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Confused about something I recently read in a thread.


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I was looking at some threads earlier tonight and I noticed people were talking about the "December Rebellion". I haven't played in several monthes and I never heard about any rebellion. Now granted I was on my main on Jung Ma where the pop is dead so maybe I completely missed this rebellion or whatever. Can someone clarify what this is for me please? Thanks.


PS I'm not here to start trouble or arguments and such so if this could be used solely for the explanation of the rebellion thank you.

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I've only seen that used by one poster in one thread. They were referring to the apparent backlash that provoked 4 "damage control" livestreams, previously unscheduled, at a time of the year the devs and any communications usually disappear for 2 months.


At least that's the only swtor related, non-brewery bits I have seen.

Edited by docbenwayddo
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I was looking at some threads earlier tonight and I noticed people were talking about the "December Rebellion". I haven't played in several monthes and I never heard about any rebellion. Now granted I was on my main on Jung Ma where the pop is dead so maybe I completely missed this rebellion or whatever. Can someone clarify what this is for me please? Thanks.


PS I'm not here to start trouble or arguments and such so if this could be used solely for the explanation of the rebellion thank you.



I might suggest you ask this question on those threads you saw it on. Asking it in its own thread seems like a set up to start a fight, sorry its how it comes off. If you don't know what happened in December then read threads from back then, otherwise all you will get here is skewed posts from people on both sides, and a fight.

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I might suggest you ask this question on those threads you saw it on. Asking it in its own thread seems like a set up to start a fight, sorry its how it comes off. If you don't know what happened in December then read threads from back then, otherwise all you will get here is skewed posts from people on both sides, and a fight.


^^ Very much agree.


And it was not a rebellion, more like the ususal whimpering of dissatisfied players declaring their intentions to go play something else and trying to trash the game as much as they could get away with until their sub expired or they got banned. These sorts of folks don't leave quietly and they demand their pound of flesh on the way out the door. Of course most of them are no longer actively subbed, so you won't get any feedback from them here in the forum.

Edited by Andryah
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Some people didn't like the changes in 5.0 - Some enough to leave, some to leave for good.

There has been damage limitation going on since then - See the Dev tracker.

Some people believe that the recent direct sales items are a last grasp at padding the bottom line before the end of year results.


'Rebellion' might be a bit strong, but there was a lot of unhappiness on the forums about 5.0 changes and Galactic command, and the fact that gearing was reset, somewhat grindy, random and alt-unfriendly.


You have to consider the population of your own server and that of the more populous ones, how many friends or guildmates are online and how often pops for group content happen, and the population on places like the fleet and starter / stronghold / endgame worlds to draw your own conclusions.


But the studio isn't going top post numbers arriving and numbers quitting. - it's bad for business. - Which means that anyone telling you a figure of so-and-so percent of people who have quit is not hard evidence.

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^^ Very much agree.


And it was not a rebellion, more like the ususal whimpering of dissatisfied players declaring their intentions to go play something else and trying to trash the game as much as they could get away with until their sub expired or they got banned. These sorts of folks don't leave quietly and they demand their pound of flesh on the way out the door. Of course most of them are no longer actively subbed, so you won't get any feedback from them here in the forum.

Everyone who takes the time to detail problems with a product or service does so exclusively out of spite and wants nothing more than their pound of flesh. They are all lying, presumptuous malcontents that should be sentenced by the court of conditioned opinion to permanent exile so the few dozen or so who would have them punished for their candor can withdraw back into their bubbles and be left alone.


Or ... they may simply not like the direction a product that matters to them has gone and aren't afraid of exposing the specifics until the manufacturer does something about it.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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The problem being that the usual suspects on the forum are hardly representative of the game's community as a whole. Very few people ever enter the forums of any game and fewer still feel compelled to contribute. So while you may not like the direction the game is heading in (and voicing your opinion is ofc your right) do not pretend that you are speaking for the majority of the players Edited by Valceanu
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The problem being that the usual suspects on the forum are hardly representative of the game's community as a whole. Very few people ever enter the forums of any game and fewer still feel compelled to contribute. So while you may not like the direction the game is heading in (and voicing your opinion is ofc your right) do not pretend that you are speaking for the majority of the players


Good advice both sides need to take.


