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And this is your excuse?


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There is another possibility - the only way that Eric and the team can try and push back against upper management decisions is to 'let slip' how poorly resourced they are, inviting customers to lobby EA for greater resourcing in a way that Eric et al. can't as EA employees.


As strange as it might seem, the whole GC debacle may be another example of their team pushing back against upper management. If I recall correctly, there was a new upper management appointee last year with a background in pay-to-play RNG games. The SWTOR team may have voiced their concerns about RNG crates, but told to implement it nonetheless (Ben may not like RNG any more than the rest of us). The only way they could push back is through lost subs and forum feedback.


Equally, the SWTOR team may have signaled the need to replace their team-mate some time ago, but their request could have been refused. 'Letting-slip' how poorly resourced they are in a live-stream may be a long shot for them to push back against upper management decisions that are strangling the game.


I am quite obviously speculating here, and if I am even partially correct, then the player base is a being used a pawn within the company's internal politics.......and hopefully used in a way that leads to improved resourcing, a better game experience and growth for SWTOR in the future.

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My belief is that the SWTOR team is composed of no more than 20 people including programmers and decision makers.


EA needs to fire them ALL and re-staff or just let the game go. Having it go on like this is destroying the reputation of both EA and Bioware.


I am pretty convinced that EA's reputation of being worst company in the world for several years has done that already.

What they are now accomplishing is dragging brilliant IP (Star Wars) into the crapper.

Based on the decisions made by EAWare in the last few years for the game direction shows that pretty clearly.

PS. Andryah is using standard SJW tactics of misinterprating critisism of EAWare to be critisism of someone going on parental leave. It is wholly EAWare's responsibility to ensure that normal operation is not halted by one person going on leave (of any kind).

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I am pretty convinced that EA's reputation of being worst company in the world for several years has done that already.

What they are now accomplishing is dragging brilliant IP (Star Wars) into the crapper.

Based on the decisions made by EAWare in the last few years for the game direction shows that pretty clearly.

PS. Andryah is using standard SJW tactics of misinterprating critisism of EAWare to be critisism of someone going on parental leave. It is wholly EAWare's responsibility to ensure that normal operation is not halted by one person going on leave (of any kind).


Stop. You can't take that reputation seriously. It was based on rigged polls where all the disgruntled gamers from all over the world, who where whining about ME3, voted and completely skewed the results. EA is in no way the worst company in the world. There are many that are much worse.


But they really ****ed this one up. Just like they ****ed up Andromeda with their ridiculously bad character design. FemRyder, such disappointment.

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But they really ****ed this one up. Just like they ****ed up Andromeda with their ridiculously bad character design. FemRyder, such disappointment.


Meh, I won't say that there are no issues with Andromeda but I've put over 100 hours into it now and I really do enjoy the game in spite of some of these flaws (some of which got fixed with the first patch). And yes I play FemRyder. They also announced more fixes/improvements in particular to the character creator and cut scenes/animations.


Some of the criticism was very valid but they are taking in the criticism, doing something about it and even communicating about it.


BWA just can't help themselves. They don't communicate properly still and put stealth changes in they don't mention at all in their communication. With 5.2 it's the loot tables for NiM bosses for example. They never mentioned anything about BiS gear only dropping on final bosses in NiM and there it is, in the patch notes. It's going to be interesting to see how that works out considering getting that gear in PvP is just a matter of time played and zero challenge needs to be overcome for BiS gear other than being patient. They just can't bring out a patch without some backstab style action in it.

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"One of the class designers just had a kid but once he is back they will dive into that." - Is it an excuse that there is no balance for more than 4 months? Next time u will say "one of the our operation designers have a kid and we will not do operations 2 years" oh, shi...


Try to play Sage/Sorc DD in PvE, or try to play WZs on that class against Maras/Sentinels, i don't say about Commando/Merc. Good Job, BW. Nice excuse.


Since the start of the game they have been downsizing since the games did not go as expected. If you have been around since start you have surely noticed how many things went down from CS to communication on forums, even Tait left the company.


So yeah, its not idea and when one guy has vacation the work is waiting for him when he comes back. The only thing you can do is sub and buy cc so it that might get better in the future ;)

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Also, seems some ppl here dont have a job or dont know how some companies work.


Here in Germany you get paid full salary even when sick. In another department there was a manager with a advisor working under him. This advisor was doing the work and the manager was doing reporting.


The Advisor suffered a hear attack and had to stay home 6 months. During this time he was getting full salary and was at home and couldnt work. Since the department was actually "fully staffed" as ppl were getting salaries the manager couldnt hire a new person (as he had one already) so he had to do all his advisors work too.


Thats how it mostly works so i do understand how this works.

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