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Carnage or Rage?


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which tree in your opinion does the most damage right now?


Without hard numbers to analyze it's really hard to point to a "top" spec. As I just said in another thread, one spec might feel like it hits harder than another, but to another person the opposite may be true.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say even though they may feel different, all 3 will be about even depending on the fight (Rage has a bit more utility for AoE, Annihilation may pull ahead on a one-target fight, and Carnage will do well when there's a lot of quick target switching involved).


I'm a big supporter of just playing what you find the most fun. Play around a bit, see which one you like and go with it; I highly doubt the difference in DPS will be large enough to where you/your group will be at a huge disadvantage if you're not a certain spec.

Edited by Kibaken
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Personally, I enjoy Rage more. I find it easier to manage, and it feels more natural to me.


Granted I'm only level 33 atm though.


Honestly, the best advice I was given (being the game is new), read through the talents in each tree, calculate which ones seem to fit your playstyle better. For example, if you use the skill Smash a lot, Rage has several benefits to that skill.


Here's the link to a decent build by Krycis:



Try everything and you will regret nothing.

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