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I came across a weird wardrobe glitch...


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While playing the new Episode I came across a rather peculiar glitch. It once happened in KOTFE/KOTET but only during the scenes where my character had to use a Walker. Now it's happening in broad daylight.


You can see it here:

http://i.imgur.com/XZX01Dj.png (Low-res)

http://i.imgur.com/SwKLWMx.jpg (Huge-res)

https://im3.ezgif.com/tmp/ezgif-3-d33d1d489e.gif (Gif)


In Picture 1 you can see my character's current gear. She uses a Destroyer set, which is also the Active Outfit for that character. She also has an extra Outfit that uses her basic Consular gear, the Veteran Force-Lord from the Level 60 Outlander Token. But when she enters a certain cutscenes, the game will ignore both her main gear set and active outfit and only show her basic/extra outfit for some reason.


Did this happen' to any of you?

Edited by TheRandomWolf
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My Inq was suddenly wearing Consular's robe he doesn't have, and my Agent was wearing a smuggler's jacket he doesn't have. Chapter 8 (after walker) and 9 (dreamscape) KOTET. Switching to CM outfits "fixed" it.

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My Inq was suddenly wearing Consular's robe he doesn't have, and my Agent was wearing a smuggler's jacket he doesn't have. Chapter 8 (after walker) and 9 (dreamscape) KOTET. Switching to CM outfits "fixed" it.


Doesn't that come from a bug that suddenly switches your characters to the opposite-faction equivalent of their outfit?

For instance, the start-at-65 armor. Your warrior will suddenly switch to the knight's equivalent of that armor in certain scenes. :/


CM, TheRandomWolf, is Cartel Market. Faction neutral, in other words. As for the bug that you experienced... o.O I have no idea.

Edited by Jagaimee
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