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Buff suggestions for telekinetic sage


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This topic will be a short description of suggested buffs for the Sage discipline Telekinetics. This topic will not include changes for utilities as I feel they are somewhat already balanced. Please comment or share so that the devs can see it.


Below I have referenced the current Telekinetics skill tree and under each item I will delve into further detail as to the changes desired if one is needed. Changes are colored in bright yellow.


Telekinetic Discipline Passives


Tidal Force – Disturbance, Telekinetic Burst, Turbulence, and Force Quake grant Tidal Force when activated. Tidal Force immediately finishes the cool-down on Telekinetic Wave and makes your next Telekinetic Wave activate instantly and consume 50% less Force. Cannot occur more than once every 10 seconds.


no change required


Resonating Vibrations – Increases the critical chance of Force Quake by 15% and its critical damage bonus by 30%.

Also target damaged by your force quake attack have a 25% chance to give off resonating vibrations which damage other target for 50% off the damage taken within 10 meters.


Telekinetic Effusion – Direct Force attacks grant Telekinetic Effusion when they critically hit, reducing the Force consumed by your next two non-channeled Force attacks by 75%.


Direct force attacks that critically hit also finish the cool down on turbulence and makes the next turbulence activate instantly.


Concentration – Reduces the push-back suffered while activating Telekinetic Wave, Disturbance, Mind Crush, Turbulence, and Telekinetic Burst by 75%. Additionally, you have a 25% when taking direct damage to gain Concentration, which causes your next Disturbance or Telekinetic Burst to activate instantly. This effect cannot occur more than once every 8 seconds and lasts up to 15 seconds.


No change needed.


Mental Momentum – Mind Crush has a 25% chance to tick twice and makes its targets vulnerable for 45 seconds. Vulnerable targets take 5% more damage from Force attacks. In addition, when you activate Turbulence, there is a 25% chance the ability will produce a second blast that strikes the same target for 25% damage.


No change need.


Cascading Force – Increases the maximum range of your Force attacks by 5 meters. Additionally, Telekinetic Wave immobilizes all affected targets for 0.5 seconds and slows all affected targets by 50% for 6 seconds.


No change needed.

Clamoring Force – Force Speed gives 2 stacks of Clamoring Force, which allows Disturbance and Telekinetic Burst to be activated instantly.


Rename ability to phase displacement, in addition to the current effects phase walk way points can now be planted for 35 meters away and force speed increases your evasion by 100% for as long as it lasts.


Telekinetic Momentum – Disturbance, Telekinetic Wave, Telekinetic Gust, and Telekinetic Burst have a 25% chance to produce a second telekinetic blast that strikes the same targets for 25% damage. Additionally, Telekinetic Wave overwhelms its targets for 45 seconds. Overwhelmed targets take an additional 10% damage from area attacks.


No change needed.


Telekinetic Focal Point – Damage dealt by Telekinetic Wave and Telekinetic Gust has a 100% chance and damage dealt by Disturbance and Telekinetic Burst has a 50% chance to grant Telekinetic Focal Point, which increases alacrity by 1%. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts 15 seconds.


No change needed.


Flowing Force – Telekinetic Momentum is twice as likely to trigger while Mental Alacrity is active. Additionally, increases the duration of Mental Alacrity by 5 seconds and reduces its cooldown by 15 seconds.


No change needed.


Reverberation – Increases the critical damage dealt by Telekinetic Wave, Mind Crush, Turbulence, and Telekinetic Gust by 10%.

No change needed.


Tremors – Each Telekinetic Momentum and Mental Momentum reduces the active cool-down of Mental Alacrity by 1 second. In addition, being interrupted grants unshakable for 4 seconds. This can only occur once every 15 seconds.


No change need.


Mental Continuum – Direct damage dealt by your Mind Crush and Telekinetic Wave abilities refreshes the duration of your Weaken Mind on affected targets. In addition, Telekinetic Bolt increases your Force regeneration by 10% for 10 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.


No change needed.


Telekinetic Refuge – Telekinetic Burst increases your damage 3% for 10 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.


Increase damage reduction from 3 to 5%.


Magnifying Vibrations – Project deals 20% more damage to targets affected by your Mind Crush.

Rotational Abilities


No change need.

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you need to shut your mouth


regardless of how I think the guy has tinted lense most of the time about sorcs coming from 3.0 and 4.0 bitterness over them, he stated he was sarcastic.


Tbh, just keep the current rotation its fun, slightly buff some abilities damage, to give a bit more sustained and a bit more burst, and you are golden damage wise. Lightning shouldnt be at the top of the dummy parsing, its a spec that deals well with target switch, and with multidotting ability (if the targets stay near each other, your affliction is going to refresh itself on both too, with CL).


The dps lost from dummy to real ops isn't as drastic as other specs. It should be in the lower half for sure, but not that much on the lower half. a lot of spec needs a bump up as far as their sustained goes.

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No, Lightning/TK (and madness/balance)simply just needs to hit harder, make thundering blast/turbulence hit harder, maybe just that ability and lightning flash(increase surge bonus?) so they actually have some decent burst while not affecting their sustained too much for PvE.

However adjusting the DPS of both DPS specs will still make them under perform in PvP compared to Mercs as using barrier or phase walk as a dps just delays their death slightly and they're obviously doing zero DPS when using their anti focus ability, while Mercs can continue DPSing when they pop their reflect, at worst the opposing team will either swap targets or use aoe while the reflect is up so they don't get healed or against bad players they will continue tunneling the merc obviously healing the merc.

So I think either every class in the game needs a single target reflect or they need to shorten to the duration of the merc reflect and perhaps nerf the shield and kolto a bit because Bioware can buff the other classes DPS to bring all the classes closer together in potential DPS but the DCDs of certain classes are significantly better than some others so under focus fire they perform much better than certain others.

However, a lot of Mercs face tanking ability comes down to players playing badly or simply not giving a crap, attacking them while reflect, kolto or healing shield is up instead of CCing them


Lightning needs way better burst, madness needs moar single target damage.

Increasing single target dps will still not close performance gap in WZs or Arenas because of huge DCD differences in classes

Edited by Romeugues
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