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Bad players or players who like to insult others in ranked pvp.


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I started to play ranked pvp as DPS and Tank. I Know My role and rotation, but on every pvp match when someone dies in a few sec (2-3 DPS on 1 cant live long) and they starting to insult others, think they are a god becasue they got full Tier 3 gear and Do more damage. What is players problem? IF you are one of these players stop play Swtor. Take your insults to your Friends, or start help and give advice. Ranked pvp = 80% idiots and dont have a life and must insult other's
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I started to play ranked pvp as DPS and Tank. I Know My role and rotation, but on every pvp match when someone dies in a few sec (2-3 DPS on 1 cant live long) and they starting to insult others, think they are a god becasue they got full Tier 3 gear and Do more damage. What is players problem? IF you are one of these players stop play Swtor. Take your insults to your Friends, or start help and give advice. Ranked pvp = 80% idiots and dont have a life and must insult other's


so you decide to come here and insult them, thus burning yourself.


There will aways be some toxicity in pvp, and even tbh, I somehow enjoy making people salty at me while in a match because thats how they see red and make mistakes. Still, simply being forward that you are starting and to point it out, people will be somewhat patient with you. They might grumble a bit behind their computers, but on JC at least ranked community needs new players.


We had a pretty good Solo Ranked evening with a lot of new faces, some of them were pretty average or made several mistakes. Safe ONE match I didnt see any salty comments at them by someone. In between 2 match, me and a few others were giving tips on pvp tanking and particularity and tactics in arenas to a new player, and just in one night I've seen a vast improvement in his playing.


Its easy to only notice the toxic, but while you'll sometimes encounter that constantly mad player (and often they are not the best players, but average players with an over-inflated idea of themselves. They'll at most do their job, but they are not players that change a match or "carry" a new player, as all they can do is their job, point.


So when they lose as they were unable to go that extra mile to compensate, they immediately go nuts on the new player that didnt quite pull its share.


And something to remember : We all make mistakes. CC breaking too soon, tabbed the wrong target and broke a key cc 2 second after it came on, etc etc.


However on your side, you have to learn to make the difference between someone who is just being a *****, and someone who gives you useful feedback, even if its not fun for you to read. Maybe you have a massive flaw in your playing that you are unaware off. Maybe your guard swaps are definitely too slow, and you need to work on that.


If you see your dps get globalled as a tank, I'm sorry to say there was most likely something you could have done to help. All tank class currently have tools to peel and reduce damage on their team mates. Guard is the big one, but they normally have a lot more than that. Dont underestimate the effect of a good tank in a 3dps 1 tank match, skank or not.

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You have to admit that Ranked is the most toxic it's ever been in this game, there's always been some idiots, but it's terrible now. Most people who can't stand that sort of rubbish left and now we are left with a high concentration of toxic people.

It's no wonder new people don't play ranked or even try it. That's why we have a shrinking ranked population and why we have such a high concentration of nasty people. There is no new blood and no one is replacing the pvp ranks as others leave.

If you are one of those people who isn't toxic, then you keep your mouth shut because if you try to help anyone you get trolled or abused.

While ever that toxicity continues the community will get smaller and more toxic, no one wants to play with them. They really are their own worst enemy as they are killing that part of the game for themselves.

What really gets me is the same people who abuse people then get on the fleet and "beg" and I do mean "beg" people to queue Ranked 🙄

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Well the thing is people making mistakes and not capitalizing on them really.

And a whole bunch of people that think they know their **** when in fact they really don't.

They call out people for doing wrong whilst they're the biggest wrongdoers themselves.


People don't want to be educated, they're stubborn or think they already know it all. It's an uphill battle you can't win.


Still, people should know when they did something wrong. So you call them out on that, without any further intentions; But they will 99.9% of the time reply either dodging the matter entirely or just throwing back an insult instead of taking it to heart.

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Well the thing is people making mistakes and not capitalizing on them really.

And a whole bunch of people that think they know their **** when in fact they really don't.

They call out people for doing wrong whilst they're the biggest wrongdoers themselves.


People don't want to be educated, they're stubborn or think they already know it all. It's an uphill battle you can't win.


Still, people should know when they did something wrong. So you call them out on that, without any further intentions; But they will 99.9% of the time reply either dodging the matter entirely or just throwing back an insult instead of taking it to heart.


It's ego most of the time.

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I agree with OP....


Unless you are merc, you can survive a tunnel for very long, you just can't ....


We had a team of all melee, opposing team all mercs, and they clearly focused our jugg dps.... Of course he wen't down quickly ... he couldn't even dps, so quickly he melted, and i get him, he can't surivive even 2 arsenal mercs just shooting at him.

I can't beleive the amount of **** he got from one of our team mate, the rest understood but one of our own just went *******...

Then u see on fleet, they beg people to que ranked ... no one will que just to get insulted...

