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Game Update 5.2 - Known Issues


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When doing the quest when you turn into a monitor, sometimes your companion despawns. Also whenever going to/from Iokath, your companion despawns.

Same here. Also, and it's only on Iokath, class symbols are automatically turning on. I have them disabled in settings, and can turn them back off but they reappear if I use the tram.

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A few of us have noticed that Operatives (Concealment) are pretty much broken on Iokath. The "Stuns standard mobs" portion of Lacerate/Collateral Strike also affects you when you use it. So if you hit a standard mob, you are stunned briefly as well.


I believe you may also take damage from it as well, my 240+ geared Operative was constantly dying quickly to trash mobs until I swapped to Lethality.


This does not appear to be a problem anywhere other than Iokath. I posted a bug report but wanted to post it here as well.

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Reset & abandon buttons missing from mission log for story/non-story quests.


Quick Travel is NOT available inside ships hangars or spaceports.


Not sure if this is related, but on Imp Agent, the starting quests for Belsavis & Corellia don't advance after you take your ship to those respective planets. No advance to "Use Your Holoterminal" and you can't reset or force the holoterminal. Had to have CS fix my Belsavis one and waiting on them to do the same for Corellia

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I think I've identified the cause of the issue with several people having issues with thier class quests on Belsavis and Corellia being "broken" since the patch (see my post above this one - plus I've seen 1-2 others in the bug forum about this).


Seems like with the ability to travel to both planets directly from clicking on the planet icon in our quest display, both planets have 2 questing locations (Belsavis prpper and Section X, Corellia proper and Black Hole). Apparently taking the "easy travel" option is messing up class quests since both planets have 2 differing questing zones.


Worth the devs looking into.

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So it's been a week since the new patch came out, and I still cannot redirect my Iokath forces from Empire to Republic for dailies. This has grinded my enjoyment of the game to a halt. Since most people who pick Empire each day are already empire, i cannot communicate with them in an appropriate manner to get into the new Ops and the few who are empire that are baseline republic characters, don't respond in general chat when looking for a group for the new Iokath Ops. Is there any word on when this will be fixed?
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All I'm getting when I even try to start the SWTOR launcer is "This application has encountered an unspecified error. Please try this patch again.




I just started getting this today as well. I did delete the recommended folder and files from the BitRaider folder as suggested in the sticky post, but still getting the same message.


EDIT: I figured it out.....had to go into Task Manager and close all the BitRaider processes. It's working now.

Edited by feylyndiira
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I think I've identified the cause of the issue with several people having issues with thier class quests on Belsavis and Corellia being "broken" since the patch (see my post above this one - plus I've seen 1-2 others in the bug forum about this).


Seems like with the ability to travel to both planets directly from clicking on the planet icon in our quest display, both planets have 2 questing locations (Belsavis prpper and Section X, Corellia proper and Black Hole). Apparently taking the "easy travel" option is messing up class quests since both planets have 2 differing questing zones.


Worth the devs looking into.


Yep, just ran into this bug, too. :/ The quest log will not update. I can *travel* to Corellia via the ship, but I cannot progress my quests. Can't reset the quest, either. I'm on my Jedi Consular.


Edit: Oh! I just found a workaround!!


Travel to another planet (any planet, doesn't seem to matter; I went to Coruscant), then travel back to Belsavis/Corellia. Make sure you're going to Belsavis / Corellia - NOT Section X or the Black Hole. There are two separate selections for those on the screen.


This seems to have worked. I'm able to progress the class quest.

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Yep, just ran into this bug, too. :/ The quest log will not update. I can *travel* to Corellia via the ship, but I cannot progress my quests. Can't reset the quest, either. I'm on my Jedi Consular.


Edit: Oh! I just found a workaround!!


Travel to another planet (any planet, doesn't seem to matter; I went to Coruscant), then travel back to Belsavis/Corellia. Make sure you're going to Belsavis / Corellia - NOT Section X or the Black Hole. There are two separate selections for those on the screen.


This seems to have worked. I'm able to progress the class quest.


Yeah, my Imp Agent opted to travel via the planet icon in the quest lost to both planets and clicked the "Travel Now" button that appears when the planet comes up. It still may be the issue of 2 questing zones on 1 planet confusing the coding.


I had tried the 'travel to another planet and back again' option but it didn't help. I think once you choose the method I did, it completely breaks the chain.


My BH just got the Belsavis quest and I used the map button on my ship and clicked the actual purple icon for Belsavis proper and had no issues.


So, seems to me the new "fast/easy travel" option is causing a couple unforseen issues.

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Would it be possible to get an updated list of the known issues? I know there are a lot of things to deal with after the drop of a new patch. Some are cosmetic and some prevent game play. I played through on April 18th on my Sith Warrior, as I looked forward to the reunion with Quinn. However, at the end of the story, I didn't get Quinn, Dorne or anyone and I am a bit frustrated. I put in a ticket to register the problem and the reply told me that they would ask the Devs to take a look. It was then closed. The issue with this is I am combing the forums to find answers since my issue is not resolved.


I have 2 issues right now and they are not listed on the Known issues. I would like to be able to follow progress and know when to go back to Iokath with my other characters.


