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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stream follow-up: CXP and Boosts


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So on today's stream, it was announced that CXP rates in 5.2 are basically going to be about the same as current "event" CXP rates. I tried to ask this question in chat, but chat being what it is, I didn't see a straight answer, so maybe we can get more info:


How will the new rates interact with Boost items. Right now, if I use the expensive boost that's supposed to give 200% CXP, it only really adds about 20% to final amount. I assumed that this was due to the fact that we're already currently under a "boost" as well. So once 5.2 hits, what will happen to that Booster? If the current "event" amounts are the new "baseline" (or thereabouts) will Boosts actually be worthwhile (right now, particularly the expensive one, feels way too impotent to be worth the effort unless tokens are already maxed anyway)?

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So on today's stream, it was announced that CXP rates in 5.2 are basically going to be about the same as current "event" CXP rates. I tried to ask this question in chat, but chat being what it is, I didn't see a straight answer, so maybe we can get more info:


How will the new rates interact with Boost items. Right now, if I use the expensive boost that's supposed to give 200% CXP, it only really adds about 20% to final amount. I assumed that this was due to the fact that we're already currently under a "boost" as well. So once 5.2 hits, what will happen to that Booster? If the current "event" amounts are the new "baseline" (or thereabouts) will Boosts actually be worthwhile (right now, particularly the expensive one, feels way too impotent to be worth the effort unless tokens are already maxed anyway)?


Good question!


The boosts have improved value since the base is now higher than before.



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So Eric, so I can understand correctly, will the current CXP rate NOT be nerfed? I missed the stream today. :(

According to today's stream, the overall amount of CXP after 5.2 should be about the same as the current "event" amounts. Certain mission complete rewards and such will be slightly lower, but they're going to make up for it by making all enemies give CXP (not just Elites/Champions). So people like me who stealth-rush missions might end up with slightly less, but it sounds like overall the idea is that earning rates should be equivalent (or maybe even slightly higher for people who are hitting max level during class stories and such and thus doing typically "unsanctioned" activities).

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So Eric, so I can understand correctly, will the current CXP rate NOT be nerfed? I missed the stream today. :(


He said good question then didnt really answer it but I think what he means is:


Currently losing a WZ give a maximum of 1900 ish with the legacy perk and 350% event, so the base amount is about 530ish. After 5.2 the base amount will be about 1600ish say, so with a 100% boost which now works at 300 will give 3200 so unless they go back on their word that 100% boosts will work at 300 its overall a buff not a nerf.

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Eric, can you guys please communicate with us about the issue of some servers having too low populations to play group content.

Lots of people have been expecting some communition after you brought it up in November and said you would look into it after the Expansion was released.

Since then, the server populations seem to be getting worse and it's now 6 months since November and 5 since the Expansion.

Please acknowledge this issue even if it is to say you have no plans to do anything.

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Eric, can you guys please communicate with us about the issue of some servers having too low populations to play group content.

Lots of people have been expecting some communition after you brought it up in November and said you would look into it after the Expansion was released.

Since then, the server populations seem to be getting worse and it's now 6 months since November and 5 since the Expansion.

Please acknowledge this issue even if it is to say you have no plans to do anything.


Pretty sure they just slapped a bandaid on that by putting the 90 cartel coin transfers up.

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Pretty sure they just slapped a bandaid on that by putting the 90 cartel coin transfers up.


To bad the bandaid has lost it's adhesive and fallen off and the player bleed continues

Edited by Icykill_
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According to today's stream, the overall amount of CXP after 5.2 should be about the same as the current "event" amounts. Certain mission complete rewards and such will be slightly lower, but they're going to make up for it by making all enemies give CXP (not just Elites/Champions). So people like me who stealth-rush missions might end up with slightly less, but it sounds like overall the idea is that earning rates should be equivalent (or maybe even slightly higher for people who are hitting max level during class stories and such and thus doing typically "unsanctioned" activities).


What I got from stream is that:

- quest reward CXP is going to be lower than what it is currently

- they are adding CXP to all enemies


- if you skip a lot of enemies and rush to end you'll see reduction in your CXP/hour rate compared to what it is currently

- if you kill enemies on your way you could end up getting slightly higher CXP/hour rate compared to what it is now

Edited by Halinalle
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To bad the bandaid has lost it's adhesive and fallen off and the player bleed continues


I did a test on that last night on TRE, and Rep side at 11 pm CET had a whopping 73 players. Imp side had 330. At this rate rep will die soon, and you will have to play imp in order to do anything. Mergers + cross faction queues are needed now.

