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Khem Val or Zash


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I kept Zhem as he sacrifice himself for my sorceress. After Zash trying to betray me and taking over my body, I don't think I could have trusted her again.


I know it is expected to be betrayed but I am not stupid enough to give her another chance.

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Now I'm curious how many chose Khem because of Zash's betrayal, yet still married Quinn :p


*raises hand* Guilty as charged for the Quinn romance, but I kept Khem just purely because I didn't like Zash. That, and it seemed cruel to Khem. Not necessarily for Zash's betrayal... come on, she's a Sith. Betrayal's expected.

My inquisitor showed up to the Dark Temple, Zash tried to enact her EEEEEEEEEEEVIL PLAAAAAAAAAN (mwahaha), and my inquisitor pretty much shrugged and brushed it off. "Dear diary, another Sith Lord tried to kill me today. Let's see, that makes one overseer, one Imperial officer, one Sith apprentice, one Jedi Master, and three Darths. Ooh, three! A lucky number!"


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*raises hand* Guilty as charged for the Quinn romance, but I kept Khem just purely because I didn't like Zash. That, and it seemed cruel to Khem. Not necessarily for Zash's betrayal... come on, she's a Sith. Betrayal's expected.

My inquisitor showed up to the Dark Temple, Zash tried to enact her EEEEEEEEEEEVIL PLAAAAAAAAAN (mwahaha), and my inquisitor pretty much shrugged and brushed it off. "Dear diary, another Sith Lord tried to kill me today. Let's see, that makes one overseer, one Imperial officer, one Sith apprentice, one Jedi Master, and three Darths. Ooh, three! A lucky number!"


I love her line of "I generally liked you, but didn't want to die and I don't like anyone that much." :)


On my last Inquisitor though, I let her and Khem fight it out.

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I have two Inquisitors, one chose Zash, the other let them fight, so Khem won.


If given the chance, I would keep both of them, but Zash is one of my favorite characters, so eventually, I would choose her. She has a great personality and her knowledge is amazing, she has also been a great help in your fight against Thanaton.

About the betrayal: first of all, it was evident that she was plotting something sinister, she was too kind for a Sith Lord. :p And isn't that what Sith Master/Apprentice relationships usually turn out to be anyway? Sadly, I would say. And I could understand her, she was desperate to save herself. BUT she could have chosen an another body, not mine, I'm sure Nox was not the only powerful Sith in the academy. I wish I could have told her that. :) I would have even helped her. Oh, and her betrayal was not personal. She clearly states she likes you and you are her favorite apprentice. She even says she nearly changed her mind about it and it was hard for her to do!


Khem, on the other hand...I never really liked him, he's a brute. But I still felt really bad after letting him down, that was too evil thing to do. :o He was loyal and saved your life, it was really unfair.


But it seems it doesn't matter now, since they haven't come back. :( I really wanted the Zash/Khem story to continue.

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I have three inquisitors, and the first two chose Khem. I mean...he sacrifices himself for you and then is stuck with the consequences, suffering, so the least I could do was reward him for his loyalty and help him get his body back.


On the third I chose Zash to see what would happen. I played it in my head as him wanting Zash's secrets and knowledge, and feeling like she was the more useful of the two. I do get a kick out of clicking on Khem now hearing Zash say, "I promise to be a good girl from now on," and "You were always my favorite apprentice." :D

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Far as Quinn goes, he's lucky the game didn't allow me to kill him.


Yet. April 11 5.2 comes out and his return. I plan on killing him over and over and over again on as many characters as I have. I may even make new characters just to kill him some more.

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I have two Inquisitors, one chose Zash, the other let them fight, so Khem won.


If given the chance, I would keep both of them, but Zash is one of my favorite characters, so eventually, I would choose her. She has a great personality and her knowledge is amazing, she has also been a great help in your fight against Thanaton.

About the betrayal: first of all, it was evident that she was plotting something sinister, she was too kind for a Sith Lord. :p And isn't that what Sith Master/Apprentice relationships usually turn out to be anyway? Sadly, I would say. And I could understand her, she was desperate to save herself. BUT she could have chosen an another body, not mine, I'm sure Nox was not the only powerful Sith in the academy. I wish I could have told her that. :) I would have even helped her. Oh, and her betrayal was not personal. She clearly states she likes you and you are her favorite apprentice. She even says she nearly changed her mind about it and it was hard for her to do!


Khem, on the other hand...I never really liked him, he's a brute. But I still felt really bad after letting him down, that was too evil thing to do. :o He was loyal and saved your life, it was really unfair.


