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Republic or Empire?


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my jedi thought about sith but he went republic.


now ithought there would be more too this choice but its not much. and do i have elara(sp?) now as a companion or ?


if my trooper meets her will there be romance again?

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Empire, empire and empire. If I ever get my knight and consular through fe/et they will go empire, mainly because during the xp event I rerolled those classes for the purpose of betraying the republic. I don't have anything against the republic, I just find the empire more fun :) (Plus I can't think of any republic aligned companions I must have in the future except maybe Scourge but he's a special case.) Edited by grania
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I am so totally confused now, not sure -- Jedi is LS 5; so she has republic leanings -- but the companion issues and worries are making me crazy lol

I am going to watch YouTube and see -- still have KOTFE and KOTET to get done (massive computer failure for over a year now, may never get her to Iokath )

But really would love republic .... have fun if you have a computer, wish I was right there with you !

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Who did you choose? Any Jedi's out there go Empire? What were your reasons?

This has been easy for my IA, SW, and SI, but my Jedi wants to dump both into a garbage masher. :p



BTW, who did your IA go with and why ? I have one, and I am struggling there too...

Saw your video -- really good, always enjoy them

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My DS SI went for the empire. Next would be my LS SW, i will choose Rep. Neither of my toons are affected by romances with Quinn or Dorne.


But i have to say that i think the Choice was poorly written. For me as Emperor of the Alliance or Peacekeeper the natural choice would be neither.

A more natural choice would have been that you First decid what are your plans for the superweapon (even if you don't know yet what it is exactly), and according to that chpice (or choices) you get the aid from the republic or the empire.

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BTW, who did your IA go with and why ? I have one, and I am struggling there too...

Saw your video -- really good, always enjoy them


Republic. To be honest it didn't completely feel perfect but I was hoping for more that may yet come. She's the double agent so I knew what I'd do with her straight off the bat. I have no regrets. It just feels odd for her to be suddenly I wanna crush the empire! I'm holding out hope there's more to come there.


My LS SI went empire but somehow I was able to keep her more neutral. It flowed the best in my opinion. Her responses/choices were different too. So far this was the best playthrough. I may try to upload hers tomorrow.


And thanks! Glad you liked it. :D


I'm leaning towards Empire with my Jedi Knight main. If she could ally herself she probably would. Haha. She will likely uphold Acina's alliance. Jace Malcolm really comes off as a bad guy who is only there to crush the Empire in that starting Holo. My main Jedi is pretty much against everything the Jedi order stand for so I guess that makes her more Sith. And Saresh did try to kill her. :p besides I'm interested in the drama that might unfold with the companions. I bet Scourge would be proud :p


(I just remembered I have a level 65 JK as well that I'll take pub side just in case but I don't care much for the companions anyway).

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My DS SI went for the empire. Next would be my LS SW, i will choose Rep. Neither of my toons are affected by romances with Quinn or Dorne.


But i have to say that i think the Choice was poorly written. For me as Emperor of the Alliance or Peacekeeper the natural choice would be neither.

A more natural choice would have been that you First decid what are your plans for the superweapon (even if you don't know yet what it is exactly), and according to that chpice (or choices) you get the aid from the republic or the empire.


You can sort of slant it neural. My LS Empire SI decided to go for the superweapon with the intent to disarm it so no one has it. She again says as much to Jace later. It definitely flowed the best but I do agree. I think the alligning with a certain side feels rushed.

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That is a very interesting take on a Jedi -- humm, may have to consider that then -- yes, Jace was a it of a jerk, poor Theron; and I cheated on Doc for Theron, that might be interesting to watch (and an interesting way of getting rid of an "ex" lol ) - unless he goes with me and goes empire -- now you've got me thinking outside the box !
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All of my characters will side with the Empire except my LS Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular.

Basically, I love the Empire and hate the Republic (for many reasons). Besides, Acina seems to be a strong, down-to-earth leader, who even helped you before, and she is sympathetic to me.

Edited by Dylinrae
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It was simple for my Jedi: Republic.


Yes, Acina and the Sith Empire came through against Zakuul, and if there had been an option to say "Acina, sorry about this, no hard feelings, if you withdraw your troops immediately I guarantee you any superweapons discovered here will not be used offensively", I would have selected that immediately.


I mean, she wouldn't have said yes, but it's an offer she deserved.


Because sure, the Sith Empire came through? It was because of enlightened self-interest, nothing more. If I'm giving one group potential access to a big button that says "kill a ton of people", the group historically known for pressing those buttons because they want to see the mushroom cloud isn't it.


