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I play on a EU server and in 14 days there wasn't a single invite to pvp or a flashpoint. The server is D E A D.

Now you release a patch with an OP and there is no chance in hell i could ever find enough people to play it.

Why don't you merge the ****ling servers? This is ridiculous.

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You get 600 or more with your sub. Transfers are 90. Quit moaning and be proactive. They won't merge servers as some people with guild ships and strongholds will lose all of their stuff.


Ps if you haven't clicked a referral then you'll get a free transfer when you do.


Pps you should have taken advantage of the bonus XP. I got a new toon to 70 in 2 days

Edited by americanaussie
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Not to be a dick, but I don't think the issue of underpopulated servers should be the players' problem to fix, let alone at their own expense.


Nevermind that if you have more than 1 character to move, its 90 CC per character. I have 33 toons on 1 server and if I was expected to pay 2,970 CC to move them all because bioware refuses to address the issues with dead servers I would unsub first. And while yes, I could easily move 1 character and then just level more thats not a sufficient response because i have invested time and effort into gearing up multiple toons and starting over would be stupid. Sometimes the answer isnt that the player should be responsible for fixing something that bioware is actually responsible for

Edited by Danery
accidentally posted early
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Not to be a dick, but I don't think the issue of underpopulated servers should be the players' problem to fix, let alone at their own expense.


It's not. You get 600 cc for free from BW. That's 3600 FREE CARTEL COINS. Free. That is 40 toons plus the one freebie with a referral that even a sub gets.


So since the transfer sale you could have transferred 41 toons FOR FREE. stop making excuses.

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It's not. You get 600 cc for free from BW. That's 3600 FREE CARTEL COINS. Free. That is 40 toons plus the one freebie with a referral that even a sub gets.


So since the transfer sale you could have transferred 41 toons FOR FREE. stop making excuses.


But why is it the players responsibility? It's not their fault that certain servers are depopulating now for whatever reason. And I wasnt aware that there was a clause attached to the CC that said those were meant for us to use for moving toons from dead servers bioware refuses to address.

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You get 600 or more with your sub. Transfers are 90. Quit moaning and be proactive. They won't merge servers as some people with guild ships and strongholds will lose all of their stuff.


Ps if you haven't clicked a referral then you'll get a free transfer when you do.


Pps you should have taken advantage of the bonus XP. I got a new toon to 70 in 2 days

It's not. You get 600 cc for free from BW. That's 3600 FREE CARTEL COINS. Free. That is 40 toons plus the one freebie with a referral that even a sub gets.


So since the transfer sale you could have transferred 41 toons FOR FREE. stop making excuses.


You lost me where you basically said a paid subscription gets players something for free. Regardless, the players didn't cause the problem and shouldn't be the ones to solve it. [Edit] That being said, if I personally wanted to continue playing and was unsatisfied with my server population, I would look into transferring servers before quitting, but I would add this issue to the inevitable "why I'm quitting list" for when the last straw falls.

Edited by Edyn
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But why is it the players responsibility? It's not their fault that certain servers are depopulating now for whatever reason. And I wasnt aware that there was a clause attached to the CC that said those were meant for us to use for moving toons from dead servers bioware refuses to address.


No, it's not their "responsibility" for dead servers. They can simply choose to be proactive about it and move to a more-populated server. That's all.

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But why is it the players responsibility? It's not their fault that certain servers are depopulating now for whatever reason. And I wasnt aware that there was a clause attached to the CC that said those were meant for us to use for moving toons from dead servers bioware refuses to address.


It's player responsibility because they are players who do not want a server merge. BW has yet to come up with a work around that won't destroy their hard work. A server merge is a fancy name for a free transfer in bw. It means your toons could lose their names, legacy storage, strongholds, and guildship as well as guilds. I've been merged twice now. It's not fun.


Cross server has had a bug where players find themselves sent back to the wrong server.


So instead of making part of the playerbase unhappy with a merge or dedicating months to fixing the cross server bug they are giving us new content and a transfer sale along with the cartel coins to use. FREE TRANSFERS. If you don't want to transfer or do anything to help yourself then it's your own fault you're sitting on a dead server. But you're probably doing it because you enjoy complaining and without something to complain about then life has no joy.


Just transfer. I've done it (days before the sale was announced) I enjoy my new home.

