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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is Bioware EVER going to fix the Jindo Kray fight in False Emperor FP?!


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This is a known issue since 5.0. I've reported it multiple times. Others have reported it multiple times both in game and on the forums.


WHY has it been IGNORED?


And if you do plan on ignoring broken stuff you should be fixing, please for god's sake take False Emperor out of the Groupfinder queues. I've had 4 different groups ruined by this nonsense.


I was expecting it to be addressed in 5.2 AT LEAST. Nope, nothing, but hey, at least those weeds on Coruscant are being dealt with, am I right? That's way more important than the FP groups getting pissed off by your broken fight.


There's already multiple threads about this in the FP section. Maybe mentioning it here will wake someone up.

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What is the bug? I just did that yesterday and had no issues.


Ship never comes back in after you use the turret. So Jindo keeps building dmg up until he wipes the group. The groups I was in tried all kinds of things and none of them worked. Seems some people are lucky and it doesn't bug on them, but for me at least, it happens every time.


The only time I got past it recently was an OP group with top gear and had such high dps/heals that even with the glitch, they had high enough numbers to scumbag through it, though one or two of us still died at the end.

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What is the bug? I just did that yesterday and had no issues.


This. Done this several times with no issues. Just asking something: When you do the terminal for the ship, do you do it only once or when it lights back up, do you go back and use it again. Unless they changed it you have to keep using it to bring in the ship, at least that is what we always do.

Edited by casirabit
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Is this on Veteran or Master?

I ran the Veteran mode solo last week and even with that was able to beat him. I was noticing that I couldn't pre-/damage the ship, but if I waited until he built up a stack, before I hit the console, and only used the middle console it worked fine.

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Look! A new galaxy map is being patched in!


In all seriousness, I've had the ship fly out and never come back in at least three times when my husband and I ran it together on Tactical/Veteran. The last time it happened, it was probably about a month ago and we haven't run FE since to see if it is still an issue.


The problem with bugs like these is that they're so intermittent that I wonder if BW has issues replicating it. Kind of like taking your into the mechanic and it stops making the noise that you took it in for.

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Is this on Veteran or Master?

I ran the Veteran mode solo last week and even with that was able to beat him. I was noticing that I couldn't pre-/damage the ship, but if I waited until he built up a stack, before I hit the console, and only used the middle console it worked fine.


Its in master. You are pretty much guaranteed to lose 1 or more teammates because of it.

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this been like this since 4.0 i think, HK-47 fight is still hass issues too since 2.0?. both are the same to much dps to fast cause the "bugs"


Reason no bugs are fixed anymore is cause one the devs on this team has just had kid every year for past 4 years ( there is more then 1 persons on the team though).

Edited by Kyuuu
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This bug has been around since way before 5.0. I think it dates back to at least 3.0. So to answer your question OP, no, it likely won't ever be fixed. The devs either don't care enough to fix these types of bugs that have existed for years now (as usual), or they don't have the manpower to make these types of fixes while also working on content updates.


For those that don't know, the bug is almost completely random and happens when you use the console to shoot back the ship as it's powering up the main attack (screen reads something like "ship ability has reached 200% power"). When the bug occurs, the ship remains back there and continues to build power without being able to be interrupted, until it essentially one-shots all the group members. It's much more prominent in Master Mode FPs, where you can't just DPS the boss down super quick.


There is in fact a workaround for this bug. Everyone in the group has to use nothing but their basic attack (serious) while you focus on taking down the ship. After shooting the ship back 5 or 6 times, it will finally crash and not be an issue anymore, and your group is free to burn the boss. This workaround leads me to believe that the bug occurs because some groups have strong enough DPS to take down the boss's health quicker than what was originally intended, and since the ship's power up is likely based off of how much health the boss has, that is where the bug occurs. This is why we've seen this bug occur so much more in 4.0 and 5.0, because the level and health scaling wasn't accounted for properly, and most groups take down the boss quick enough to trigger the bug. If any Developers happen to be reading this, take notes.