The Sith Empire under Acina might be a more thoughtful, intelligent sort of organization, true. But that lasts only as long as Acina's in charge, and it only takes one powerful upstart to take them back to the bad old days. The Republic might be corrupt, but it doesn't have "conquer the galaxy" as a mission statement.

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My Neutral (Light-leaning, never past LS 2 tho) Smuggler sided with the empire. She didn't like Elara or Jace's attitude, and Acina made a damn fine point about being there for her when ish got real, while the Republic just watched from the sidelines (and tried to usurp my Alliance, to boot). Being a practical woman, there was only one choice for my self-serving Smuggler (well, since BW forces you to choose at least one).


She is keeping a wary eye on Acina, of course - and everyone else in her Alliance (she opted for mass surveillance after learning there was a traitor in hermidst). Aygo wasn't very happy about it, but he'll get over it. Nobody crosses the Empress of the Eternal Alliance!

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I went Republic. I would've preferred to have stayed Neutral (Smuggler) but that option was not available (grr). My decision was immediate for a number of reasons. Yes Acina was very nice and rational before and you had a number of items she wanted. You were both trying to get out of the jungle (Your helping her). The Imperial fleet *Did come to help and if your somehow killed in the battle this makes it very convenient for the Empire to take over. This is Bioware so we know what to expect for their typical Imperials and especially Sith figures as Minister whats his name proved earlier. Acina was definitely not the normal for Bioware (atleast not until the end,same as all the rest). Minus Saresh The republic has always been fairly reasonable although I never planned to let them have the weapon either. And now after all that's happened and we've been watching Jace act like such a warmonger I wouldn't be surprised if he tries something very similar.
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Some will go empire some will go republic, just whished both sides didn't look like retarded bullies, or that i could have the choice of telling them off for being there.




even Acina goes back into just another sith trope, was the guy who wrote her in kotet not available?


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Who did you choose? Any Jedi's out there go Empire? What were your reasons?

This has been easy for my IA, SW, and SI, but my Jedi wants to dump both into a garbage masher. :p


My Light V Knight chose the Empire. The reason is that he needed to think and act like a powerful galactic politician who will continue to engage in war, alliance-building and power-plays for years to come. He needs a reputation as a trustworthy partner and a pragmatist not driven by ideology.


The Empire reached out to him personally and pro-actively, hosted him on their capital, committed resources including military hardware and personnel to the fight against Vaylin and came in to save the day in battle at great cost in Imperial life and property. In contrast, the Republic was entirely missing from the stage. Chancellor Saresh's actions - even if they cannot be laid at the feet of the official Republic government - are yet another reason my Commander is not naturally favorably disposed to the Republic; they were not the determining factor, though.


Given that background, should my Commander side with the Republic, it'd have to be based entirely on personal background, factional loyalty and ideology. That'd make him inconsistent in the eyes of his alliance members, untrustworthy at an individual level and unattractive to potential future political partners on the galactic stage. I wanted realpolitik rather than rigid ideology to drive his choice. (So it is unfortunate that the writing suddenly converts Empress Acina and Commander Malcolm into unreasonable zealots and the Commander does not get to even moderate the rhetoric of the person he's siding with.)


The above is my Commander's reasoning behind choosing to side with the Empire. It is not a criticism or put down of the players (or their characters) who chose the Republic. It is not my intention to start a food fight.

Edited by mike_carton
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My LS SW went for Empire, cause he is a patriot of Empire and hopes to eventually unite Alliance and Empire and then conquer Republic.


My LS Trooper went for Republoc because she is a patriot of Republic and hates Empire.

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My Light V Knight chose the Empire. The reason is that he needed to think and act like a powerful galactic politician who will continue to engage in war, alliance-building and power-plays for years to come. He needs a reputation as a trustworthy partner and a pragmatist not driven by ideology.


The Empire reached out to him personally and pro-actively, hosted him on their capital, committed resources including military hardware and personnel to the fight against Vaylin and came in to save the day in battle at great cost in Imperial life and property. In contrast, the Republic was entirely missing from the stage. Chancellor Saresh's actions - even if they cannot be laid at the feet of the official Republic government - are yet another reason my Commander is not naturally favorably disposed to the Republic; they were not the determining factor, though.


Given that background, should my Commander side with the Republic, it'd have to be based entirely on personal background, factional loyalty and ideology. That'd make him inconsistent in the eyes of his alliance members, untrustworthy at an individual level and unattractive to potential future political partners on the galactic stage. I wanted realpolitik rather than rigid ideology to drive his choice. (So it is unfortunate that the writing suddenly converts Empress Acina and Commander Malcolm into unreasonable zealots and the Commander does not get to even moderate the rhetoric of the person he's siding with.)


