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Cheating in Regs. Again. REALLY?


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And so, yet another post about cheating in Reg pvp on Jedi Covenant. I cannot understand why, I cannot comprehend that although it is reported, OVER AND OVER AND OVER, BW and/or EA does jack s#$t about it.


Below will be the posts about how "no one cheats in regs" and how "those that complain must suck at pvp", and yet it happens, every. single. day. Those that are quick to post that "it does not happen" are, amazingly, those that are participating.


I know, it seems insane that anyone would cheat in regular pvp, because that's where folks whom are new to pvp, LEARN TO PVP. However, it seems that regs are the place where it is ALLOWED TO HAPPEN. Really? You ask? Yep. Just tonight, in a REG Arena, after 1 round, where we lost, because one of our players DC'd, and it was VERY CLOSE, suddenly, in round two, three of us were REMOVED FROM THE MATCH. WHY? Because Bioware/ EA has made it possible for players of the same faction (which is 98% of pvp anymore) to KICK PLAYERS ON THE OTHER TEAM. hahahahaha. Funny as hell. Not really, because Bioware swears to Christ that exploits or cheating is a permanently bannable offense. Is it ever? NOPE. You can cheat, exploit, steal, spam, credit sell, do anything you want, hell, you can actually threaten to murder other players and Bioware will do nothing, absolutely nothing. A 24 hour "you can't play the game" does nothing to stop these turds from cheating, and cheating, and exploiting, and ruining the game.


Three days ago, had two players from Guild X on our team, facing (shocking) 4 players from the same Guild X on the other team, the players on our team? DID NOTHING. No dps, no heals, NOTHING. Report it. What happens? Nothing. For the health of the game, for the opportunity to continue to play this game, will Bioware PLEASE do something? DEVS: CAN YOU READ THIS? ARE YOU CAPABLE OF UNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEM? CAN YOU DO SOMETHING? If not, it sure friggin looks like this game will be gone by your next anniversary.

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And so, yet another post about cheating in Reg pvp on Jedi Covenant. I cannot understand why, I cannot comprehend that although it is reported, OVER AND OVER AND OVER, BW and/or EA does jack s#$t about it.


Below will be the posts about how "no one cheats in regs" and how "those that complain must suck at pvp", and yet it happens, every. single. day. Those that are quick to post that "it does not happen" are, amazingly, those that are participating.


I know, it seems insane that anyone would cheat in regular pvp, because that's where folks whom are new to pvp, LEARN TO PVP. However, it seems that regs are the place where it is ALLOWED TO HAPPEN. Really? You ask? Yep. Just tonight, in a REG Arena, after 1 round, where we lost, because one of our players DC'd, and it was VERY CLOSE, suddenly, in round two, three of us were REMOVED FROM THE MATCH. WHY? Because Bioware/ EA has made it possible for players of the same faction (which is 98% of pvp anymore) to KICK PLAYERS ON THE OTHER TEAM. hahahahaha. Funny as hell. Not really, because Bioware swears to Christ that exploits or cheating is a permanently bannable offense. Is it ever? NOPE. You can cheat, exploit, steal, spam, credit sell, do anything you want, hell, you can actually threaten to murder other players and Bioware will do nothing, absolutely nothing. A 24 hour "you can't play the game" does nothing to stop these turds from cheating, and cheating, and exploiting, and ruining the game.


Three days ago, had two players from Guild X on our team, facing (shocking) 4 players from the same Guild X on the other team, the players on our team? DID NOTHING. No dps, no heals, NOTHING. Report it. What happens? Nothing. For the health of the game, for the opportunity to continue to play this game, will Bioware PLEASE do something? DEVS: CAN YOU READ THIS? ARE YOU CAPABLE OF UNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEM? CAN YOU DO SOMETHING? If not, it sure friggin looks like this game will be gone by your next anniversary.


That kind of nonsense would be fixed partially with cross faction. But nope. BW is stubbor and wont do a damned thing to make the game healthier.

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Last night in JC i was in a very crappy voidstar. I entered as backup in round 2 defense after first bomb already planted (nice) but i still play. So, we are fighting before the bridge, only starting and i think no one of our end died yet when suddenly the is a bomb on the other side :eek: Bridge still not open. Bomb goes off and then the bridge opens.

I read about something with the operative/scoundrel teleport working without the bridge if someone is on the other side so i thought that was the case, probably i just didn't see tha one of our team was there. So the match ends soon after that and to my surprise the enemy team consist only of: Juggs, Mercs and Sins

Sins phantom stride does not work over air, so Am I missing something?

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Last night in JC i was in a very crappy voidstar. I entered as backup in round 2 defense after first bomb already planted (nice) but i still play. So, we are fighting before the bridge, only starting and i think no one of our end died yet when suddenly the is a bomb on the other side :eek: Bridge still not open. Bomb goes off and then the bridge opens.

I read about something with the operative/scoundrel teleport working without the bridge if someone is on the other side so i thought that was the case, probably i just didn't see tha one of our team was there. So the match ends soon after that and to my surprise the enemy team consist only of: Juggs, Mercs and Sins

Sins phantom stride does not work over air, so Am I missing something?


Sins phantom stride works like operatives holotraverse. Also there is sometimes a visual bug that makes/keeps the bridges invisible. Also, i've seen jugg leap to other side, force push the enemy down and plant before he could respawn

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Sins phantom stride works like operatives holotraverse. Also there is sometimes a visual bug that makes/keeps the bridges invisible. Also, i've seen jugg leap to other side, force push the enemy down and plant before he could respawn


Yet we arent allowed to teleport or leap to people on the ledge in queshball..... Uhg....BW.....:rak_02:

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Sins phantom stride works like operatives holotraverse. Also there is sometimes a visual bug that makes/keeps the bridges invisible. Also, i've seen jugg leap to other side, force push the enemy down and plant before he could respawn


It was not the visual bug of not showing the bridge open (i know that bug and i had walked over invisible bridge before) but both sides remained closed until the bomb exploded.