But as I said this thread is only inviting a fight, please lets not give in to our worse sides.

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The problem being that the usual suspects on the forum are hardly representative of the game's community as a whole. Very few people ever enter the forums of any game and fewer still feel compelled to contribute. So while you may not like the direction the game is heading in (and voicing your opinion is ofc your right) do not pretend that you are speaking for the majority of the players
Correct. No one can speak for any majority unless they are so deputized. So all anyone has is their own voice. If one's voice is alone and unsupported, then it is what it is. If one's voice is somehow representative of a more collective voice, then it is what it is. Either way, it is what it is. Mine was merely a sarcastic comparison of extremes that spoke for no one. Edited by GalacticKegger
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The problem being that the usual suspects on the forum are hardly representative of the game's community as a whole. Very few people ever enter the forums of any game and fewer still feel compelled to contribute. So while you may not like the direction the game is heading in (and voicing your opinion is ofc your right) do not pretend that you are speaking for the majority of the players


If the game were perfect, we'd all be playing it, and no one would be on the forums.


The sign of a great game with a great community, is a social active player base in game, and an empty ghost town of a forum.

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I was looking at some threads earlier tonight and I noticed people were talking about the "December Rebellion". I haven't played in several monthes and I never heard about any rebellion. Now granted I was on my main on Jung Ma where the pop is dead so maybe I completely missed this rebellion or whatever. Can someone clarify what this is for me please? Thanks.


PS I'm not here to start trouble or arguments and such so if this could be used solely for the explanation of the rebellion thank you.


It was the Snowflake Rebellion and while it was nothing in game or in any news, on the forums it was a massive whine.


They were all pissed because they couldn't get legendary gear and that was a huge ego bruise.

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If the game were perfect, we'd all be playing it, and no one would be on the forums.


The sign of a great game with a great community, is a social active player base in game, and an empty ghost town of a forum.


Actually, I can forum at work, but not play.

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I might suggest you ask this question on those threads you saw it on. Asking it in its own thread seems like a set up to start a fight, sorry its how it comes off. If you don't know what happened in December then read threads from back then, otherwise all you will get here is skewed posts from people on both sides, and a fight.


Fair enough, though I didn't want to get involved in the thread, so asking their would seem silly because I had no intention of being involved in it even if it was just asking a question. I mean while I respect everyones right to their own opinion I was worried this WOULD turn into a flame war which was most certainly not my intention.

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Ok my question was answered lets not turn this thread into a war please. I simply wanted to know what it was. Now that I have my answer I will not be replying here so any fight that breaks out has nothing to do with me.
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Fair enough, though I didn't want to get involved in the thread, so asking their would seem silly because I had no intention of being involved in it even if it was just asking a question. I mean while I respect everyones right to their own opinion I was worried this WOULD turn into a flame war which was most certainly not my intention.



Intention or not you can see the results. Many are still very angry it would seem.

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Ok my question was answered lets not turn this thread into a war please. I simply wanted to know what it was. Now that I have my answer I will not be replying here so any fight that breaks out has nothing to do with me.



You can't throw a match into a dark room and claim no responsibility for the results. You asked a question without doing even a basic search that is on you and what comes of it is on you.

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^^ Very much agree.


And it was not a rebellion, more like the ususal whimpering of dissatisfied players declaring their intentions to go play something else and trying to trash the game as much as they could get away with until their sub expired or they got banned. These sorts of folks don't leave quietly and they demand their pound of flesh on the way out the door. Of course most of them are no longer actively subbed, so you won't get any feedback from them here in the forum.


