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Grade 10 mats no longer on zakuul or darvanis


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That is actually most sensible decision. Grade 10 was forced on Zakuul and Darvannis, since there wasn't any new open area at that point. We needed separation of grade 9 and 10. You don't need to play a story to get to Iokath and KotFE and KotET are not required as well, meaning any character (level 70 maybe needed) can access Grade 10 mats.


Now, all we need is those mats to be added to the scrap vendor.

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I whole heartedly agree.

To remove Grade 10 from Zakuul is a absolutely terrible idear !

It's been the talk in my guild all weekend, as in what an idiotic idear it is. !

Iokath is the worst daily area for gathering mats i have ever seen.

It was nice and peaceful to go to Zakuul for an hour or two and you had replenished your mats for the week.

Doing this on Iokath is a pure pain.

I seriously hope it's a bug and not a conscious decision.

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Ironically, the PVP instances are often very thinly populated. - So farm away.

Shame about Darvanis, but not wholly unexpected.

On the flip side, the rarer the spawns, the higher the price of the mats if you care to sell ( or sell crafted items) - Since the change I've not seen the usual drop-off in prices for high end stuff, like it usually does a few months after a patch.


Farming is a bit of time-sink, but you can always whizz a few dailies and buy your mats if that's how you roll. - Work smarter, not harder, no?

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It was enough of a pain in the butt to slog through the story on multiple toons to get my crafters to be able to use Zakuul and Darvanis, there's not way I'm going through more story to get to Iokath. That's another reason why grade 10 mats should be available on at least Darvanis.
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my pub main has only just finished Mandalores' revenge chapter . pressed the Iokath mission on board their ship and went to Iokath..... Farmed grade 10 mats until my eyes bled. Hoping to do some OW PvP in the PvP instance.... and was the only one there. - Filled my boots for an hour or two and left, bags bulging with loot.



Edited by Storm-Cutter
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Why it needs response from Devs?


When Grade 10 was introduced everyone complained how they hate mixing of 9 and 10. They separate it and people complain about separation. Seriously people, learn to adapt, not to complain.


What Iokath might need is more nods that are not on mobs, but 9 and 10 have to stay separated.

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maybe bcs there is nothing in patch notes and its probably another change they didnt care enough about to share it with us? and lol this approach is mega wrong, period. /not talkin about politics/ but such approach would make the game unplayable...if we wouldnt cmplain, we would still have 5.0 gearing system and player base would be super excited, we wouldnt have a word from devs about new ops and ilum would still lag af


since there is nothing about it in patch notes i consider this a bug untill clarified..

and if -You guys made this a legit change, please atleast buff the number of nods

or leave zakuul 9, darvannis 9-10 and iokath 10..

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First let me just state I DO NOT CARE ABOUT THIS CHANGE ONE BIT!!! I NEVER went to zakuul or darvanis to farm materials grade 9 or grade 10. In fact I dislike farming materials in general in this game. I would rather spend credits running missions and do things in game that I enjoy to recoup those expenses. YES, if I am playing the game and a materials node is in my general path I will get gather it, but I do not go out of my way to "farm" materials.


That said...


Failing to include a change of this nature in the patch notes doesn't "make sense" to me, and that's my complaint.


So, you are saying that if they had included this change in the patch notes, you would not be complaining? Considering most of the other posters in this thread are complaining that the change was made at all, you are in the minority.

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So, you are saying that if they had included this change in the patch notes, you would not be complaining? Considering most of the other posters in this thread are complaining that the change was made at all, you are in the minority.


Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. My initial animosity towards the change was fueled by the fact it was unannounced, and while my feelings on the change itself are still somewhat mixed, I think it may actually be a change for the better. However, I don't like unannounced changes. I'm not able to speak for the other posters, so I may very well be in the minority, and that's fine with me.

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By advance you mean that small time before they release patch notes and take down site for maintenance.


Maybe it's a slip up, not to write about it in patch notes, but either way, change would happen.


Of all the things that require some complaining, this isn't one of them. All other mats have clear areas where you can gather each grade, this shouldn't be the exception. IMO, Darvannis should have been purely grade 10, but that's another debate.


Once again, adapt. And probably develop few more credit making mechanisms.

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Once again, adapt. And probably develop few more credit making mechanisms.


Yup. Run a few dailies, H2s and the rest. You'll have enough to buy from the people who have gone to Iokath to farm mats.

I spent ~2M on mats of several ~1000s that will probably last me until 6.0. - I make between 1/2M and 1M a day... so I'll easy make back the outlay in a few days. - And less time farming means more time earning the credits. -So take your pick, both are equally valid methods.


The only advantage for farming is the profit margin, but grade 10 Mats make a lot of very profitable items, so you'll not be losing too much.


Or you could sell some of the grade 1-9s and buy grade 10s. - People need tons of 1-9s for crafting conquest weeks....

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Of all the things that require some complaining, this isn't one of them.

Neither you nor I get to decide what others feel are things that "require some complaining."

Edited by PiiTarr
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