Edited by AlCorazon
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Toxicity is bad, but... in their defense it really pisses me off when a jugg or sorc dps queueing ranked in 230 unaugmented gear, or even greens/blues. Or when a merc/sniper gets globaled few rounds in a row with pathetic "I got stunned". Edited by DerSchneider
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Well the thing is people making mistakes and not capitalizing on them really.

And a whole bunch of people that think they know their **** when in fact they really don't.

They call out people for doing wrong whilst they're the biggest wrongdoers themselves.


People don't want to be educated, they're stubborn or think they already know it all. It's an uphill battle you can't win.


Still, people should know when they did something wrong. So you call them out on that, without any further intentions; But they will 99.9% of the time reply either dodging the matter entirely or just throwing back an insult instead of taking it to heart.


There is a right way to help someone and a wrong way. Yelling or calling them names is never going to get someone to listen to you. Talking to them respectfully and explaining what they did was wrong will. This is not just for pvp, this is for any group activity. You get people like this in flashpoints and operations that don't know what they are doing. I will try to help but if they act like they don't want help then I just don't even try but I also don't say much to them unless they start blaming someone else then I will step in.

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I did not mean 80% of all players are bad. I mean 80% to get an insult by other players = bad, angry players. My misstake. I was angry becasue other players get's stomped/stumped or whatever its called. I have also insult other players, then I see how bad player I am and make other players angry. So best way is to be calm and help, give tips.


(sorry for bad english)

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Toxicity is bad, but... in their defense it really pisses me off when a jugg or sorc dps queueing ranked in 230 unaugmented gear, or even greens/blues. Or when a merc/sniper gets globaled few rounds in a row with pathetic "I got stunned".


I am sorry... when 2 mercs tunnel you and net you... you are saying you will survive for very long? U can't roll, can't go to cover, can't do anything... and mercs dominate ranked these days. Any class other than mercenary will not survive a direct fire from 4 enemy players... no way in hell.


At the beggining, with 4 dps matches, which is majority... both teams select who they tunnel... and that guy will go down quickly... the trick si to go down after whoever ur team is tunneling.

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Having participated in ranked since it was introduced, I've seen a lot of people in the solo q (I assume you are talking about solos).


People expect the following:


1.) The ability to play your class at a reasonable level. This includes knowing your defensives and being able to put out reasonable damage, healing, or protection. You should be able to survive for a reasonable time under focus.


The exception to this is if you intentionally bring in a bottom dps class (jug, sorc for season 8)- you have to play at an exceptional level rather than a reasonable level. It can be done, sniper was awful in solo ranked for a long time. If you're new to the pace of ranked, you shouldn't gimp yourself before the match starts by picking a bottom class. By the same token, don't just assume you will be fine on a merc or sniper. You have to know the class at a reasonable level.


2.) The ability to follow a kill order that you know or a more experienced teammate knows


This is the incredibly low bar for being useful in solo ranked. If you can't meet it, you should spend more time with your class, read guides, watch streams, or accept the fact that you will receive toxicity from a lot of players in solo q. I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying what the reality has been for 3 years and is never going to change.


Particularly for people that are high rating that wait 20 minutes for a q pop and gain +5 for a win and -20 for a loss, it's easy to vent against someone that is clearly not equipped to be in the queue.


Having said all that, most of the people that will flame you tend to be average players at best. Beyond the 2 baseline requirements I just listed, the amount of players that mez, focus target interrupt, and peel in a meaningful way is probably less than 5 people on harbinger, the most populated and competitive (I use that term loosely) solo ranked server N/A. It's easy to blame others rather than trying to continue to improve above the baseline.


Evo mentioned he has had poor experiences trying to give people feedback. I've actually found the opposite. If you do it in whispers and not in ops chat and don't be arrogant, I personally have found that often people are very receptive to constructive feedback, and reach out with questions in the future as well.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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I am sorry... when 2 mercs tunnel you and net you... you are saying you will survive for very long? U can't roll, can't go to cover, can't do anything... and mercs dominate ranked these days. Any class other than mercenary will not survive a direct fire from 4 enemy players... no way in hell.


At the beggining, with 4 dps matches, which is majority... both teams select who they tunnel... and that guy will go down quickly... the trick si to go down after whoever ur team is tunneling.


Don't tell me, I'm a jugg, I'm getting netted, chain stunned and focused pretty much every game.

As sniper you need a lot of micromanagement when focused, but you're not defenseless. You can use dodge to mitigate the burst, stack shield with adrenal for insane DR, diversion mercs, finally you can break net and roll (if you're entrenched).

As you precisely said, no class can survive under direct focus of 4 people. But you can survive for a reasonable time for sure.

Edited by DerSchneider
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Evo mentioned he has had poor experiences trying to give people feedback. I've actually found the opposite. If you do it in whispers and not in ops chat and don't be arrogant, I personally have found that often people are very receptive to constructive feedback, and reach out with questions in the future as well.


I never really tried whispering people honestly, though I do receive some randomly.

But they are more often than not the kind of questions you could very easily

find the right answers for right here, on the forums.

