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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Can you go to Iokath without doing kotfe and kotet or will you loose your companions?


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As stated in the title; can you go there just to farm mats and check out the new world or would I loose my companions. I ran through kotfe and kotet with one toon and thought the story sucked, I have two other toons that I want to take there but I haven't finished the class stories with those toons. Will this be a problem?
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I'd be more inclined to know how it works with KotET and KotFE decisions.


If you start KotET at any point before finishing KotFE's last chapter, the game will automatically assume default decisions for all KotFE chapters.This means that even if you finished chapter 9 of KotFE and made your decisions, the game will just disregard them if you choose to skip the Battle of Odessen. This is how my Assassin lost his Lana romance.


How does this translate to War for Iokath? If I skip a few chapters in KotET, will it assume default decisions even for the completed ones? Does it also erase KotFE decisions if I start it prior to finishing KotFE?

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My gunslinger has not started Kotfe. Picked up the iokath quest and went there. Vanilla companions are still available and now i have theron as well.


Not sure if you can just fly there without picking up the first quest but if you can you shouldnt lose any comps.

Edited by bdatt
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So, I'm a touch paranoid about vanilla companions. I know one person said they did not suffer companion loss, but is there anyone else out there who can confirm that? I have not run my agent through kotfe or kotet because I don't want to lose Vector. I want to run her through WoI but having run another toon through the new stuff I don't think it's worth doing unless I know, without a doubt, that Vector is safe.
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If anyone knows, I would also like confirmation that going to Iokath will not affect unfinished companion conversations. I have some of these I have been enjoying slowly on alts I would like to bring to Iokath but not worth it if that means doin class story again for the convos.


One alt of mine that is permanently parked in ch1 of Kotfe and still has the original crew did not lose any of them by going to Iokath.

Edited by exfell
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One alt of mine that is permanently parked in ch1 of Kotfe and still has the original crew did not lose any of them by going to Iokath.


Well, that makes two confirmed instances of not losing companions. I haven't seen any irate posts from people about losing them either. I'm starting to feel safer about this. Thing is, I don't trust the devs not to steal my companions so they can force me to be friends with Lana, lol. I have dev induced Lanaphobia.

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I have dev induced Lanaphobia.


For some reason, I'm reminded of a Mass Effect fan comic, called Mess Perfect. (Oh, found it! Warning: while this page is SFW save for one tiny blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment, there are a few pages in the rest of the comic that border that line. Browse with caution.) Samara's recruitment mission... She is staring at a police officer who's very nervous.

A few hours later. She's a few feet closer. The police officer is now EXTREMELY nervous.

Hours later. She's in the police officer's face. "SOON."

...reason: if Shepard doesn't do their job in twenty-four hours, Samara has every right by her justicar code to kill whoever's in her way. That includes police.


Now insert Lana for Samara. Steadily creeping closer to the player...closer...closer...closer...does she have nefarious intentions or not!? :eek: LANAPHOBIA. (...seriously, Lana, back off, you're getting a tad creepy now.)


Sorry for going a bit off-topic. :D

Edited by Jagaimee
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Now insert Lana for Samara. Steadily creeping closer to the player...closer...closer...closer...does she have nefarious intentions or not!? :eek: LANAPHOBIA. (...seriously, Lana, back off, you're getting a tad creepy now.)


ROFL! I feel this is accurate. She's coming for my Vector. I know she wants to take him away from me. She's all "Why won't you love me? Oh, it's the bugboy. Well, I'll fix that." Cue Jaws theme.


Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the galaxy.

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