to understand two things: First that BW wants players to participate in a variety of content (they've said this) instead of grinding the same thing, and secondly that if you enjoy something, don't let the fact that you're unlikely to get those last few pieces of BiS from that content bother you.

Edited by Eli_Porter
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Absolutely, 100% agree with OP. Add Unassembled Components to bosses in FPs and Operations (in appropirate quantity) as guaranteed drops for each player and remove the Unassembled Tokens.



- no loot drama, no time wasted on loot distribution. It's ridiculous that they brought back the worst aspect of Unassembled Token system that no one missed, raid leaders in particular

- everyone gets something even if joining half-way through or if the group disbands for whatever reason after one of the bosses

- cleaner, more unified system with less pointless tokens & currencies


Cons: none

Edited by Pietrastor
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hmmmm........ getting components from more than just PvP would be nice.... let's say master mode flashpoints, master/veteran uprising, hard mode ops, flashpoint and uprising weekly quests and maybe Weekly quests for daily areas? =)


i have a sage that's in a mix of 246/248 for both dps and heal spec... and it's all from crates ./facepalm.... though after 5.2 i've noticed a literally ridiculous increase in drop rate for relics of devastating vengeance and the alacrity... forget what's it called. but i literally get one of those two just about every 3rd if not 2nd crate.... grrrr so i decided to TRY and get upgrades for my commando's gear through pvp.... and realized that first i'd actually have to get lucky and win the 242 tokens... which with my RNG is always a challenge lol never roll over 50 on things i actually do need lol .... never mind that the pvp experience for me personally can be described like this : go in>>> 3 sec later>> get killed >>> respawn>>> 3 sec later get killed rinse repeat. that's what i get for trying to pvp when i'm a pve sage healer lol. :eek::eek:

Edited by Hichitsuki-hime
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It is a good idea. It would diverge some focus off pvp, and give extra incentive and value to raids.


Attaching components to weekly and to bosses itself would be great. X amount for weekly, as it can be completed in any mode, so same reward for that. With different reward from bosses depending on difficulty and special little extra for end bosses.


That be pretty good. Same principle for flashpoints, but with less rewards. Or maybe just no components on flashpoint bosses themselves.

Edited by Misspentdolla
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It is a good idea. It would diverge some focus off pvp, and give extra incentive and value to raids.


Attaching components to weekly and to bosses itself would be great. X amount for weekly, as it can be completed in any mode, so same reward for that. With different reward from bosses depending on difficulty and special little extra for end bosses.


That be pretty good. Same principle for flashpoints, but with less rewards. Or maybe just no components on flashpoint bosses themselves.

on master FP might be okay to drop 5 components on bonus boss and 5 on last boss? but yeah on veteran probably better no components except for the daily groupfinder reward =)

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Ok, so I had this crazy vision-like dream that Unassembled Components would be dropping from flashpoints and operations. I don't like reality much, because it blows. But if only Bioware considered having unassembled components drop from flashpoints and operations quests and bosses. Yeah, I totally get it would sap the spirit of PVP but it would be so much easier and less painful. I did mention in a thread that I am NOT pvping anymore, because it's just full of idiots from WoW (World of Warcraft) and the like!


I may or may not have everyone's votes on this, but at least I've said my piece on this topic. Depending on that everyone agrees or disagrees with me, it doesn't matter just as long as everyone is enjoying their happy little / big hunting trips for more powerful gear.


Just for the record, I am both a Progression raider and an end game PVP player. Raiding is, was, and always will be my first love, unfortunately 5.0 really did on number on the raiding community when it took gear out of Operations. So many raiders left in protest that many progression groups went belly up. I was a member in two prgression raid groups prior to 5.0 and both of them went under within the first two weeks of 5.0. I would like to see both play modes [PVE/PVP] get a fair shake at gearing. As sad as it is, BIS gear is now necessary for PVP as well as Operations, so as much as I would like to see BIS gear back in the hands of Raiders exclusively, that would be a detriment to the PVP community currently.


I can understand that people dont like endless grinding and that drop rates of legendary Tier 4 Gear are extremely rare and that most people can't do NiM for 248 tokens.


I think we are losing sight on something though, something that was taken for granted in prior Metas. BIS gear shouldn't be easy to get and it should take time and skill.


If you don't like PVP thats cool, i get people dont want to do crap they dont want to do, but at the same time, getting full BIS gear fast leaves you with nothing to aspire to. BIS gear was always the sole provence of end game raiders [and as well it should be, it never should have been taken out of Operations as it was at 5.0].


The reason I don't think UCs should drop from Operations is because Raiders raid to gear up and that's , for lack of a better word, "Tradition".


If you start dropping UCs in Operation you now make Operations the go to play style for BIS gearing. It would undermind the PVP community by drawing people away from PVP to the better and faster BIS gear route.


Operations would have gear tokens and UCs both of which would speed up gearing much faster. BIS gear shouldn't be easy to get, I'd be suprised if there were other Progression raiders that don't feel that way. That;s how it always was [ I agree 4.0 spotlight Operations made getting BIS gear way to easy].


When you speed up the gearing process to a point where you are fully geared long before there will be any new gear released, you take away that corrot on the stick.


I was already full 242 a week before 5.2 dropped which i was very happy to find was introducing a new tier. I have no idea what the hell I'd be doing if they hadn't.


5.0 -5.1.2 was a horror show for gearing for everyone, the command crates were virtually barren of BIS gear and even when they introduced UCs they amount of UCs you got from PVP were substaintially less, making the gring seem endless. With the coming of 5.2, I no longer see any need for improving the speed of BIS gear. It is not hard, and it doesn't even take that long. I am presently 3 peices of gear shy of full 248.


BIS gearing is no longer a problem. It is not too hard or long of a process for BIS gearing. I am finding it not difficult at all.


I respect that other people have different views on this and there are some who would disagree with me, takes all kinds, but, at this point given all the options for gearing, anything more becomes the province of the 'special snowflakes' who want things handed to them or very easy to get even when they shouldn't be.


Unless there is a change in gearing, bring back PVP gear or simply uping it's bolster to 250 again [making BIS gear a mote point] and returning BIS gear to where it exclusively belongs we must take into account how things effect both camps. Legacy gear still works for alts.


The command system is total trash and has been detrimental, but that doesn't mean that it in the interesting of gearing up ALTS BIS gearing should be quick and easy to accommodate those with many alts. It is no longer hard to gear anymore. If you aren't able to get 2 248 pieces a gear per week, you're doing something wrong because people who concentrate on one character at a time will likely be fulled BIS geared within the next two weeks.


For those who would like to see it fast and care nothing about how BIS gear has been traditionaly, it's certainly their right. But if that does happen, it will have a negative effect on many players.


If BW wants to release new gear tiers every 6 months, there really wouldn't be much of an issue with speeding up the gearing process, but without that incentive dwindles greatly, people become bored and than might start looking elsewhere for their kicks.


Games lost enough people over 5.0 trash system, I'm not sure how much more 'hemorrhaging' of players it can stand. I don't think anyone wants to see the game go under. Let's try and give consideration to how things effect all styles of play. We don't want to undermined one for another. We need to keep both camps attractive to BIS gear up or one or the other will suffer for it.

True progression raiders LOVE gearing. it's their bread and butter. Let's try and perverse some of BIS raiding tradition. Raiders don't want it easy, they don't want it handed to them. They want to take it by force.


No more carrots at the end of that stick, well, there's always WoW, right? heh

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