So it probably was a sin with PS, i did't know it was possible.



But Sin PS does not work exactly like holotraverse. PS needs completly plain terrain and no air, as PS is not a teleport is just a fast move (even a small rock interrupts it). Operatives in queshball can move in complete diagonal up from the ramp over the air to avoid the acid. They practically can do whatever they want in queshball. Try that (the few times it even lets you activate it) with a sin and you just fall.

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But Sin PS does not work exactly like holotraverse. PS needs completly plain terrain and no air, as PS is not a teleport is just a fast move (even a small rock interrupts it). Operatives in queshball can move in complete diagonal up from the ramp over the air to avoid the acid. They practically can do whatever they want in queshball. Try that (the few times it even lets you activate it) with a sin and you just fall.


Look, mate, I really don't know how to say it so you'll believe me, so I'll put it simple: you're wrong. Phantom Stride works exactly like Holotraverse, except it can only be used to leap to hostile targets, no friendlies.

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And so, yet another post about cheating in Reg pvp on Jedi Covenant. I cannot understand why, I cannot comprehend that although it is reported, OVER AND OVER AND OVER, BW and/or EA does jack s#$t about it.


Below will be the posts about how "no one cheats in regs" and how "those that complain must suck at pvp", and yet it happens, every. single. day. Those that are quick to post that "it does not happen" are, amazingly, those that are participating.


I know, it seems insane that anyone would cheat in regular pvp, because that's where folks whom are new to pvp, LEARN TO PVP. However, it seems that regs are the place where it is ALLOWED TO HAPPEN. Really? You ask? Yep. Just tonight, in a REG Arena, after 1 round, where we lost, because one of our players DC'd, and it was VERY CLOSE, suddenly, in round two, three of us were REMOVED FROM THE MATCH. WHY? Because Bioware/ EA has made it possible for players of the same faction (which is 98% of pvp anymore) to KICK PLAYERS ON THE OTHER TEAM. hahahahaha. Funny as hell. Not really, because Bioware swears to Christ that exploits or cheating is a permanently bannable offense. Is it ever? NOPE. You can cheat, exploit, steal, spam, credit sell, do anything you want, hell, you can actually threaten to murder other players and Bioware will do nothing, absolutely nothing. A 24 hour "you can't play the game" does nothing to stop these turds from cheating, and cheating, and exploiting, and ruining the game.


Three days ago, had two players from Guild X on our team, facing (shocking) 4 players from the same Guild X on the other team, the players on our team? DID NOTHING. No dps, no heals, NOTHING. Report it. What happens? Nothing. For the health of the game, for the opportunity to continue to play this game, will Bioware PLEASE do something? DEVS: CAN YOU READ THIS? ARE YOU CAPABLE OF UNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEM? CAN YOU DO SOMETHING? If not, it sure friggin looks like this game will be gone by your next anniversary.


LoL, I saw a lvl 17 PT the other day that had a speed hack active.. I know this because it's impossible at that lvl to have all the utilities to increase speed even half as much as that guy was using. It left my lvl 38 PT in the dust and ran circles around everyone.

When I pointed it out I got the usual "it's an ability... you obviously don't play the class... there are no cheats"...

I responded with in on a lvl 38 PT, look at your op group, I'm a higher lvl and he is running twice as fast as me, you obviously don't know class abilities or utilities... " all I got from that was L2P and the usual stuff you.

When the majority of the player base is uneducated in all class abilities/utilities, don't know what hack/cheats are even possible and the other uneducated players listen to them, then we start having hack deniers or false hack reports everywhere.

Next thing we have the same old problem we've had in the past, half the community believes people are hacking, but most can't spot it, so they often make false accusations. Then the deniers who listen to the people who are uneducated about cheating and who also can't spot a cheat, start saying there are no cheats and actively troll people who call out cheats. This argument/trolling often provides camouflage for the real cheats to fly under the radar. They will also want to deflect attention, so you will often see a few of them in the forums trolling threads about cheating so that they shut the thread down. We often get lots of "post proof" post from these people because they know if someone does, Bioware will ban the proof poster, not the cheat.

Bioware has demonstrated over the years that they would rather sweep cheating in pvp under the rug because they either can't stop it, can't be bothered to stop it or just don't care. They've also made it as convoluted as possible to report cheating and there is no way to upload proof directly to them so they can review it. Bioware also has no deterrent to cheating. The punishment is non existent or so weak as to be useless.

Until Bioware decide to change their policy on cheating by having real deterrents, taking action fast and adding an easy, less convoluted way to report, then cheats will continue unabated in this game. I've been saying all of this for five years and nothing has changed. I cannot see them deciding to care now.

It's like the current pvp bot issue on Harbinger, they've not responded to my thread or my PM to Eric to ask him who I can send the 30+ photos I've taken of the 30+ individual bots from last weekend.


Edit : if people need to cheat in pvp, especially regs, then they are scrubs, the absolute worst players possible. When you find one make sure you kill it over and over all match to show cheating doesn't help you be a better player.



Edited by Icykill_
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I'm in JC and this week alone I've done that 2 times on my shadow and 1 on my assassin.


First of all, as someone else said it, Stride works exactly like traverse in that regard. If you are being an idiot and standing on the edge I will stride to you in stealth and plant, simple as that.


All the morons that stand on the edge asking for a sage/sorc pull or the jugs/guards asking teammates to come close so they can leap to them are the ones responsible for me to be able to Stride back to the other side. Blame the idiots on your team, not the players that know how their class work.

Edited by ---AlterEgo---
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