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Republic or Empire?


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I played Iokath with my medic and my warrior. The medic was a die-hard republic til death. But she lost some faith due to what happened when she was out for some years. She would have prefered to not side with anyone anymore since she has her own Alliance now and it's working quite well and positively. However, since Lana convinced her that she has to choose a side, she of course sided with the Republic. The Empire was never a choice. It would have been Republic or Alliance-only.


My warrior almost went furious when she learned that she has to side with someone. Why should she side with someone if she is already the Empress of the entire galaxy? It's outrageous! Again, when she realised that she cannot just ragequit Iokath, she of course went with the Empire. Why on Dromund Kaas should she side with the despicable Republic?


My agent might switch to the Republic. The reason is what happened to her during the original agent storyline. Hmm... I also don't know what my former consular who went rogue and is now a crazy pirate crew leader would do. I guess she could try out the Empire, just for the lulz.


Interestingly, those four mentioned chars are all my female generation one chars. I don't see any reason why my four male generation one chars should switch sides. They will thus all remain loyal to their original faction.


Then again, almost all would probably choose neither side - if they could.

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I have gone back and forth and I finally know ( since I HAVE to choose <big sigh> )

I am going with what my heart tells me to do ... and that is Republic all the way .. so far, only have 4 toons

This is a game, you should do what you want to do with it ... have a feeling if I didn't follow my heart, I'd regret it ..

so that is that ...

Jedi -- I have never forgotten the last lesson my master taught me -- "Never forget WHY you became a Jedi "

And I haven't ...

Agent ---- I was always out of sink with the Empire for obvious reasons -- and I want out

Smuggler -- well Republic basically gave me free rein in the Galaxy, and looked away, how sweet is that ?

And I loved yanking Imps chains ...

Bounty Hunter -- hunting was a way to make money because of my life circumstances, if there had been another way ...

But I was never a ruthless cold blooded killer ... ask Mako .... and again, I want out -- haven't gotten a bounty in years,

but the Republic just might need my services too ...

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They gave me the wrong faction leader choice if they ever wanted to side with the Empire >.> there's no way I'm ever letting

Theron's dad die, especially on a romanced character of which there are many...



I have a few characters who would side with the Empire but they don't get to continue on now.


Honestly those are the best romanced scenes...When siding with the Empire.

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Not worth it T_T


The emotion is so beautifully done that I just love it. But then again that might just be me. I lost my grandma yesterday so I might be drawn to that more at the moment. There are some sad truths unveiled in that scene:



the fact that Theron chose you over his dad. Over the republic. On the outer surface it looks like he wanted to fight zakuul but when he says he can't live without you it's obvious. No one has loved him and wanted him. We are the first and he will fight to his last breath to keep that love and warmth in his life. You see it in the throne room with Malcolm. He really can't lose you. It's a beautiful 3 dimensional moment. You don't get that pub side.


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The emotion is so beautifully done that I just love it. But then again that might just be me. I lost my grandma yesterday so I might be drawn to that more at the moment. There are some sad truths unveiled in that scene:



the fact that Theron chose you over his dad. Over the republic. On the outer surface it looks like he wanted to fight zakuul but when he says he can't live without you it's obvious. No one has loved him and wanted him. We are the first and he will fight to his last breath to keep that love and warmth in his life. You see it in the throne room with Malcolm. He really can't lose you. It's a beautiful 3 dimensional moment. You don't get that pub side.

I'm hoping the relationship with Theron and Jace will start to heal over the coming "chapters" and that people who sided with the Republic will get some sweet moments with him too later on.


Also I'm so sorry for your loss :(

Edited by Nefla
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I'm hoping the relationship with Theron and Jace will start to heal over the coming "chapters" and that people who sided with the Republic will get some sweet moments with him too later on.


Also I'm so sorry for your loss :(


Yes. There is so much potential on both sides. We know the voice actors are up for it so let us hope the writers are too.


And thank you.

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