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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Crates - any MK3s dropping at all, besides ears and implant doubles?


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Are there any MK3s dropping at all, apart from the same ears and implants over and over again?! I now reached tier 2 and all I have is doubles of the same ears and implants that I cannot even pass to my alts. This gearing method is demoralising and will make me unsub.
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Are there any MK3s dropping at all, apart from the same ears and implants over and over again?! I now reached tier 2 and all I have is doubles of the same ears and implants that I cannot even pass to my alts. This gearing method is demoralising and will make me unsub.


You either get ridiculously lucky like I did last night and got a pair of mk 15 boots and mk 15 legs on my gunslinger, or you get unlucky like my scoundrel where I have only gotten a belt till lvl 90 so far. Which is why this system is beyond dumb and has caused already struggling servers to flat line now.

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I have a full set of 236, set bonus gear, and 2 236 relics, however, I have no mk-13, mk-13 or mk-15 earpieces or implants ...i have reached tier 3 now, so Im hoping ill get some golds or purples of those...however lately I'v been getting trash in those crates
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Are there any MK3s dropping at all, apart from the same ears and implants over and over again?! I now reached tier 2 and all I have is doubles of the same ears and implants that I cannot even pass to my alts. This gearing method is demoralising and will make me unsub.


haven't you threatened to unsub over and over again?

it's rng. everything is dropping. sometimes you get a good mix, sometimes not

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