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Stacking of sniper AoE - worse than stacking of smash


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The sad fact is these guys are probably not competent snipers. snipers played right can beat any class in the game that comes at them. I see a lot of snipers on my server, yet strangely enough, I don't get hit by much ambush or cull. there is a lot of these strange fires spreading in the middle of the field though, but that's probably nothing. Engi is trash tier, of course.


was actually playing more MM but with all the darn guardian tanks around it gets annoying lol. tech damage galore! that said I need to get better at viru pvp, pretty sure I'll like it a lot more than engi, even with the OP fluff damage.

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was actually playing more MM but with all the darn guardian tanks around it gets annoying lol. tech damage galore! that said I need to get better at viru pvp, pretty sure I'll like it a lot more than engi, even with the OP fluff damage.


I know in PVE MM is lacking in DPS, but I was under the impression that MM was still good in PVP, had decent burst. Is that not the case?


Viru can bring the pain. It may be a dot spec, but they can still make you do a good impression of swiss cheese. Put a whole bunch a holes in your ***! - Fluff damage might not be telling in and of itself, but, it's still damage and it's still eats into healers output over time. A little bit here, a little bit there, on top of what other people might be doing as well, it adds up.


Best of luck with the new spec. Hope you enjoy it!

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I know in PVE MM is lacking in DPS, but I was under the impression that MM was still good in PVP, had decent burst. Is that not the case?


Viru can bring the pain. It may be a dot spec, but they can still make you do a good impression of swiss cheese. Put a whole bunch a holes in your ***! - Fluff damage might not be telling in and of itself, but, it's still damage and it's still eats into healers output over time. A little bit here, a little bit there, on top of what other people might be doing as well, it adds up.


Best of luck with the new spec. Hope you enjoy it!


It is still very good burst, but its all ranged weapon damage type, so its extremely suceptible to defensives. A tank reduce your damage to ridiculous ammount and a dps merc could probably offheal it. Totally the contrary to my main, which is a lightning sorc, and which has a good ability to tank tunnel, being 100% force. Engi is also 100% force, and while it has less internal damage than viru, it applies more pressure to take the healer, and is slightly burstier as well than viru. Viru's burst is very easy to counter, as its called "cull".


The one big point for MM is its very very apt at sudden target switch, which is a way to "trip" the tank's guard in arenas, while viru gives a lot more sign its going to be pressuring someone else, and otherwise can only effectively switch at some key points in the rotation.


So I still prefer it, but when the enemy team has 4 guardian tank in tank gear, MM gets annoying to run :p

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I've obviously lost my spammable Uber Instant heal on my sniper. I have one heal over time (3k hp/s) on a 2 minute cool down and a 10k heal on a 20 second cooldown.


"One Sniper on an objective can hold it indefinitely" - only if you stand there and try and spam cap the objective. Just kill the sniper. (have you ever tried capping versus a competent operative? Or a tank, or a healer)


You can also cap NC with Plasma Probe down.


I wouldn't bother explaining anymore. It doesn't matter if you tell them exactly how to shut down or kill a sniper, they are going to keep harping on about this one ability being OP because it's annoying for a few noobs and one ledgitmate class.

Tactics, strategy and team work are too hard for this generation of pvpers. If they can't face roll a class 1v1 it must be OP.

It's obvious 99% of these people don't play an engineering sniper or even know how to play their own classes properly in a cooperative team environment.

Please nerf smart pvpers who use tactics, brains and team work. They are too OP on any class and it hurts my brain to think.

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I wouldn't bother explaining anymore. It doesn't matter if you tell them exactly how to shut down or kill a sniper, they are going to keep harping on about this one ability being OP because it's annoying for a few noobs and one ledgitmate class.

Tactics, strategy and team work are too hard for this generation of pvpers. If they can't face roll a class 1v1 it must be OP.

It's obvious 99% of these people don't play an engineering sniper or even know how to play their own classes properly in a cooperative team environment.

Please nerf smart pvpers who use tactics, brains and team work. They are too OP on any class and it hurts my brain to think.


Oh, it is very much not just that ability. If you do not see how snipers are top tier in this game, I think you may have some of those horse blinders on.

Edited by jedcjedcjedc
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Oh, it is very much not just that ability. If you do not see how snipers are top tier in this game, I think you may have some of those horse blinders on.


Please tell us your classes you are having issues with snipers so we can help you with tactics.


I think most of you don't realise that playing an engineering sniper well requires a fair bit of skill. Those who don't have that skill die fast and stop playing the class. The only people left playing the class are the skilled players. So it's not the class as much as it's the players. Please nerf OP players because they make any class they play OP and everyone asks for nerfs on that class 🙄

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Please tell us your classes you are having issues with snipers so we can help you with tactics.


I think most of you don't realise that playing an engineering sniper well requires a fair bit of skill. Those who don't have that skill die fast and stop playing the class. The only people left playing the class are the skilled players. So it's not the class as much as it's the players. Please nerf OP players because they make any class they play OP and everyone asks for nerfs on that class 🙄


Well, considering I play bodyguard, I don't think I need help on how to kill anyone. You go off on your own train of assumptions here like they are fact. People don't play the class? Ok, well that's wrong for starters. Since it has a higher ceiling everyone playing it is super skilled? sorry, that is also wrong. you then try to use this to draw away from the class and onto the people and say "us sniper players are just too good, oh well, what can you do?". This is wrong as well. I like how people bash the merc all day long and yet you can draw so many parallels between merc and sniper but sniper is considered fine. At least by some.