I'm still here and I was one of the more vocal people back then. I quit shortly but got a new perspective that allowed me to come back. And so here I am giving feedback. So your claim that there would be no feedback is already debunked. My criticism still stands and 5.2 can be seen as a direct result of this critical phase. Never called it a rebellion myself but I am just sad that it was necessary in the first place. The biggest difference this time around was that the criticism was mostly fair and reasonable and apparently a lot of people did leave because of it. BWA have never turned things around this quickly...well, not since the game almost went flat on it's face in the first year.


So your description here is uncalled for. Sure, there were a few people who took it too far as usual, but the biggest problem were the white knights that continually waged a war of false accusations. That's what made the fights rather bitter. The criticism of the gearing in 5.0 by itself was rather reasonable and justified.


The fact that gearing in ops with regular boss drops is coming back with 5.2 and 5.1 being already half way there is evidence that 5.0 was a mistake with regards to gearing. I said it then and I'll say it again: it was an avoidable mistake. Every sign was there that this was going to backfire on them and they didn't want to listen.


So yeah, I guess we rebelled and by 5.2 we will be able to say we managed to blow up the RNG Death Star. Whatever you want to call it, it just was a huge mistake to put all endgame gearing on one GC heap that didn't even deliver.

Edited by Tsillah
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I remember that period Tsillah. I just doubt that our posts on forums had any effect. It's probably that the loss of players made them take steps restore game back to state it use to be when it had more players, which proved our predictions to be correct. If they actually had listen to players on forum they would have not do this mistake at all. The "only RNG" gearing was frowned upon way before 5.0 gone live, forums did nothing to prevent the bad design to be released. It was the consequence after 5.0 when subscriber numbers got cut down, that made them take steps towards restoring game in state it use to be. And "rebels" just played a small portion of their role in this, no matter how vocal we were on forums, they decided to make changes only after they damaged the game, not during our pre 5.0 warnings.
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regardless of not having the metrics, we can see a drop in forum activity, fleet population and there are a lot of pro-eminent pve and pvpers that left the game. On JC, getting ranked to pop is darn hard, and I dont think too many teams are active accross all the guild there to do HM/NIM raiding.


I did see Torva Nex is reforming a team, its one of the few good news I'm aware off from JC which is I think the most or 2nd most east coast server.


Lots of east coaster are going over to harbinger, trading in some Ping for greater activity, mostly ranked WZ.

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I'm still here and I was one of the more vocal people back then. I quit shortly but got a new perspective that allowed me to come back. And so here I am giving feedback. So your claim that there would be no feedback is already debunked.


Clearly you did not read what I actually wrote, and instead went "full drama" here. Nowhere did I say "all", or "no", or any other absolute. ;) Please go back and read my last sentence, this time with some objectivity.


I was tempted in my original posting to point out specifically that you were one who did rethink their rage and did stay and continue to provide feedback while taking a different perspective from your original rage-quit. But now I am glad that I did not.. because your clearly went with inaccurate and dramatic response to my comment. :rolleyes:

Edited by Andryah
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Clearly you did not read what I actually wrote, and instead went "full drama" here. Nowhere did I say "all", or "no", or any other absolute. ;) Please go back and read my last sentence, this time with some objectivity.


I was tempted in my original posting to point out specifically that you were one who did rethink their rage and did stay and continue to provide feedback while taking a different perspective from your original rage-quit. But now I am glad that I did not.. because your clearly went with inaccurate and dramatic response to my comment. :rolleyes:


It may be your rhetorical style that evokes abrasive response. I have found myself agreeing with some things that you say but really have to fight the urge to counterpoint because of the way you worded it made me dislike agreeing.

It's just an impression and only critical in a constructive way. A slight difference in tone, as much as text can carry it, may prevent a lot of these exchanges you end up in.

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Lots of east coaster are going over to harbinger, trading in some Ping for greater activity.


Yeah, I'm one of those. Moved from JC to Harbinger like two weeks ago.

5.0 killed my guild. We went from 30 people online to 3 or 4.

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