Edited by americanaussie
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You lost me where you basically said a paid subscription gets players something for free. Regardless, the players didn't cause the problem and shouldn't be the ones to solve it. [Edit] That being said, if I personally wanted to continue playing and was unsatisfied with my server population, I would look into transferring servers before quitting, but I would add this issue to the inevitable "why I'm quitting list" for when the last straw falls.


Well since free to play players don't get to do end game content...Yeah...It is for free/included/whatever. We don't pay to purchase expansions either. Just admit there were other more important things to you to spend your monthly cc on and that's why you didn't transfer

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Well since free to play players don't get to do end game content...Yeah...It is for free/included/whatever. We don't pay to purchase expansions either. Just admit there were other more important things to you to spend your monthly cc on and that's why you didn't transfer


Both the cartel coin grants AND the access to end-game content are what you pay a subscription for. It isn't most of the game, since most of it can be accessed by F2P players just fine. Also, no need for the nasty personal attack, jeez.

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Not to be a dick, but I don't think the issue of underpopulated servers should be the players' problem to fix, let alone at their own expense.


Yes but you are being one all the same. It's not for BW to move other players accounts to benefit you or the OP. I paid to move mine to low populated servers. I also think it is your reasonability to move your characters at your expense if you want to have them moved. As I did.

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Both the cartel coin grants AND the access to end-game content are what you pay a subscription for. It isn't most of the game, since most of it can be accessed by F2P players just fine. Also, no need for the nasty personal attack, jeez.


Personal attack? While that was at someone else's post. You are asking BW to change my account to benefit YOU. I take that very personal. ITS MY ACCOUNT. Am sure the one you quoted feels the same. So you are making a personal attack on us.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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...Just admit there were other more important things to you to spend your monthly cc on and that's why you didn't transfer

Incidentally, I'm content on my server (Jedi Covenant) and am just putting myself in other players' shoes in this thread, as I can sympathize. And since you mentioned it, I have over 3000CC which I know really isn't much, but I've never bought any CC with cash - it's all just subscription/security key earned. Since everything I want on the CM feels overpriced and hasn't gone on sale in forever, and I don't support the RNG packs out of principle, the only things I spend my CC's on are just swag for the husb: Nathema robes, etc. :p

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Personal attack? You are asking BW to change my account to benefit YOU. I take that very personal. ITS MY ACCOUNT.


Um... what are you talking about? I didn't say anything of the sort. That was the first time I'd even posted in this thread. Reading comprehension is your friend. Deep breaths, calm down.

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Yes but you are being one all the same. It's not for BW to move other players accounts to benefit you or the OP. I paid to move mine to low populated servers. I also think it is your reasonability to move your characters at your expense if you want to have them moved. As I did.

[Edit] I read this wrong - I thought you moved to a high populated server, not a low one. Unfortunately, I don't understand your point, now. There's a big difference between playing a MMO and want to play by yourself - which you can do on any server without transferring - and wanting to play with other people which was how this game was conceived - as a MMO.

Edited by Edyn
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Ask yourself, "Why are servers underpopulated?" According to your logic, it's the players' fault that other players left the game and the remaining players should pick up their slack by paying out of their own pocket to transfer servers?


Instead, try asking yourself, "Why did so many players leave to begin with to cause this problem?" I'll give you a hint: It wasn't because the developers were doing too good a job and it had absolutely nothing to do with other players.


Underpopulated is your word not mine. I am fine with the population as it is. It is still players responsibilities to move there characters if they want to. It is not up to BW to move my account to suit other players. BW offer a transfer system for a reason. As for why so many left the server I am on. I don't care, I am just glad they left. As it opened the door for me to move to it.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Underpopulated is your word not mine. I am fine with the population as it is. It is still players responsibilities to move there characters if they want to. It is not up to BW to move my account to suit other players. BW offer a transfer system for a reason. As for why so many left the server I am on. I don't care, I am just glad they left.

I'm sorry - I initially read your post wrong and edited mine after you wrote this.

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Both the cartel coin grants AND the access to end-game content are what you pay a subscription for. It isn't most of the game, since most of it can be accessed by F2P players just fine. Also, no need for the nasty personal attack, jeez.


Personal attack? I did not insult anyone. It's an observation. Maybe not phrased properly I guess but if you spend your CC on other things than those most be more important than a transfer.


