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So quite frankly..


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I guess they were talking about your character being on level 0 of GC. I ran my newly GC'd Knight through one flashpoint and earned three boxes in about forty minutes, including tea breaks. My 60-something GC levels other Knight was weeping silently in the corner, lamenting her one-per-day box drop.


(Because I have a life, Bioware. And a cat. I can't grind 24/7.)


I don't know what they are smoking but I would assume it's the same thing that makes RNG boxes exciting!


In which case, I want some of that too.


...I wish we had a like button on these forums, because I want to hit it for this post! My sentiments exactly. EAWare again lied to us about frequency of crate drops, because it can't do math and assumes people only play the way THEY have decided you should play, and that you should play 24/7 if you want any real benefit.

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Set bonus are in the armoring part of the set. I got a set piece on one toon that already had it, so removed the all the armoring, mods, enhancements put in a legacy shell, sent it to my other toon, she removed the item, put in the armor I have on that toon and she got the set bonus.


Yeah, thats ridiculously inefficient. You spend 350,000 credits every time you do that if you take out the legendary armorings.

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You realize set bonuses are locked to a particular character and spec, right? And that not everyone just plays multiple versions of the same class and spec and its mirror class and spec, right? That's what they meant by your approach being limited. On top of not being able to legacy transfer implants, earpieces, and relics, that's six different armorings you have to earn separately for each different class and spec.


That has been working out nicely for me. My Merc has a Commando recipient of gear as they upgrade. My Sniper has a slinger recipient of gear as well. Ideal because the pubside usually needs pugs for their raids.

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Yeah, thats ridiculously inefficient. You spend 350,000 credits every time you do that if you take out the legendary armorings.


Maybe and yes it could be better but finding a way to deal with set bonus right now is what I am doing. Instead of complaining every time I just find ways to deal with it . I have learn life is too short to constantly complain about something I have already given my opinion on.


They working on it (so they claim) so there isn't much more I can do since I have given my opinion. I can either stay miserable and complain or I can find a way and enjoy the time I play. I prefer to move on and just find a way to deal with it until (and if) they fix it.

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You realize set bonuses are locked to a particular character and spec, right? And that not everyone just plays multiple versions of the same class and spec and its mirror class and spec, right? That's what they meant by your approach being limited. On top of not being able to legacy transfer implants, earpieces, and relics, that's six different armorings you have to earn separately for each different class and spec.


Yea but considering most people have at least 1 of each character it works. I have one of each on each side so I find a way to get it to work for me until or if they change this. I have given my opinion about what should be done, that is all I can do. To me this is not worth the constant complaining nor me unsubbing as I play with my boyfriend and our friends so we have fun minus this.

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They have also said that all pieces in tier 4 will have set bonus and be better than any gold gear that drops before that. So you are wrong on that point. (Presuming their "better" is actually better. We shall see)


Personally I don't see the need to change GC with the changes coming in 5.2. Gearing through pvp will need attention though.



Lets face the fact, BW thinks Green 232 gear is better then purple 230 gear, so just because they say that means little to me. BW doesn't know how to optimize it's own gear. They leave Lethal A or B mods in non set bonus gear (which I highly doubt they'll remove from non purple/gold gear. Everything may have a set piece, but that means nothing if the mods and enhancements are the wrong ones.

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Yea but considering most people have at least 1 of each character it works. I have one of each on each side so I find a way to get it to work for me until or if they change this. I have given my opinion about what should be done, that is all I can do. To me this is not worth the constant complaining nor me unsubbing as I play with my boyfriend and our friends so we have fun minus this.


No it doesn't work, at least not for me.


Sure, I have one character at level 300, and I will be able to gear that character in level 4 gear starting on April 11 with the launch of 5.2. I will even be able to share the gear that I receive on that character with other characters in my legacy that share the same advance class and spec.


On the other hand, I have characters in each advance class, and due to the long and tedious nature of grinding CXP, all of my alts are still getting tier 1 crates and gear. There simply is not enough time in the day for me to get multiple alts into the higher tiers, and I suspect I will never have any of them to GC level 200 let alone 300 before the next expansion hits if the rate that I can get them leveled is not greatly increased.


Now, I personally don't like that fact, and if speaking out and saying so makes me a complainer, then so be it. But remember, if it were not for people like me, we would be stuck grinding CXP for 1 point per gold mob from now until the end of time.


Further more, I am a paying customer. While I do not have the right to dictate the actions of the people that run this game, I do want this game to succeed, and will continue to provide feedback that I think will lead to greater enjoyment for me and for others that play the it.


What I don't want to do is to just go along with what the devs do while subscriber numbers continue to dwindle due to the decisions that they have made. Going along to get along gets us nowhere. Speaking up might also lead us nowhere, but at least by speaking up I feel that I am contributing to the solution in some small way, and so I will continue to do so.

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