But it seems it doesn't matter now, since they haven't come back. :( I really wanted the Zash/Khem story to continue.


^This pretty much sums up my thoughts on the two.

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I kept Zhem as he sacrifice himself for my sorceress. After Zash trying to betray me and taking over my body, I don't think I could have trusted her again.


I know it is expected to be betrayed but I am not stupid enough to give her another chance.


I agree, always Khem. Plus if you take Zash, Khem sounds weird after that.

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After Quinn betrayed my first Inquisitor who was male I knew what was going to happen and on the second play through treated Quinn like an annoyance and romanced Pierce.


As far as Khem and Zash I have always chosen Khem ... I guess I am due for a play through where I let Zash have the body.

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I've only played through the entire SI story once with a LS Inquisitor, and in that time I didn't really choose, cause Khem was too bloodthirsty and Zash was... well, untrustworthy. I just let them fight it out, and Khem won.


Now I'm thinking of going through and picking Zash, though, just so see what it's like.


(Btw, could this be why Khem never came back after KOTFE? Was there no way for the game to tell which one you picked, so they just left it and replaced it with that generic Dashade? Curious...)

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After Quinn betrayed my first Inquisitor who was male I knew what was going to happen and on the second play through treated Quinn like an annoyance and romanced Pierce.


Quinn is the warrior companion not the inquisitor's, and Pierce is just a one night stand not an actual romance. But back to the topic, Khem always, something about Zash's voice grates on my nerves and I wouldn't put it past her to try again to take your body.

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I initially chose Khem....


Think about it. If you are really a Sith who should you choose?


Remember that Khem Val is bound to you, which is why Zash couldn't attack you when her essence was transferred to Khem's Body. Moreover, the one thing a Sith knows is when he is outgunned, and Zash knows that she can't defeat you.


She was a Darth and so is invaluable in helping you to accomplish your goals, she was very helpful with getting artifacts and such. Zash cannot betray you anymore, and she is the best choice. I'll take you back to Lost Tribe of the Sith: Pandemonium, when Verner Hilts took Iliana Merko as his wife just to prevent her from Overthrowing him as dark Lord of the Sith, because, if he died, the law, at the time, stipulated that his wife should also die. So, she now had a vested interest in seeing that he lived a very very long life, which he did.


It wouldn't be in Zash's best interests to see any harm come to you as it would be forfeiture of her own life, and we already know that she was stuck in Khem Vals body, because the artifacts for doing a similar transfer of essence ritual were destroyed, and moreover, the host would have to be weaker than Zash.

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Remember that Khem Val is bound to you, which is why Zash couldn't attack you when her essence was transferred to Khem's Body. Moreover, the one thing a Sith knows is when he is outgunned, and Zash knows that she can't defeat you.


She was a Darth and so is invaluable in helping you to accomplish your goals, she was very helpful with getting artifacts and such. Zash cannot betray you anymore, and she is the best choice. I'll take you back to Lost Tribe of the Sith: Pandemonium, when Verner Hilts took Iliana Merko as his wife just to prevent her from Overthrowing him as dark Lord of the Sith, because, if he died, the law, at the time, stipulated that his wife should also die. So, she now had a vested interest in seeing that he lived a very very long life, which he did.


It wouldn't be in Zash's best interests to see any harm come to you as it would be forfeiture of her own life, and we already know that she was stuck in Khem Vals body, because the artifacts for doing a similar transfer of essence ritual were destroyed, and moreover, the host would have to be weaker than Zash.


You're right, it is her best interest - until she finds a new body for herself. :) If you choose her, she says in the last conversation she wants to find a new body eventually, so she can.


What I'm unsure about is would she betray or attack you again? I think the chance is 50%.

It seems to me she has mixed feelings toward Nox. She really likes you and you work together well. But at the same time, you humiliated her (not willingly) by thwarting her plans and she is very frustrated, of course.

But she knows you are stronger than her, so it would be a great risk if she tried anything again, especially that you anticipate it now. :p In that last conversation, she sounds grateful (even saying thanks to you) and happy, not shifty. She also knows most Sith wouldn't have given her a second chance - that should be very important.

All in all, allowing her to get a new body is a double-edged sword, but it could work out well if she is willing to give up on vengeance. :)


As for me, I want her to be my ally. She is fun to be with and we can work together efficiently. Oh, and she should be a Darth again, she definitely earned her place among the Council. :cool:

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