The problem is this: Proactive people took advantage of the transfer sale leaving the low pop servers even less populated. Those who remain are either stubbornly doing so to prove some point that doesn't really matter, or do so by choice. There are those who love a good old complaint. Especially on this forum. Then, there are those who aren't affected by the low population and have spoken out saying they want to remain. It is wrong to force them. So, what you have that remains on dead servers are people who refuse to transfer but need to blame BW, and those who don't want to.


I guess I'm really tired of those who are given the means to change things but demand others do it for them. Yes, there are games out there that offer free transfers. Offer free transfers now, and piss off the other people who paid. Merge the servers and likely encounter more bugs that can ever be fixed. Let's be honest, it's not likely to go smoothly.


Their only option would be to offer $$$$$$ credits to all of those people who will lose guild ships etc. But then people will come out of the woodworking to claim credits, then you risk upsetting all of those who worked hard to restart their guild from scratch on their own. This is the world we live in. Depressing isn't it? Anything that could be done will be complained about and spur on the whole I'm quitting because of x.y.z.


I'd much rather they focus on fixing our gearing system as there is at least something in place to pay for transfers. I paid 1000CC per each character about 2 days before the sale was announced. Fun times. I don't accept people whinging about 90CC being too much when we get more than 90 a month.


PS: I'm terribly sorry if the truth hurts. I just feel like being blatantly honest today.

Edited by americanaussie
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The purpose of group finder is to find group for you, not for you to find a group for group finder, which seems to be the case. We do blame BW, it's them who made it work like this.

When subscriber pays for content they have right to complain if BW does not deliver it. 500cc monthly are not free, they are paid for, included in subscription. We are not subscribing for moving characters from one server to another each time a server starts dying. We are subscribing to play end game content, for group finder to do the job it was created for. It's 2017, server merges are not a fairy tale anymore, they are real and possible if you hire people that know to do their job, which means no name loses, no outfit loses, no cargo loses, no bank loses, no GTN loses, no guild loses, no stronghold loses. They have people who still don't know to fix the capitalization of second word in character name in chat box. Loner players simply need an offline mode or a personal phase mode you could access via mini map. BW should put warning on their servers where they cannot deliver the content that customer paid for or hire people to do a real merge without damaging what is left of the player base.

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When subscriber pays for content they have right to complain if BW does not deliver it. .


I will stop you right there. I am a subscriber too. So I have just as much right to complain about server merge threads.


Yes I see your point. I will make sure I start a new "BW don't merge servers ever" thread every week. Then after a few months do a new thread and say Look BW how many don't merge server threads there are it's very clear these are not wanted by the vast majority of players.


Sure I can do that and why not. After all that's what you lot are doing with merge server threads. I have posted in countless number of them and guess what? that's right those asking for them are also the same players time and time again. It's really not that many unless you are telling me there are only about 100 players in total that actually play this game? if so then yea maybe the majority. However if there are a 1000 or 5000 or more then majority it is not. Oh wait a sec there more players than 100 players at any given time on my apparently dead server. Yea guess not the majority then. :)


If players do not want to move there characters then clearly its not important enough for them to do so.


BTW, I don't subscribe for end game content as you claim we all do. Also, oh group finder cannot do its job it was made for? Well the transfer system works just fine. In-fact one could even say it was made to do just that. As for 500cc being free or not being free. Well that down to personal opinion as you are saying it's not free the other player is say it is. Both of you are subs. As such you are both right, both wrong and both some where in-between dependant on the personal point of view of other readers. Neither of your view points invalidates the others. As it happens I'm also in the 500cc being free group, but except you see it differently.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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...Yes I see your point. I will make sure I start a new "BW don't merge servers ever" thread every week....

I think we might just be on the same page. The absolute last thing I want is for BW to merge servers. What I want them to do is populate the current servers by creating new and lucrative content to entice new and previous subscribers.

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I think we might just be on the same page. The absolute last thing I want is for BW to merge servers. What I want them to do is populate the current servers by creating new and lucrative content to entice new and previous subscribers.



lol, I am all for new players starting and of cause all for old players returning. Now if there was just a way to make sure they pick the servers I don't play on. There must be a way. Think, think, think. Oh hell now not going to be able to sleep a wink tonight as I ponder how to make sure they pick other servers.


Your fault. Depriving me of my much needed sleep. :)

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