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Question about Companion Gifts


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Hey peeps,


Not trying to get ne one in trouble, but how are people amassing such huge numbers of legendary companion gifts? I look on the GTN and they same person is selling stacks upon stacks on 100 legendary companion gifts in every category? I get one every once in a while from gc crate and i think there is a vendor in one of the later chapters. What gives?



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Hey peeps,


Not trying to get ne one in trouble, but how are people amassing such huge numbers of legendary companion gifts? I look on the GTN and they same person is selling stacks upon stacks on 100 legendary companion gifts in every category? I get one every once in a while from gc crate and i think there is a vendor in one of the later chapters. What gives?




Alliance Crates drop blue, purple, and gold companion gifts. I assume the sellers are either A) grinding out Heroics on multiple toons and opening the crates or B) buying and reselling the gifts at a higher price. The might also be super flush with credits are could possibly be C) buying from the vendor on Odessen (who sells them for 250K credits a piece) and reselling them at a lower price (I don't know what the prices on the market for them are seeing as all my companion gifts come from Alliance Crates and Crew Skills).

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Could be someone with multiple accounts, using a multi-box system where he or she controls multiple characters on multiple accounts on a single keyboard. If you have let's say a party of 4 and farm all heroics each week you can get about 75 alliance crates per character. Multiply by 4, then by the amount of characters each account has (some have up to 40 on a single account) and you have a possible 12000 crates each week. With about a 25% chance on getting a legendary gift you could get around 3000 a week.


Now the main problem here is the time this all would take.

Even in optimal conditions (minimal loading times, no competition) it would take 5 minutes per quest or 375 minutes per session of 4 characters to do all 75 heroics.

Now if someone would multibox this for 40 characters and 4 accounts it would require 250 hours a week, which is 10.416 days and thus mathematically impossible. So already someone either has to multibox multiple parties of 4 at once or have less characters. The latter is more likely so let's go down to 20.

125 hours a weeks, or 17.9 hours a day, seems doable albeit highly unlikely but we've seen plenty of proof that people can be very determined when it comes to games so let's roll with it for now. Halving the amount of chars will halve the amount of possible gifts but 1500 a week is still 15 stacks of gifts, which sounds about what OP has encountered.


However there are simpler alternatives: Bots and cheaters.

These large amounts of gifts could be the result of duping bugs (where players illegally duplicate items and sell those cheap for a quick profit) or the spoils of farming bots, which is kinda like multiboxing but without an actual player behind the keyboard.


Personally i find these large amounts of gifts rather shady.

If they were crafting materials i could get it, having an army of high level influence crafters for optimal mission crits is a solid way to make a quick buck, but en masse running many many many heroics boggles my mind.

Having to actively run a total of 1500 missions in the span of a single week and possibly multiple weeks in a row is simply inhuman.

Edited by DrDaMoZ
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