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Phase walk


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I remember a post from Bioware saying they were afraid it would make

our mobility over the top with the introduction of Phantom Stride.


I dare confidently say that this doesn't have to be an issue.

Not just as an Assassin, but also from other classes point of view.


Do we need more changes in case this is done? Absolutely.

But it can be done and it wouldn't have to include stuff as drastic and overboard as a removal of Force Cloak.

Because that is frankly a retarded suggestion.


Tbh if they ever fix concealment's burst, you'd see the "mobility" apparently isnt that OP on sin, even if they have phasewalk back and keep force speed on 15s cooldown. Phantom Stride is also buggy as well in some instances, and can just make you blink and stay where you are.


Personnally, I'd rather keep the 15s cooldown on force speed and no phasewalk, and I certainly wouldnt want my dps sorc's force speed to climb to 30 sec which they are capable of doing lol.


The key here is immersion imo, which is a requirement with the ammount of slow /roots ranged classes are currently throwing your way, and sin's ability to stay on target mostly comes from it afaik.


Its a preference tough. I understand the advantage of phase walk in some situation, and the way its interesting to playstyle, but the obvious "counterbalance" is nerfing force speed, and I personnaly like my shorter cd force speed better.

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lol really cloak is at best a 50/50 shot on escaping. First Dots usually break it and what class don't have dots...well save sins cause they took that away nevermind every other melee class has'em but i digress. 2nd If dot don't pop you out then 99% chance any AOE will!


Guardians need nothing hell if you know how to play it, its highest dpsing melee class. I still think they need another pass at the nerf bat IMHO DPS output neutered or survival they should be glass cannons yet they are not!


Highest dps melee class....really. Please. The only melee class below guardians right now are vanguards. And neither is survivable at all. Do you play ranked, guardians are second worse class there, only vangards are worse. And seriously dots, really? Try using a different utility and dots won't be an issue, 2 secs is enough time to be out of the area of AoEs usually. Scoundrels right now are top dps, not only for melee but all classes. For melee sentinals are second shadows third. So the two classes with no stealth have the lowest dps also are the two with no cc immunity, no escape, and worst defenses as dps. But hey shadows need phase walk for fun, no its not making the most mobile more so, no it wouldn't be giving a class with one escape a second one, no it wouldn't be at all a problem.


Maybe it's time to end all combat stealth powers, I mean what is it that shadows, scoundrels, and sentinels are giving up to have it right now anyway? It certainly isn't dps, mobility, or defenses.....

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Not sure if any of you realize that Force Barrier is not a full reset anymore, it heals for 40%+hots while bubbled and it can heal up to ~50% if you use Static Barrier before Force Barrier, so PW is really our only way to do much, of course as dps. Edited by Nelsitokiller
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please, by all means go do a Ranked yolo with a dps sorc against some decent team and say you don't need Phase Walk currently, I dare you, then come back and write this again :rolleyes:


Well I don't really think the current weakness of DPS Sorcs is their survivability.

Here's why; Sorcs are really just bad at doing damage right now. If that gets fixed (ie. More damage) then you can apply more pressure. Which means enemies will have to be more defensive.. which in turn means that MOST classes will be less capable of applying pressure during that period themselves. And that way DPS Sorcs would gain survivability purely through gaining DPS.


But honestly, this is a concept Bioware themselves even seem to struggle with as they buffed both direct defensives and DPS on underpowered classes before and it packed out all wrong.

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Well I don't really think the current weakness of DPS Sorcs is their survivability.

Here's why; Sorcs are really just bad at doing damage right now. If that gets fixed (ie. More damage) then you can apply more pressure. Which means enemies will have to be more defensive.. which in turn means that MOST classes will be less capable of applying pressure during that period themselves. And that way DPS Sorcs would gain survivability purely through gaining DPS.


But honestly, this is a concept Bioware themselves even seem to struggle with as they buffed both direct defensives and DPS on underpowered classes before and it packed out all wrong.


More or less.


Their survivability is heavily based on self-healing kiting, and their escaping (which phase walk is a big part off), so while more damage will certainly mean higher numbers when you do get some uptime, it won't change the "focus the sorc" mindset most arenas take. Especially with a merc with nets. Or even more, 2 mercs with nets.


Truth is, compared to other class if sorc is surviving its not dealing damage. The only other that I can think that has a similar mindset are operatives.

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Give it back to sins.


:D i agree.



phasewalk could be used in a defensive and objective gameplay!

if you use it as a dcd, you place it to a secure line-of-side-place,

to get out of combat.


the other possibility is using it at hypergates that way, that you set the

pw to a position near the pylon. if this one is resetted, you use it, to get

to the pylon. you reach it before you could tap it.


another way could be a spot near an objective, like if you are defending

an inc at grass and you set the pw on the upper spot in the middle, you could be there

very fast, without running the long way.


same for voidstar, or every other map. leave it near the objective spot to get to this

position faster. if you are defending the left door, you can switch to the right via one single

click, if your pw is waiting there.


also a good use would be hutt ball. there are some spots you could use to

pull your ball-boy to you. some will always kick you down, but if needed, you are there with a single

click, again, ready to support the next point.


also in odessen it is very usefull, to set the pw to special areas,

that you get there fast.

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