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Fun Spearpoint/Boodmark ability: Gravity Well


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A buddy of mine mine was telling me about an ability in Star Trek Online called Gravity Well...."Gravity Well is a Science Bridge Officer space ability. It creates a gravity well that draws nearby enemies in while causing minor damage"


So we thinking it would be fun to add to spearpoint/bloodmark, with the focus being on drones and mines rather than ships. So tier 4 EMP missile upgrade would read:


"Misslie hits pull all target friendly drones and mines within a 7500m radius to the target over 5 seconds"


Sound like fun? love to hear your thoughts ;)

Edited by lwiggles
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"EMP" has nothing to do with gravity. An EMP is a disruption effect, not a tractor beam. If anything, an Interdiction drone might be more appropriate since that casts a kind of slowing tractor beam. Edited by HeatRacer
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Yeh I hear you on the gravity. Maybe call the ability Haywire .. that work better? It would be nice to find a place for it on spearpoint as tensorcide ,, a sad waste of a ship.


, an Interdiction drone might be more appropriate.


Only problem is that this would destroy the drone i .. maybe thats not a bad thing though ..


This ability sounds like fun to me. EMP field/missile was meant to play a similar role, but i like the idea of moving all that junk out of the way rather than simply destroying it. It would reward people for flying on satts and disrupt the bomber balls. A dynamic change to gameplay.

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I would go rather for a 'causes all mines and drones to fire indiscriminately at targets and enemies'. That would wreak some havoc :)


PS. T2 strike, T3 strike and T3 gunshi* have EMP missile access as well :)

Edited by Bolo_Yeung
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I've been flying my Bloodmark ( spearpoint equivalent) quite a bit recently. As a primary battlescout pilot, it makes a nice change. Sling-shotting your team to the sats in dom is quite satisfying, seeing as I love the fast cap tactic. I usually hang about with repair and rearm, rather than tensorcide.

Trouble is, as a support vessel you usually lose out on a few medals per match, which is unfortunate if you're chasing CXP. But now I'm CXP capped, I can afford to lose a few points in the final hand-out.


Would love to do an all T1 + T3 scout match one day. Could be fun rather than the Gunship wall + tick bomber spam I've seen recently. ( looking at you, pubside pilots....When the aces start going to bed of a night....)


Back on topic, pull friendly mines and drones to the T3 scout? Fine if it sucks them off another sat, but not so good if your team-mate has them all carefully spread out, no? But it would be fun to fly-by a GS or tick bomber and pull them all to your position. Kaboom!

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Since I have firsthand experience with the original Gravity Well ability, having it on a missile and therefore spammable and avoidable would probably be too strong and/or too clunky. It would be much more suitable as a systems ability, but that would remove tensor, or possibly co-pilot ability, but then it wouldn't be ship restricted, both of which would result in a sad koala :rolleyes:


"Disable IFF" would certainly be interesting, and probably more star warsy than the proposed space wizardry.


Trouble is, as a support vessel you usually lose out on a few medals per match, which is unfortunate if you're chasing CXP.


Not necessarily, also if it would mean the difference between a loss and a win, the gain would probably be greater than from extra 2-3 medals.


The T1 + T3 scout thing actually sounds incredibly frustrating. Short range primaries, short range and/or long lock-on secondaries, bajilion short CD missile breaks (some of which double as escapes or defensive CDs), all on fast maneuverable targets...but hey, could go well with Yakety Sax...


Back on topic, pull friendly mines and drones to the T3 scout? Fine if it sucks them off another sat, but not so good if your team-mate has them all carefully spread out, no? But it would be fun to fly-by a GS or tick bomber and pull them all to your position. Kaboom!


The wording was a bit confusing, but "target friendly drones and mines" relative to the missile target means enemy mines and drones.


To have an idea what Gravity Well does, check this. It has additional space wizardry, but the opener is Gravity Well. Purple blob that draws stuff into it and crushes it.



A different thought, how about having an interdiction drone actually do some interdicting and have it divert beacon spawns from X km radius to itself? :mon_trap:

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