I try to stay nice with those but sometimes it's very tempting to just tell people

to shoo off to the forums and do some work themselves.


I'm generally happy to help, but please put in some effort on your end people.


Either way, I'll try whispering and see how that goes.

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Having participated in ranked since it was introduced, I've seen a lot of people in the solo q (I assume you are talking about solos).


People expect the following:


1.) The ability to play your class at a reasonable level. This includes knowing your defensives and being able to put out reasonable damage, healing, or protection. You should be able to survive for a reasonable time under focus.


The exception to this is if you intentionally bring in a bottom dps class (jug, sorc for season 8)- you have to play at an exceptional level rather than a reasonable level. It can be done, sniper was awful in solo ranked for a long time. If you're new to the pace of ranked, you shouldn't gimp yourself before the match starts by picking a bottom class. By the same token, don't just assume you will be fine on a merc or sniper. You have to know the class at a reasonable level.


2.) The ability to follow a kill order that you know or a more experienced teammate knows


This is the incredibly low bar for being useful in solo ranked. If you can't meet it, you should spend more time with your class, read guides, watch streams, or accept the fact that you will receive toxicity from a lot of players in solo q. I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying what the reality has been for 3 years and is never going to change.


Particularly for people that are high rating that wait 20 minutes for a q pop and gain +5 for a win and -20 for a loss, it's easy to vent against someone that is clearly not equipped to be in the queue.


Having said all that, most of the people that will flame you tend to be average players at best. Beyond the 2 baseline requirements I just listed, the amount of players that mez, focus target interrupt, and peel in a meaningful way is probably less than 5 people on harbinger, the most populated and competitive (I use that term loosely) solo ranked server N/A. It's easy to blame others rather than trying to continue to improve above the baseline.


Evo mentioned he has had poor experiences trying to give people feedback. I've actually found the opposite. If you do it in whispers and not in ops chat and don't be arrogant, I personally have found that often people are very receptive to constructive feedback, and reach out with questions in the future as well.


Reading your posts is so therapeutic. Stop making so much sense, Lol.

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I did not mean 80% of all players are bad. I mean 80% to get an insult by other players = bad, angry players. My misstake. I was angry becasue other players get's stomped/stumped or whatever its called. I have also insult other players, then I see how bad player I am and make other players angry. So best way is to be calm and help, give tips.


(sorry for bad english)


your accidental statement was more correct than anything else you've thrown around in here, the vast majority of the active playerbase in both regular and ranked PVP is awful.

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Toxicity is bad, but... in their defense it really pisses me off when a jugg or sorc dps queueing ranked in 230 unaugmented gear, or even greens/blues. Or when a merc/sniper gets globaled few rounds in a row with pathetic "I got stunned".


Can't really blame the player for the gear. Bioware have setup a system to gear faster in ranked. At least when we had the old system you needed to meet a basic gear criteria to enter. Now you can queue Ranked in lvl 10 armor if you want.

I can absolutely understand the frustration that leads to people getting upset when undergeared and under prepared people jump into ranked. But most of the toxicity I see isn't called for. Most of the time it is bullying, trolling or big egos.

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not most the time all the time it why i dont step foot in ranked anymore, the ego's and stupid are bad enough in non ranked, it 5x worse in ranked.


I stopped for the same reason. After 5.0 released and lots of players left, the concentration of toxic people made Ranked an even worse cesspool than before. Add to the stupid new gearing and lack of real Bolster lvls and Ranked is about as valid as lowbies are. At least in lowbies gear doesn't matter

Edited by Icykill_
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And a whole bunch of people that think they know their **** when in fact they really don't.

They call out people for doing wrong whilst they're the biggest wrongdoers themselves.

People don't want to be educated, they're stubborn or think they already know it all. It's an uphill battle you can't win.

Lots of this.^^^

Ranked does nothing for me anymore.

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can anyone please explain "toxicity" so I understand what you're talking about :p


wow you don't know what toxicity mean you must really be a total noob that lived in a cavern for the last 5 years. I know what toxicity mean so I'm your superior bow to my greatness you waste of breathable air.




Got a rough idea now :p?


Joke aside (I don't think the first two lines, its to give an exemple. A poor one at that, since I'd also need to scrap the spelling of several words to be accurate) its the constant flaming of some players toward other in a rather pitiful attempt to shift blame off their own poor playing, and to feel better about it themselves. I,m sure you have your own exemple of people with crap attitude that are always quick to blame someone else for their failures. Thats a toxic player.


Toxicity is the % of toxic players in a community :p


As stated by others in this thread, the other side effect of it is that approaching someone with honest constructive comments can be mistaken for it, and ignored or rudely rejected.

Edited by verfallen
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If I knew what toxicity was then I should not ask for it. And dont use the Word noob becasue someone dosen't know. you're just an example of what we dont need in swtor. I have played this game alot and does tank part very well in ops and HM FP. But never Heard about toxicity Before. how hard is it to answer a question as normal people does. I quess idiots are on forum too :p nothing personal just say my opinion
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