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Here's how to avoid the bug:

When you fire the turret at the ship, two things happen:

- The ship briefly retreats to a far away position.

- Jindo gets a shield that absorbs all attacks, but can be broken by enough damage.


The bug occurs exclusively if you break his shield before the ship has fully retreated (which doesn't take a lot of damage at all).


To avoid the bug:

- Everybody stop damage on Jindo as soon as someone fires the turret.

- Everyone should stare at the ship at this point, and wait until it has stopped moving back (except for the healer - continue healing :p).

- As soon as the ship has stopped moving, burn through his shield and continue.

- Repeat until the ship goes down, then kill Jindo.


Works every time. You're welcome.


Ciao, Aronis!

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Here's how to avoid the bug:

When you fire the turret at the ship, two things happen:

- The ship briefly retreats to a far away position.

- Jindo gets a shield that absorbs all attacks, but can be broken by enough damage.


The bug occurs exclusively if you break his shield before the ship has fully retreated (which doesn't take a lot of damage at all).


To avoid the bug:

- Everybody stop damage on Jindo as soon as someone fires the turret.

- Everyone should stare at the ship at this point, and wait until it has stopped moving back (except for the healer - continue healing :p).

- As soon as the ship has stopped moving, burn through his shield and continue.

- Repeat until the ship goes down, then kill Jindo.


Works every time. You're welcome.


Ciao, Aronis!


this is known, it is also not the point we should not have deal with this issue in first place, cause the cant be bother to do there job right.


Ignoring a bug because it might have workaround dont fix the bug. it just excuse for them to not do there job and fix it.

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this is known, it is also not the point we should not have deal with this issue in first place, cause the cant be bother to do there job right.


Ignoring a bug because it might have workaround dont fix the bug. it just excuse for them to not do there job and fix it.


Alternatively, perhaps they haven't been able to pin down where the issue occurs in the code. it's not as simple as you make it out to be, and what makes it even more difficult is that the bug is inconsistent. Intermittent issues are the worst to troubleshoot, let alone resolve.

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this is known, it is also not the point we should not have deal with this issue in first place, cause the cant be bother to do there job right.


Ignoring a bug because it might have workaround dont fix the bug. it just excuse for them to not do there job and fix it.


I think most people would say 'thanks'. Apathetic much?


If it were a known issue then there wouldn't be so many people asking about it.


I didn't know about this workaround and even though it's true that we shouldn't have to do this it's all we have at this point in time. Thanks to Aronis for the advice.

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Also in my experience, as long as you can interrupt his channeled ability to fire his ship's missiles at you, the ship not being targetable by the turrets becomes less of an issue... still, interesting to know that someone has found a workaround (even if it requires groups to actually pay attention ;) )
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Not had this bug either, done 4-5 times last week. Still only did normal and vet mode. If the issue is in master mode? well hope BW fix it for you.


I've only done it in Master mode, and it always seems to happen to my groups. Thanks to whoever posted the workaround, though one of the groups I was in tried all manner of things to get around it and none of them worked. We'll see.


Few things ruin game enjoyment as much as having to sit in queue for awhile only for the group to fail because of a broken fight. Then you get a GF timer lockout due to no fault of your own and a bunch of time spent for nothing.

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Just get a proper interupt rotation going and it doesn't matter of the bug happens or not.


Yeah, let's not encourage Bioware to do their jobs or anything. Just let them turn it into a Nightmare Mode Ops fight, where if you miss an interrupt, you're screwed. That's the solution.

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this is known, it is also not the point we should not have deal with this issue in first place, cause the cant be bother to do there job right.


Ignoring a bug because it might have workaround dont fix the bug. it just excuse for them to not do there job and fix it.




I wasn't suggesting that having a workaround absolves Bioware from their duty to fix the bug. But for 9 out of 10 groups I go into that FP with, I have to explain the workaround. I didn't know about it myself for a long time, and was extremely happy when I read about it.


Ciao, Aronis!

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