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How to setup a Hotas X with Starfighter?


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SWTOR has no support for input other than mouse and keyboard.



You can use third party software that translates button presses and axis potentiometer/hall/pressure into keystrokes, and mouse input as far as the computer is concerned and then SWTOR will see the input as being keyboard and mouse and you have a workaround that way.



That being said, the control scheme for GSF is not at all HOTAS friendly. You steer the gun aimpoint, and the ship chases the reticle, not the standard flight sim practice of steer the vehicle axis to place the pipper over the target. The interface has so much First Person Shooter in terms of mechanics, that unless a HOTAS is your preferred input for shooters like Quake or Doom, (or what ever is out there, I sort of stopped playing shooters in the 1990s), then trying to use a HOTAS for GSF is actually going to make it less playable, not more playable.


It's a wonky weird control scheme, and it takes a while to get used to.


What a lot of people do find helps, is turning down mouse sensitivity by a significant amount. With a gaming mouse you might be able to adjust on the fly, otherwise you can go to Windows Control Panel and change the pointer sensitivity there.


Once you have you mouse sensitivity set at a rate you like, and have learned the muscle memory for the GSF interface, you can fly quite well with mouse and keyboard. The interface is designed around those as input devices, and you're not likely to be able to get other devices to outperform them. The learning period is kind of annoying though.


Also if you find that you have to turn mouse sensitivity way down for GSF, and you don't have a gaming mouse that supports that, then changing mouse sensitivity every time before or after queuing GSF is also annoying (which is why I generally don't bother and live with a rather twitchy reticle).

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Just to corroborate this, I tried when GSF was still in beta to profile my Saitek X52 Pro and never got it working. Like Ramalina mentioned, consider the starfighter's weapons like they were gimballed, and re-train yourself to use mouse and keyboard. The whole "resistance is futile" meme is appropriate here, but its been argued to death how joystick support controlling the aiming and steering simultaneously would unbalance the game in favor of joystick users, mostly by bypassing the tracking penalty. The control scheme and the tracking penalty mechanic just doesn't lend itself to easily translate into joystick control.
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