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Confusion about Iokath dailies


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I realize there was an attempt to cut down the various currencies to a single one recently, but introducing a new one does not make it better, and there is still a load of them around, most of which must be stored inventory.


* Unassembled components

* command tokens

* Light Side Tokens

* Dark side tokens

* Manaan Research Data

* Recovered Relics

* Ziost Memory Holographs (though mostly useless at the moment as far as I know)

* Eternal Championship Trophies

* Completed Bounty Contracts

* Jawa Scrap

* Tauntaun Domestication Data

* KDY Construction Kits

* Grey Helix Components

* Rakghoul DNA canister

... and I probably missed at least half of them.

Crafted, but ultimately still currencies:

* Various kinds of prefabs

* Dark Projects




I wonder if that is the plan since the devs are making credits go legacy-wide

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