The above is my Commander's reasoning behind choosing to side with the Empire. It is not a criticism or put down of the players (or their characters) who chose the Republic. It is not my intention to start a food fight.



Yeah, pretty much this. My JK did the same thing.


Honestly, it is just terrible story on this choice. There's no way that either of these groups would have the gall to attempt going against the Eternal E... er, Alliance. Both already know how easily the EA could (and would) crush them. And, if they did, I would not, as the supreme leader, side with one of them. The point of the Alliance is not to pick sides but to build bridges. If I must slap them around a bit first before building them back up, that's what I'll do....


It seems so foolish to me that they would go from the Chapter XVI epilogue to this. Okay, so it is Star *Wars*, but seriously!

Edited by -Wes-
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My Light V Knight chose the Empire. The reason is that he needed to think and act like a powerful galactic politician who will continue to engage in war, alliance-building and power-plays for years to come. He needs a reputation as a trustworthy partner and a pragmatist not driven by ideology.


The Empire reached out to him personally and pro-actively, hosted him on their capital, committed resources including military hardware and personnel to the fight against Vaylin and came in to save the day in battle at great cost in Imperial life and property. In contrast, the Republic was entirely missing from the stage. Chancellor Saresh's actions - even if they cannot be laid at the feet of the official Republic government - are yet another reason my Commander is not naturally favorably disposed to the Republic; they were not the determining factor, though.


Given that background, should my Commander side with the Republic, it'd have to be based entirely on personal background, factional loyalty and ideology. That'd make him inconsistent in the eyes of his alliance members, untrustworthy at an individual level and unattractive to potential future political partners on the galactic stage. I wanted realpolitik rather than rigid ideology to drive his choice. (So it is unfortunate that the writing suddenly converts Empress Acina and Commander Malcolm into unreasonable zealots and the Commander does not get to even moderate the rhetoric of the person he's siding with.)


The above is my Commander's reasoning behind choosing to side with the Empire. It is not a criticism or put down of the players (or their characters) who chose the Republic. It is not my intention to start a food fight.


Agree. That's exactly what I've been pondering and my reasoning too. I hit escape at the decision and decided to think it over since it's one of my mains that I do care about.

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The point of the Alliance is not to pick sides but to build bridges. If I must slap them around a bit first before building them back up, that's what I'll do....


It seems so foolish to me that they would go from the Chapter XVI epilogue to this. Okay, so it is Star *Wars*, but seriously!


Exactly. In most other genres, the writing would be grown-up enough to do a proper continuation in terms of characterization. This seems to be an affliction of sci-fi where the audience is deemed to be less demanding and more willing to financially support lazy writing.


Unrelated aside: The obsession with the thrones (lamp-shaded by a Commander/Theron throw-away joke) and their "connection" with the person sitting in them is also weird.

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Exactly. In most other genres, the writing would be grown-up enough to do a proper continuation in terms of characterization. This seems to be an affliction of sci-fi where the audience is deemed to be less demanding and more willing to financially support lazy writing.


Unrelated aside: The obsession with the thrones (lamp-shaded by a Commander/Theron throw-away joke) and their "connection" with the person sitting in them is also weird.


Or it is because they realize that they screwed up with Kotfe and kotet and most people want Star wars back, not Keeping up with the Valkorians.

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I thought of it as a real life situation and what I would do on such an occasion. I am not a zealot, and if you are a Republic player and you joined the Republic, that's pretty much what it says: Zealot.


For my Jedi Knight, I do not consider myself a Jedi anymore (think Ahsoka Tano in rebels). I am the leader of an empire and people are looking to me. If I am to keep the "peace," i must be shrewd, pragmatic and consistent. The republic was never an ally of the alliance. Jace Malcolm had declared the Republic to be independent (read the in game mails) but that it would respect the alliance's authority over the worlds it had captured and any republic personnel who join the alliance.


The only ally was Acina and she has proven that she is not the "typical" blood thirsty stupid Sith. As long as she continued to Rule the Sith Empire (under your protection) she never would have crossed you. They writer's failed Acina, big time, and they should not have killed her.


They need to re-do the patch (disappointed). A marriage between the two would make more sense.

Edited by Yezzan
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They gave me the wrong faction leader choice if they ever wanted to side with the Empire >.> there's no way I'm ever letting

Theron's dad die, especially on a romanced character of which there are many...



I have a few characters who would side with the Empire but they don't get to continue on now.

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