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New GSF Battle Modes that I would love to see added


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Despite the fact that Bioware hasn't put out any new game modes for GSF in years and these are unlikely to ever be developed, I figure I'll float them out there and see what other people think.

1. Capital Ship Battle

This would be a 10 minute battle. The map starts in with all the ships warping in and a pub/imp capital ship warping in on opposite sides of the map. After warping in the two capital ships continue to move towards each other. After 1 min 15 seconds they are in range to start firing at each other and at 2 min 30 seconds they are fully broadside. Both capital ships do equal damage to each other if left alone. If left alone all match each capital ship would only take 50% total damage. The goal is to do as much damage to the enemy capital ship as possible within the time limit. The side with the least damage taken wins.


There would be numerous types of targets on the capital ships to hit. The turrets, the engines, shield generators, the bridge, the communications array, etc. Destroying different targets would have different effects. Destroying the turrets would cause the capital ship to do less damage, destroying the shield generators would cause it to take more damage, destroying the comms array would prevent the capital ship from relaying enemy ship positions if your team is not in the area, destroying the bridge would cause all other ship functions to be less effective, I dunno what destroying the engines would do.


2. Deathrace

This will be a 10 minute race on a map spanning over 125k meters split roughly In half vertically. Both teams start on the same side of the map but in different corners. One on top and one on bottom. The side of the map the teams start on would be absolutely littered with meteors/debris to the point where you can't fly directly to the finish without avoiding at least 10-15 large objects. The side of the map with the finish will be completely empty leaving nothing to hide behind.


The goal of the battle is to reach a small sphere that is no more then 10 meters in diameter, located on the equator of the map 10k meters from the far side. The sphere will only have 6 entrances, top/bottom, front/back, and left/right. While ships can only enter through 1 of the 6 entrances, ships in the sphere can be attacked from any angle. The goal having a single ship from either team coming to a complete stop inside the sphere for 10 seconds. I think 10 seconds might be a bit much considering I know you can't really stop on a 10 meter dime, but I do want to guarantee the other team enough time to get a few shots and maybe a missile off at the person in the sphere.


3. Station Assault

This would be like a void star back and forth type battle. One team starts on offense then other on defense then switch out after the round is over. The goal is simple do as much damage to the enemy station as possible within a set time frame. Destroying all targets on the station before the time runs out automatically ends the round and reduces the time for the other team to achieve victory.


4. Reverse Tug-of-War

The scenario for this is a large meteor/station debris is falling onto a contested planet. Rather then preventing its fall your goal is to knock it into course that will destroy your enemy's base/station. You accomplish this by attacking the falling object and thus giving it momentum in the direction of your enemy's base/station. You have 10 minutes to force its course as close to your enemy as possible, the team who's base/station is farthest from the object wins.


5. Ground Battle

Pub/Imp forces are engaged in battle on a planet's surface. Your goal is to kill as many enemy troops/walkers/base turrets as possible and allow your forces to advance. The team with the most ground after 10 minutes wins.


6. Free For All

A 15 minute free for all deathmatch. I don't think anymore explanation is needed.


7A. 1v1 Ranked

A 1v1 ranked match. Pilots fly until they kill the other pilot and then match resets. Best of 3.

7B. 4v4 Ranked

A 4v4 ranked match. Each match is 2 minutes 30 seconds, team with most kills wins. Best of 3.

7C. 8v8 Ranked

A 8v8 ranked match. Each match is 5 minutes, team with most kills wins. Best of 3.


8. Guild vs Guild

Now most if not all guilds have a guild ship. Why have it, if all you're really gonna do is decorate it. This mode will be quite a bit different from a typical GSF battle. Like the Capital Ship battle, only it would be two guild ships warping in. In addition to that, 1 player would be required to be in control of either guild ship.

With 9v9 battles and less it would be 1 person controlling the entire guild ships systems and 8 GSF pilots flying.

In 10v10 through 15v15, the weapons systems on the guild ships are divided among the additional non-pilots. The Weapons Systems will be divide by battery. Starboard Forward, Center, and Aft Batteries and Port Forward, Center, and Aft.

In 16v16 battles, the final non-pilot will be responsible for directing shields, transferring power between, shields, weapons, and engines, using special abilities of the guild ship, coordinating all other players. I can't really think of much that would make this final slot all that interesting for the player stuck on it, but its basically the "ship commander's" position. If someone has a suggestion to make it more interesting feel free to let me know.


9. GSF Ops

For the more pve oriented players who still enjoy GSF. Basically these Ops would be like a large scale space battle, but with the group having certain targets and objectives to achieve. Bosses can be unique versions of all current GSF ships, plus cruiser class (class story) ships, capital ships, and even ships that are their unique class.


When flying through the battle, aka clearing trash, players who die can warp back in relative to the groups position. When fighting bosses, players have to wait for a wipe, or the boss to die, to warp back in.


Additional player ship classes could be added to make it feel like running an ops.

Interceptor Class (Tank). A class of ship with the mobility of a Strike Fighter, but the toughness of a gunship. They'd have single target and aoe taunts. However threat generation will work a bit backwards. Because in GSF, generally if someone is attacking you, its done from a direction other then in front of you, threat generation will work like this:

-Avoiding blaster fire = minor threat generation.

-Avoiding missiles/mines = moderate threat generation.

-Avoiding railgun fire = major threat generation

-While taunt is active on target, all threat generated by fire/heals from allies on target will transfer to interceptor(tank)

-All successful fire on target will generate appropriate amounts of threat.


Auxiliary Supply Class (Healer). A very light and mobile class of ship, with only a single primary weapon. capable of repairing minor damage to allied ships at long range, and repair larger amounts at short range.


10. GSF FPs

11. GSF URs

After giving it some thought, I figured, why have GSF OPs, if you're not going to have GSF flashpoints and uprisings?


Any ideas that would make any of these more fun are welcomed. Even your own idea for a battle type.


Edit: Added 3 - 5

Edit 2: Added 6 - 7

Edit 3: Added 8 - 9

Edit 4: Added 10 - 11

Edited by Neflarion
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1 and 3 good ideas. Not quite so sure about the rest.

Racing would be good scout on scout match, but if you fly other ship types, they're pig slow.


And for very different match types, you might want more ships to choose from on your Bar.



-Tho' a battle over a planet's surface would be nice. - Like the Millennium Falcon over the surface of Jakku in TFA.

- With crashed ships to whizz through and maybe derelict walkers to target, hills and valleys to hide in, ground forces with AA guns and stuff.


-but no dev has been here for something like 2 years. - So might as well ask for a nice slice of rare Bantha steak and a cup of blue milk to wash it down with. :)

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Yeah I think 2 would be a scouts play ground, but because of the nature of the "finish line" I think it would lead to a lot of dog fighting, leaving time for some of the slower ships to catch up.


Also pretty sure 4 would be a gunship battle as gunships have the hardest hitting weapons so they'd move the object most efficiently. The other 3 would support all the ship types except for maybe the bombers though I'd love to see more ship types too.


Also I know BW won't likely see this, but doesn't not make it a fun thought experiment.

Edited by Neflarion
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As I mentioned in another thread, an escort game mode, where teams flip which side they are on (escorting or ambushing) in each round just like in ground pvp Voidstar, might be interesting and provide a role for more missle/torpedo laden ships, like strikes, the type 2 gunship, and torpedo-equipped bombers.
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