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New Dark Ward Animation


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I noticed that the Jedi Knight's class buff, Force Might, used to glow bright green. Now it's a rather lovely color of dark blue. I kind of preferred the old green color, though... That, too, wasn't mentioned in the patch notes. :/


Are there any other changed animations for other classes?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks, more than I expected.


So now it's just like dark purple smoke. I wonder if they are updating animations in order to improve stability and frame rate.


I hated that obnoxious purple box.

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I didn't hate the old DW animation, but I wasn't a fan either. Why a Sith would use a JEDI holocron for a hola-hoop in fights never made sense to me. Now the new animation is a bit bland as it's just 3 smokey purply orbs, but atleast it makes sense lore-wise as a aura of the darkside.


Just my 2 cents.

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Marauder's Bezerk animation was changed with a 5.* rollout Instead of a cool aura now the animation is now circular waves with the sandpaper sound effect used for one too many lightsaber ignitions.


Like most other 5.* animation changes I no longer use it.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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  • 2 weeks later...

I just subbed to say how thankfull I am that cubes are gone... as soon as I noticed this thread, I needed to write this hahhaha. I have not seen this changes in-game yet but screen looks epic and I will finally, gladly return to tanking spec after all those months (if not years) where they ruined my gaming experience by replacing cool barrier with lego bricks.





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