1. Companion bug - I don't want to run more toons through Iokath until we know what is preventing receipt of companions. It's important to me that I not have this issue on other toons - particularly my other SW and my Trooper.


2. Inability to change faction - I am nearly at Hero standing with Empire and have enough rep tokens to possibly make it through to champion. I would really like to work on my Republic rep. I can do it on another character, but then I don't know if they will have the companion bug.


I have been checking the forums every day and these issues have not appeared on the list of known issues although several have mentioned by users. This leaves me wondering whether they are on anyone's radar. For me, the dailies and the relationships with the companions are the focus of my time on Iokath (I am dreadful at PVP). If we could be assured these are on the radar and then perhaps occasionally get and update, this would really help those who are waiting to be patient.


Thank you for your time and attention to this issue.

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Not sure if anyone has said this, yet, but I'm having a companion issue on my level 26 Jedi Sentinel. T7 disappeared along with the companion frame after I exited a Warzone. I've tried all sorts of things to get him back and nothing's worked. Short of reinstalling the game, I'm not sure that there's anything else I can try.


Trying to dismiss T7 creates the prompt in the chat box but it changes nothing. T7 appears in the companion window as if he's standing right next to you.


Also, after resetting the UI, while the companion frame doesn't come back, the companion cast bar flashes for a moment before disappearing.

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Add Kurtob Alliance (recruit-a-friend) speeder as broken to the list.


Doesn't increase speed at all, goes as fast as running speed.

This mount, being the recruit-a-friend mount should be at 110% (rank 3), excellent protection against being knocked off the mount.


bug video:

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I checked my Republic toons space missions and it looks like all of them are there. At least the pre-level 50 missions. I don't even try the other missions because for some reason I cannot pass them. The frigates are still shooting after all their turrets have been destroyed and that destroys me and the escort ship. So, I only do the pre-level 50 missions
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Today, after having logged in already and played since the update, I am encountering the C7 error code...I have never run into this and I am on a gaming ROG ASUS computer that is kept updated. I am not sure what is going on. I have already run and saved the Dxdiag.txt file.
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Bug - the display of the "Legacy" abilities icons without applying the "Heroic moment".



yeah i have that same issue. when i log into a character and use the heroic abilities during battle, the bar will show up after exiting every cutscene following their activation, even if the abilities are currently on cooldown. they only disappear once i reactivate heroic abilities and manually remove the heroic moment by right-clicking on it. that's only temporary however, after the next cutscene they'll be right back on my screen with no intention of leaving.

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I'm trying to log onto the game from the launcher. I can log but when it's initializing, an error message will appear to tell me to try again. I know the system was down for maintenance earlier today but now maintenance has been over yet I can't fully log on to play.
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yeah i have that same issue. when i log into a character and use the heroic abilities during battle, the bar will show up after exiting every cutscene following their activation, even if the abilities are currently on cooldown. they only disappear once i reactivate heroic abilities and manually remove the heroic moment by right-clicking on it. that's only temporary however, after the next cutscene they'll be right back on my screen with no intention of leaving.


I use ctrl+u times 2 to reset the UI. The lag from UI reset is annoying, but it seems to fix the problem. You know until you use heroic again.

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Would it be possible to get an updated list of the known issues? I know there are a lot of things to deal with after the drop of a new patch. Some are cosmetic and some prevent game play. I played through on April 18th on my Sith Warrior, as I looked forward to the reunion with Quinn. However, at the end of the story, I didn't get Quinn, Dorne or anyone and I am a bit frustrated. I put in a ticket to register the problem and the reply told me that they would ask the Devs to take a look. It was then closed. The issue with this is I am combing the forums to find answers since my issue is not resolved.


I have 2 issues right now and they are not listed on the Known issues. I would like to be able to follow progress and know when to go back to Iokath with my other characters.


1. Companion bug - I don't want to run more toons through Iokath until we know what is preventing receipt of companions. It's important to me that I not have this issue on other toons - particularly my other SW and my Trooper.


2. Inability to change faction - I am nearly at Hero standing with Empire and have enough rep tokens to possibly make it through to champion. I would really like to work on my Republic rep. I can do it on another character, but then I don't know if they will have the companion bug.


I have been checking the forums every day and these issues have not appeared on the list of known issues although several have mentioned by users. This leaves me wondering whether they are on anyone's radar. For me, the dailies and the relationships with the companions are the focus of my time on Iokath (I am dreadful at PVP). If we could be assured these are on the radar and then perhaps occasionally get and update, this would really help those who are waiting to be patient.


Thank you for your time and attention to this issue.


I'm with the above player in one regard -- I ran Iokath on patch day with a previous chapter in-progress, and I have yet to see a time when we are able to receive Quinn or Elara as companions. Worse, in my attempt to reset the mission as part of a fix, I ended up dropping the mission to kill Tyth. CSRs report I cannot reobtain the mission... which never would have been dropped, had it not been for the issue with the companions and completion of the prologue itself.


An update on this issue, and perhaps acknowledgement whether or not this will affect story progression (once more is available) would be greatly appreciated.

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