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Space PVE missions beyond Grade 7


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I have recently reached 100% achievement completion for both factions of space pve, and have two ships decked out in all Grade 7 parts. I have some questions that I hope can be answered. I know space PVE has been long forgotten/abandoned...


I've reached 100% but I have not done any of the missions that require Grade 7 or better parts. Are there hidden achievements for them? (or are they so difficult that they decided to remove them from the list?)

The missions that require Grade 7 or better parts are insanely difficult, even in my full Grade 7 ships. Were there plans for Grade 8 or 9 parts that never happened, and these missions were never scaled back?

Has anyone actually completed these Grade 7 or higher missions? I'm dying so quickly, even using my whole arsenal, that I can't really see how it could be possible without higher parts (that may or may not exist). I might just suck at it, too. But it doesn't seem worthwhile to continue if there are no higher parts to find and no achievements.

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Someone else who enjoys the space missions in this game, sad that it got scrapped. I remember getting excited when the secret space project was originally announced only to sigh when it was revealed it was PvP only. I still have hope they may update the solo version with new missions at some point but doubt it'll ever happen.


Anyway to answer your question yes it is possible to beat them all but you constantly have to move, switch between weapon and fast shield recharge whenever you can, make sure to spam missiles on shielded enemies and use the EMP in specific places. Generally where you can take out the most enemies or turrets (like in the short heroic space mission put invulnerability on before entering the space mine area, then set it off 3/4 through the field to knock out the mines and the turrets on destroyer, then you just missile the command center and engines.). It is a massive difficultly spike though and you will probably die many times figuring out the best method, if you're struggling though check out dulfy.net or youtube for specific missions.

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It's just a question of training and skill.

Yes, first I thought too that these 6 hero space missions are literally impossible or that there must be better gear but meanwhile I even play around and also complete all bonus objectives in one round, with almost 100 % certainty. They offer very less room for error though but if you master them like I did for a long time now they are just routine. Try to watch playthroughs on yt. It might help you.

But I think it's a joke that for these missions which are the only ones worth mentioning difficulty wise no legacy achievements exist. It's the typical ignorance and incomplete status Bioware has mastered in so many other topics of the game as well and could be well naned their very own corporate identity.

There is no plan, precision, oversight, thoroughly work attitude within this company, not even remotely. You can feel this in almost any aspect of the game...

Edited by Khaleg
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I wish they would easily show which missions should be attempted first instead of just picking them all up and having to read through them all.

Before lvl sync that was how you did it, the missions showed lvl recommendations. So it was easy to work out which ones to start first.

Also more fleet Comms need to be rewarded so you can upgrade to better ship upgrades faster. You can pretty much only use them for this, so that shouldn't be a probelem. It might even encourage more people to play this relegated side game instead of ignoring it. The grind for them is stupid.

Lastly, there needs to be an increase in gear for those last few missions that are the hardest. It only needs to be boosted to one more lvl to help because they are nearly impossible to do and I used to play these missions daily before GSF was launched. New people or causal people are not going to spend the time building up the required skill and practice to play a side part of game that is basically forgotten or not even known about by most of the population.

If there was ever a part of the game that really needed to be dumbed down for the console players, it was the end missions of pve space combat.

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To also add my 2 cents:


Yes, you can beat them and they are very very hard at first but after a few tries (there are also youtube video guides) you will find them easy and boring. They require constant movement and spacebar evasion to the sides. You dont need full grade 7 but it makes it easier.


There is one more achievement regarding these missions and that is the Reputation. Buy doing these heroic missions you get rep tokens for imp or rep side. When you reach Legend with the faction you can buy the Tirsa speeder at the Space Missions vendor for which there is an achievement. Thats pretty much it, but it takes a lot of weeks.


Also heroic missions award quite a few Fleet coms for which you can buy the grade 7 upgrades and sell them on GTN, only yesterday i make 30 million just by selling this stuff on GTN on TRE one piece of gear goes for around 4 mil

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I wish they would easily show which missions should be attempted first instead of just picking them all up and having to read through them all.

Before lvl sync that was how you did it, the missions showed lvl recommendations. So it was easy to work out which ones to start first.

Also more fleet Comms need to be rewarded so you can upgrade to better ship upgrades faster. You can pretty much only use them for this, so that shouldn't be a probelem. It might even encourage more people to play this relegated side game instead of ignoring it. The grind for them is stupid.

Lastly, there needs to be an increase in gear for those last few missions that are the hardest. It only needs to be boosted to one more lvl to help because they are nearly impossible to do and I used to play these missions daily before GSF was launched. New people or causal people are not going to spend the time building up the required skill and practice to play a side part of game that is basically forgotten or not even known about by most of the population.

If there was ever a part of the game that really needed to be dumbed down for the console players, it was the end missions of pve space combat.


Sorry, but this post makes no sense after mine. They are not nearly impossible, not even remotely, when you mastered them they even get boring and you can play around, do the additional bonus objectives in one run, etc. and still be relaxed. I don't even need full level 7 gear for it meanwhile, just two level 7 pieces (emp, and the energy switcher), the rest can be level 6.


Also, the difficulty of each mission is described in any screen you see before starting the mission. And last but not least you also earn commendations for solo space missions by doing gsf, quite a lot actually.

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To also add my 2 cents:


Yes, you can beat them and they are very very hard at first but after a few tries (there are also youtube video guides) you will find them easy and boring. They require constant movement and spacebar evasion to the sides. You dont need full grade 7 but it makes it easier.


There is one more achievement regarding these missions and that is the Reputation. Buy doing these heroic missions you get rep tokens for imp or rep side. When you reach Legend with the faction you can buy the Tirsa speeder at the Space Missions vendor for which there is an achievement. Thats pretty much it, but it takes a lot of weeks.


Also heroic missions award quite a few Fleet coms for which you can buy the grade 7 upgrades and sell them on GTN, only yesterday i make 30 million just by selling this stuff on GTN on TRE one piece of gear goes for around 4 mil


Yep, it's no challenge for me anymore as well (but still fun every now and then although it's sad that this gets no love from Bioware and stays the same all the time), just a cash cow. Selling this stuff also for 3.5-3.8 a piece.

Edited by Khaleg
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One more essential hint from a space mission "pro" which was the core that helped me to beat them. At all costs you need to use the keyboard for ship movement and not the mouse (sometimes just as an addition the mouse as well). If you don't do that you have no way to target/hit the enemies while evading their blasts at the same time. This is the core to best this. Basically you fly in a circle most of the time to evade the incoming enemy fire.
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Thanks for the replies, it's good to know these are actually beatable with current parts. I'll spend some more time with the guides. It's too bad there are no achievements for them, but the point about reputation was a good one. I'm maxed on all but 6 of them now and forgot this was one of the 6.
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Just for the record:


When I tried the grade 7 space PvE missions first, I got slaughtered.


Then I continued them until I found the right pattern. When to put on the shield, when to focus on DPS, when to roll, when to I don't remember what.


That was like how you learned games in the 80s. Take Ghouls'n'Goblins. That game feels unbeatable. But if you memorise every second of it, you can record a speedrun in, I don't know 15 minutes or so, and put it on Youtube.


Anyone ever played R-Type? It took weeks to even make it past level 1. Swtor's Space PvE reminds me of that.


When I knew what to do, the missions got very easy. Now, a few years later, I struggle again when I try them. Because I forgot the patterns.


TL;DR: It's all about memorising the patterns.

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