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I did a test on that last night on TRE, and Rep side at 11 pm CET had a whopping 73 players. Imp side had 330. At this rate rep will die soon, and you will have to play imp in order to do anything. Mergers + cross faction queues are needed now.


Of course it's quiet at that time (24:00 CEST / UTC +2) because that's 23:00 BST (UTC +1) and 1:00 EEST (UTC +3).

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I did a test on that last night on TRE, and Rep side at 11 pm CET had a whopping 73 players. Imp side had 330. At this rate rep will die soon, and you will have to play imp in order to do anything. Mergers + cross faction queues are needed now.


Reps go to bed early, it's those rebellious Imps that stay up past their bed time ;)

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The rates will not be the same as what we have now. What BW will be doing is adding cxp to some things that didn't give CXP before. So, if do ALL those things (or kill every single mob) your TOTAL cxp will be very close to the cxp that you gained during the event.


Now, the problem is diminishing returns. If, I kill every mob, in a Flashpoint, for example, it will take me, probably twice as much time to complete the flashpoint than if I had skipped the trash mobs. And since, time is a limiting factor, I would have to work out at what point do i start receiving less cxp per second by killing everything.


Then the issue of cxp boost is still blurry.

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It was only quiet rep side, you seem to be missing the point there. Imp side was still busy.


Isn't that still too low for MMO to survive according to haters? After all game like EVE reached 65303 players online record 4 years ago and even currently there is 20823 players online on one server. Well, it's the only server for western players but that fact shouldn't matter.

Edited by Halinalle
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Isn't that still too low for MMO to survive according to haters? After all game like EVE reached 65303 players online record 4 years ago and even currently there is 20823 players online on one server. Well, it's the only server for western players but that fact shouldn't matter.


There are probably more online in general, but fleet numbers have been used as a way to measure populations for a while, and fact is imp on TRE is way way more populated than rep side . BW is all about QOL improvements, where is the QOL improvement for pvp, starfighter and uprisings? We need cross faction asap.

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What I got from stream is that:

- quest reward CXP is going to be lower than what it is currently

- they are adding CXP to all enemies


- if you skip a lot of enemies and rush to end you'll see reduction in your CXP/hour rate compared to what it is currently

- if you kill enemies on your way you could end up getting slightly higher CXP/hour rate compared to what it is now

So... incentives for grinding trash mobs and disincentives for completing quest and instance content? BW believes that players would actually want to grind mobs more than they would want to complete quests and instances??? If grinding trash mobs was more fun, PEOPLE WOULDN'T BE INTENTIONALLY SKIPPING THEM. Why on earth give incentives for activities that players find grindy and boring and thus try to avoid? Why not incentivize the content that players find fun? I mean, this is a game, after all.

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So... incentives for grinding trash mobs and disincentives for completing quest and instance content? BW believes that players would actually want to grind mobs more than they would want to complete quests and instances??? If grinding trash mobs was more fun, PEOPLE WOULDN'T BE INTENTIONALLY SKIPPING THEM. Why on earth give incentives for activities that players find grindy and boring and thus try to avoid? Why not incentivize the content that players find fun? I mean, this is a game, after all.

Speaking personally, I mostly play stealth-using characters, and I mostly bypass missions when I can. It is not really any less grindy than killing everything in a mission either, just a different kind of grind. Right now, I'd imagine a lot of the skipping happens because there is minimal incentive to do so, but under the new system, if it's possible we'll see better returns, it could still be an improvement.


It's also equally possible I'll still find stealthing the more efficient use of time, even with somewhat lower rewards. A couple more days and we'll all know for sure.

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Yes, it is true it seems there is a constant effort in 5.0 to try to get people to do things they hate or find boring. It may seem like the devs salary is based on how much they can trick players into doing something they do not want to do.


While it seems legit to give players an incentive to "try" other things long enough to give them a real try, like people who have never tried PVP some sort of bonus if they pvp for a couple weeks or something, but beyond the "try it and see if you like it" its just forcing people to do things they do not want to do.


Its a game. People want to maximize fun, fun means doing what you like to do, and incentives for killing trash mobs is the most boring incentive yet with 5.0.


I like that 5.0 gives pvpers more of a chance to dabble in ops because they can get ops gear, I like that people have been incentivized to try GSF and PvP and OPS. But some of those trial periods are over now, people will move on if they are forced to keep having to do stuff they dislike.

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