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Just defeated Darth Thanaton. What next?


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Not that I recall lol Ilum is where you defend Ilum (Republic) or invade Ilum (Imperial) and try to keep the crystals secure. The story is a tad more complicated than that but you get the gist lol


Where as an Imperial you work along side that Grand Moff?


I'm just making sure I'm going down the correct avenue.

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Where as an Imperial you work along side that Grand Moff?


I'm just making sure I'm going down the correct avenue.


I assume you mean Grand Moff Kilran?

He sort of....Disappears after ~lvl 38.

For story reasons I shall say no more!

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I assume you mean Grand Moff Kilran?

He sort of....Disappears after ~lvl 38.

For story reasons I shall say no more!


Nope, different one. OP, you're on track. Ilum's an ice world - you're working alongside Grand Moff...Regus, I think is his name?...and Darth Malgus, correct?

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After the class stories comes Ilum, which ends in two flashpoints. After Ilum comes cvhapter 4 "Rise of the Hutt Cartel", that is followed by the Forged Alliances (a prelude to Shadow of Revan), where you will be completing 4 flashpoints. After that comes the Shadow of Revan, that ends to Rise of the Emperor. After that begins the Eternal Empire story, that is explored in Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne expansions. The newest update, War for Iokath, is set after the events of the Eternal Throne.

Aside from these expansions, there is the Dread Masters storyline (begins on Belsavis, ends on Oricon: the story consists of solo missions as well as operations). Then there are the Seeker Droid and Macrobinocular questlines, that end in heroic 4 missions. Then there's the CZ-198, that explores what happened to Czerka Corporation in amidst of all conflict. These missions can be done whenever you want, I've personally began to do them after I completed other expansions.

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After the class stories comes Ilum, which ends in two flashpoints. After Ilum comes cvhapter 4 "Rise of the Hutt Cartel", that is followed by the Forged Alliances (a prelude to Shadow of Revan), where you will be completing 4 flashpoints. After that comes the Shadow of Revan, that ends to Rise of the Emperor. After that begins the Eternal Empire story, that is explored in Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne expansions. The newest update, War for Iokath, is set after the events of the Eternal Throne.

Aside from these expansions, there is the Dread Masters storyline (begins on Belsavis, ends on Oricon: the story consists of solo missions as well as operations). Then there are the Seeker Droid and Macrobinocular questlines, that end in heroic 4 missions. Then there's the CZ-198, that explores what happened to Czerka Corporation in amidst of all conflict. These missions can be done whenever you want, I've personally began to do them after I completed other expansions.


As an addition - you can start Fallen Empire and Eternal Throne when you hit level 60 / 65, respectively, regardless of where else you are in story content. If this is your first time through the story, it's not advised to start those storylines until you've completed (most of) what comes before.

If you do start those storylines, you will be locked out of any remaining quests in your class story, companion conversations, Forged Alliances, Shadow of Revan, and Rise of the Emperor (commonly just known as "Ziost," the planet it takes place on). Makeb, Ilum, Oricon, CZ-198, are not locked out, but as they take place chronologically before Fallen Empire / Eternal Throne, you'll probably want to complete those first to avoid a lot of confusion. As for Fallen Empire / Eternal Throne, just follow the story breadcrumbs starting in Forged Alliances, and you'll get to Fallen Empire / Eternal Throne / Iokath as the natural next place in the storyline.


Also, the four flashpoints you have to complete in Forged Alliances have a solo mode. You can do them all by yourself, no need to group up with other people. There are two more flashpoints in Shadow of Revan proper, both of which also have solo modes. (The two flashpoints that end Ilum also have solo modes now.)

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