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Male BH decision V/T - Spoiler


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Hi guys,



i am playing a male bountyhunter atm and I m having a hard time deciding whom to pick: Vette or Torian. For my other Chars it was Vette.


save Torian:


+ He is my (adoptive) brother,

+ I know him longer

+ Mako likes him and she is my LI


- Charakter is a bit boring to me

- Mando, is more ready for death

- My BH is light side. Throwing himself at the front in order to bleed and die for the ones who can't protect themselves. Torian is a Mando to. So woulndt i belittle him if i save him instead of a non-mando?


save Vette:


+ I like her Char

+ Civilian (kinda at least)

+ protege of Gault (and I like Gault a lot)

+ she is a woman (sry im old fashioned even so some might find this sexist :/ )



I appreciate any thoughts and help on this, since im thinking about this for months now and still cant decide :(

Edited by Tirnaraal
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Are you a Mandalorian(a) or a Bounty Hunter(b)?


If a -> Choose Torian, it's a no brainer

If b -> Choose Vette, Torian's like a super inferior version of Akaavi anyhow




edit: Although I understand Mando way of revering death. Maybe Vette's the better choice after all.

Edited by Cuiwe
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Don't think anyone can help you make a choice but I can share my thought process:



I like Torian and I'm not a big fan of Vette. I don't dislike her but her personality grates on me a bit. I mean,

it's like having another Mission from KotOR. Still, my Warrior (I went throught KotET with my Warrior first) liked her, so when I got to chapter 8 I was planning on saving Vette.


But then I decided to pick [save Torian] just to see what her reaction would be and then quit the convo and replay. Thing is, she whines because you decide to save Torian first! I was like: :eek:? Srsly? It just pissed me off so much that I actually stuck with my choice and saved Torian. When I later saw the dialogue Torian has if you save Vette where he faces the prospect of death with dignity, I was only more convinced of making a right choice.



As for them being civilian/Mandalorian I feel like Vette shouldn't have been out there in the first place. She could have stayed in the base with Gault and if she went out and found herself against unbeatable odds - well, that's her problem. But I think it's more on Bioware than the character; I think they just pushed us into this position for the sake of drama. It would have made more sense if it were Aric instead of Vette (but it wasn't exactly doable, I get it).


Plus, when we meet Torian in Chapter 14 back in KotFE he seems a bit tired of all the killing despite being a Mandalorian and if you pick Vette, he states he isn't afraid to die but doesn't want to. May not be the most Mando thing to say but it sort of appealed to me more than Vette's complaint.

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Don't think anyone can help you make a choice but I can share my thought process:



I like Torian and I'm not a big fan of Vette. I don't dislike her but her personality grates on me a bit. I mean,

it's like having another Mission from KotOR. Still, my Warrior (I went throught KotET with my Warrior first) liked her, so when I got to chapter 8 I was planning on saving Vette.


But then I decided to pick [save Torian] just to see what her reaction would be and then quit the convo and replay. Thing is, she whines because you decide to save Torian first! I was like: :eek:? Srsly? It just pissed me off so much that I actually stuck with my choice and saved Torian. When I later saw the dialogue Torian has if you save Vette where he faces the prospect of death with dignity, I was only more convinced of making a right choice.



As for them being civilian/Mandalorian I feel like Vette shouldn't have been out there in the first place. She could have stayed in the base with Gault and if she went out and found herself against unbeatable odds - well, that's her problem. But I think it's more on Bioware than the character; I think they just pushed us into this position for the sake of drama. It would have made more sense if it were Aric instead of Vette (but it wasn't exactly doable, I get it).


Plus, when we meet Torian in Chapter 14 back in KotFE he seems a bit tired of all the killing despite being a Mandalorian and if you pick Vette, he states he isn't afraid to die but doesn't want to. May not be the most Mando thing to say but it sort of appealed to me more than Vette's complaint.


Exactly. What he said didn't sound brave and a bit whiney for a mando. :p


However, I think you're wrong about how Vette shouldn't be out there. She's been an assassin, a pirate, a thief, and a warrior. She may not have been the best warrior, but she was one who trained under the Wrath (no matter which class you play through KotFE).


She's no more a civilian than Torian is. Unless you're going to say being a civilian has to do with her not being in the military, in which Torian wasn't either. Mando's don't join military, they just grow up in a war culture.

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Exactly. What he said didn't sound brave and a bit whiney for a mando. :p


However, I think you're wrong about how Vette shouldn't be out there. She's been an assassin, a pirate, a thief, and a warrior. She may not have been the best warrior, but she was one who trained under the Wrath (no matter which class you play through KotFE).


She's no more a civilian than Torian is. Unless you're going to say being a civilian has to do with her not being in the military, in which Torian wasn't either. Mando's don't join military, they just grow up in a war culture.


In my book admitting that you don't want to die, especially if you were born and raised in a culture like Mando, is brave. As for Vette, I don't mean to say she wasn't supposed to be in a fight; technically none of our companions are civilians, they are all fighters. Just that she had no place on the front lines. I mean, even Gault stays and protects the base. Her field of expertise is not an open battle - she, as you say, is a thief, an assassin, but no, she is not a warrior.

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Thank you all. At the end there is no right choice, so i went with my first intuition and saved Vette...


I just wished I had a scene where i carried his body to safety or destroyed my qaurters in grief. I guess I leave this to my imagination...

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If you consider the companion's worth in how they fit into the game:



Torian is just a side kick to the Bounty Hunter, love interest if you are a female BH. He is simply a soldier with no unique skills that cannot be replaced by another faceless soldier. He joins the Outlander as a liaison of the Mandalorians but that position becomes usurped by Shae Vizla herself when she directly joins the alliance.


Vette is immediately invaluable to the Sith Warrior. She helps him break into an ancient tomb on Korriban to retrieve an ancient light saber. She is stealthy, witty, improvisational, and able to break into, and out of, just about anywhere. When she joins the Alliance, her unique talents were crucial in stealing the vast fortune from The Gilded Star, The Eternal Empire's vaults of massive wealth, funding the alliance very well. When she goes with the group to Iokath, she discovers the computers that help The Outlander understand more about their hostage planet and gives the group direction. When The Outlander and Vette are locked in a room, she figures out how to escape it. Without her talents, The Outlander most likely would have come to a quick end and never left that planet.


It's a no brainer for me. On almost every single character I choose Vette over Torian. I would only ever choose Torian on a female BH that romanced him.



::mic drop::

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Save Torian. Whatever Vette can do, Theron Shan and Lana can do too, talking about slicing computers. Besides, as a BH, Vette is a nobody to you, not part of your original team, not someone that actually helped you when everyone turned against you and you had no choice than to work for Darth Tormen.

About Torian being "an inferior version of Akaavi", thats plain stupid, because they are different species and different ages, obviously. When you meet Torian for the first time, he is like 19 years old, while Akaavi is around 30.

And one more thing: would you risk the alliance with Shae Vizla ? As Theron Shan said, the mandalorians won't stab you in the back, but shoot you in the face.

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