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Well, considering I play bodyguard, I don't think I need help on how to kill anyone. You go off on your own train of assumptions here like they are fact. People don't play the class? Ok, well that's wrong for starters. Since it has a higher ceiling everyone playing it is super skilled? sorry, that is also wrong. you then try to use this to draw away from the class and onto the people and say "us sniper players are just too good, oh well, what can you do?". This is wrong as well. I like how people bash the merc all day long and yet you can draw so many parallels between merc and sniper but sniper is considered fine. At least by some.


I don't disagree that snipers are 'top tier' - i personally think mercs are better (more survivable and better dps). and work better when stacked. In my experience the problem with normal PVP at the moment is un-killable guarded healers - ranked generally goes down to who has the most Mercs. Some classes need a buff - i am looking at you PT and Sorc DPS.


Plasma probe is annoying - does it make a melee class redundant? I don't think so. Trying to keep a good Marauder off you is very hard - and their burst is insane. Operatives have no issue re-closing. Sins don't have much issue staying in range either. Charging into an entrenched Sniper in the open with no cover- yeah i can see why you might loose. Given a no-LOS terrain, then yeah sure i can see how Engi snipers will rule, but try being a sniper around say the Aldeeran map.


Put a sniper on the other team and you can kill any sniper in the game.

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Well, considering I play bodyguard, I don't think I need help on how to kill anyone. You go off on your own train of assumptions here like they are fact. People don't play the class? Ok, well that's wrong for starters. Since it has a higher ceiling everyone playing it is super skilled? sorry, that is also wrong. you then try to use this to draw away from the class and onto the people and say "us sniper players are just too good, oh well, what can you do?". This is wrong as well. I like how people bash the merc all day long and yet you can draw so many parallels between merc and sniper but sniper is considered fine. At least by some.


I've not bashed Mercs once, I've actually stood up for them in other threads and said they are fine. What I think is hypocritical is a Merc complaining that snipers are OP.

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Icy, serious question, I'm not being salty [ =p ] , you really don't think Mercs are OP at all?


I think they aren't quite tuned right, I don't mean OP or needing a nerf, more like a timing thing because lots of those abilities overlap and are wasted by most people, I guess if they actually tuned them correctly they would really be OP, but they would also be harder to play. I don't mind all the abilities as Mercs are still killable as they are. I do think they are much easier to play now with all the changes and it does make them a tough opponent on the field, but I don't think they need nerfs, they just need to make the class a bit harder to play. It's one of the reasons I stopped playing it because most of the tactics and strategy we used to need to play them well isn't needed. It's like they dumbed the class down. But just because they are easy to play doesn't make them OP.


I'd actually like to see Bio cull some cross over abilities for most of the classes, removing some and making them advanced class specific was a good start, but I still think we have a little bit of ability bloat, especially for things that do the same thing, but are slightly different. They could easily combine some of those abilities and utilities and remove some bloat. I don't mean a heap of abilities, maybe just 2-3 per class, depending on the class.

Edited by Icykill_
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He doesn't even think Engineering is OP, so his opinions are less than useful.


All I hear is whining and no suggestions on how to beat them. I guess it's too hard to find tactics and strategies or use some team work to kill or negate snipers. It's easier to just come here to QQ and insult people because your favourite class is having a tough time.

More tactics

Less QQ

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I think they aren't quite tuned right, I don't mean OP or needing a nerf, more like a timing thing because lots of those abilities overlap and are wasted by most people, I guess if they actually tuned them correctly they would really be OP, but they would also be harder to play. I don't mind all the abilities as Mercs are still killable as they are. I do think they are much easier to play now with all the changes and it does make them a tough opponent on the field, but I don't think they need nerfs, they just need to make the class a bit harder to play. It's one of the reasons I stopped playing it because most of the tactics and strategy we used to need to play them well isn't needed. It's like they dumbed the class down. But just because they are easy to play doesn't make them OP.


I'd actually like to see Bio cull some cross over abilities for most of the classes, removing some and making them advanced class specific was a good start, but I still think we have a little bit of ability bloat, especially for things that do the same thing, but are slightly different. They could easily combine some of those abilities and utilities and remove some bloat. I don't mean a heap of abilities, maybe just 2-3 per class, depending on the class.



Yeah, that seems to be a reoccuring theme I hear from people about how easy they are to play and thus it's doesn't take much skill to do well with them.


I agree about the ability bloat. it's like some specs have much harder rotations than others but that doesn't seem to translate to higher DPS the more complicated the rotation may be or if the rotation goes off track how much of a DPS it will be til you get it back on track. I definately think some classes would benefit from not having so many abilties to consider, some consoladation of abilities would allow for a greater attention to enviornment and better response time in some cases.


I myself suffer from an acute form of tunnelitus at times - Good for big numbers, but it can come at the cost of missing calls and such at times which is never a good thing. The less forgiving of mistakes a rotation may be the more attention some give to it. You tend to push the envelope a bit more. I always try to be mindful of objectives, but at the same time, I don't wanna miss getting an extra attack into the ferocity window! heh One of the chief complaints Carnage Marauders/ Combat Sentinels had with 5.0 was an additional high damage attack, good damage but all it really did was add a 'must have' to the rotation and make resource management more difficult. Just one more thing to have to keep track of . In that regard there can be too much of a good thing.


That the merc rotation is keyboard roll easy only adds that much more to their powerful kit.

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