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Strange/slow Animations


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So I run a pretty high end rig and I'm able to get over 60 fps with all graphics settings at max/ultra. However, I'm noticing that walker mounts and animal mounts have a weird animation. It looks like they are animating at a low fps or something and don't look smooth like speeders etc.


I noticed the same animation on the vanguard reload animation (the default out of combat healing ability) when the magazine falls out of the weapon.


I always thought it was part of the game until I was watching a stream today and noticed animal mounts running around looking smooth and normal. I'm thinking it could be a setting? Any ideas?

Edited by DaruthKarr
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These two videos show what I'm talking about. Ignore the audio in the second video.


Also found this thread listing the same issue, although for me it's just animal mounts/walkers and not npcs:


Edited by DaruthKarr
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Would messing around with draw distance in the ini file possibly fix this? Any advice from anyone with experience editing the graphical ini settings would be much appreciated. Edited by DaruthKarr
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Doing more research, this appears to be the same way some mobs look/move when they are far in the distance. Wondering why it's doing that to only these kinds of mounts at close range.


Some mobs have moved that way since...gosh, I want to say 4.0? Somewhere before that...? I'm not sure. But it's like that for everyone, regardless of their computer specs or graphical settings. NPC's walking around on the fleet and on various worlds have their weapons floating a foot or two behind them, stuttering along to catch up as the NPC's walk smoothly. Same happens for mounts with animations (creature mounts, walker mounts). The animation stutters a little. I have a graphics card that's capable of running the game on Ultra settings (mostly), and it *still* stutters. After a few years, however, I barely notice it anymore.

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