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Which is the best spec for PVP WZ for an Sniper/Gunslinger?


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I currently have a few of these RDPS at mid level and was wondering what people who are at endgame feel about the Sniper/Gunslinger what is prompting me to ask is that it seems after I hit lvl 50 on my virulence Sniper that it lost all it's potency. Seems like I don't do enough damage despite me stacking 3 poisons then culling a target.


My Marksman is lvl 62 and the dps seems ok same for my slinger. My engineering sniper is fun spreading plasma probe snare bots everywhere but it gets old..


So what in your opinion is the best DPS spec for endgame WZ?

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Engineering/Saboteur imho. Lowbies can be difficult because you really need good stats, all of your abilities, and a more level playing field for sniper specs to shine.


Just watch engineering snipers dominate this dueling tournament :)


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Lowbies can be difficult because you really need good stats, all of your abilities, and a more level playing field for sniper specs to shine.


You do not need really good stats for lowbies/midbies. It's entirely possible to do pvp all the way from 10-69 on all starting level stuff. Just got a lvl 10 wrist piece of armour? Cool, wack it on that's one piece you don't have to worry about. Bolster does the rest.


As a sniper we get our core defensive skills very early on. If you spend the time to look at what each of your defensive skills do, and concentrate on mastering those first...then your lowbie experience in pvp will be a lot more rewarding.


...especially if you actually think about what you're doing in the warzone, and not just tunnel as much damage as you can...you don't learn anything that way.

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