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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Too many abilities for Combat


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What are you really serious??


Blade Rush




Clashing blast

Zealous Strike

Dual saber throw


The rotation is so simple and smooth, you need to know what to use when Precision is on Cooldown and use your high hit abilities inside the 3sec Precision window.

You have only 1 filler that is dual saber throw, the rest is part of core rotation, once you learn how to maintain focus enough to burst and sustain outside of Precision window then you dominate the spec.

It's a L2P issue, the rotation is NOT complicated


Add barrage.


Blade blitz.

AOE damage atk (cannot remember name).



Couple of other DCDs.



Some classes even have 2-3 more rotational abilities.


To be honest SWTOR is not the worst, but there is ability inflation. I do not think that combat has much of an issue here, but both concentration and annihilation have too many rotational and some unnecessary abilities.

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Too many abilities happens to be big problem for friends I introduced to the game. As they try the game as new and free to play players, they hit the point where they cannot use all abilities as there is not enough quickbars, which is one of the reason why there are so many abilities, to make you subscribe or buy quickbar unlocks. They just stop playing instead. I've seen games that have more abilities than swtor, and I played them, and I had fun. Swtor just does not do it right. Even if I learned each skill and ability, its unfriendly towards new players and hurts player population. All what we are left with are veterans, hackers and bots. New players will find another game where they don't have to spend hours studying abilities, or just play solo where you only need to learn basic attack. Or they will join group activities and piss off veteran players as they don't know to play how veterans can.


It would be far better way to have ability ranks, as you level up you decide how to upgrade it (Like mass effect games for example), so your ability goes to be more unique, and can do more things as you evolve it, yet it still takes 1 slot on quickbar. The fun comes from when and where you activate them, rather than from the amount of how many abilities you have.

Edited by BoySaber
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Playing my Jedi Shadow and Sith Warrior and there are way too many abilities now.

Several of which kind of overlap each other.


The sheer number of abilities really distract from the core combat.


SWTOR should really trim down and combine the abilities.

Let people enjoy the combat rather than mash buttons nonstop.


I think you've picked the wrong game, if this is how you feel I suggest you tryout Diablo III. :rolleyes:

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Most of the people saying there isn't a problem here probably use a macro mouse, keyboard, or program that lets them group up a few abilities on a single key.


That being said, some of us like having ability bloat. Other than ESO, I can't get into a mmo unless there are 20+ abilities. I know it's old school, but it's nice not to have stuff dumbed down to the point anyone can do it just as well, or to the point where only one correct response is possible.

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Most of the people saying there isn't a problem here probably use a macro mouse, keyboard, or program that lets them group up a few abilities on a single key.


That being said, some of us like having ability bloat. Other than ESO, I can't get into a mmo unless there are 20+ abilities. I know it's old school, but it's nice not to have stuff dumbed down to the point anyone can do it just as well, or to the point where only one correct response is possible.


I have never touched a macro in my life. Spend 20 € for a cheap mmo mouse, and bam, easy mode with all the abilities.

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Personally i'm happy to have a large kit of abilities. But that's just me, an ex-hardcore WoW nerd :D


This was my first pc game and first mmo. When I first started I was literally running into walls like a drunk wench. But after a day or so, I got used to it, leveled up, realized it is a pain in the *** to use the keyboard, got myself an mmo mouse, and bam, was good to go. Within a week. And that is coming from playing console for over 15 years exclusively. People that complain about the abilities are simply lazy and do not want to learn their classes inside and out.

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The bloat can be annoying and having a MMO mouse does not work for everyone. I purchased a MMO mouse thinking it would be a godsend, but because of the way I hold a mouse it gives me no advantage. I am one of those oddballs that grips a mouse with his thumb and pinky so I now have an overkill on thumb buttons.


The problem isn't the rotation. It's the rotation plus offensive cooldowns, plus defensive cooldowns, pluse buffs, plus debuffs, yada yada yada. For instance the toon I am leveling right now has @25 different abilities that are used on a regular basis in pvp. It's a good thing I have long fingers.....lol

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I love a lot of abilities for different occasions. One of the things I loathe most about many of the newer MMOs is forcing you to choose just 6 or 7 abilities under the guise of "importance of choice" which just ends up in seven abilities that are the best and the rest are useless.


As far as equipment goes, my wife is a clicker, and she's extremely competitive as a player. It's a learning curve, but that's a good thing.


I also don't use any kind of macro.

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Most of the people saying there isn't a problem here probably use a macro mouse, keyboard, or program that lets them group up a few abilities on a single key.


That being said, some of us like having ability bloat. Other than ESO, I can't get into a mmo unless there are 20+ abilities. I know it's old school, but it's nice not to have stuff dumbed down to the point anyone can do it just as well, or to the point where only one correct response is possible.

No MMO mouse, no macro program. Just using the keyboard properly.

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I use modifier keys and I got all my key abilities reachable with 1 hand on a standard keyboard with a mouse with 2 buttons on the thumb, 1 for Voice Chat and the other for Focus Target. The use of a modifier key made me switch from mostly clicking abilities to a full keybinding rotation.


1 to 6 and Shift+1 to Shift+7 are for my rotation abilities I can reach all of them without moving my left hand from the keyboard and still press the QWE keys to move my caracter.


Ctrl+1 to Ctrl+5 are for my Taunts, Offensive cooldown, mobility abilities and energy management abilities. It's the abilities that I use in a fight, but that aren't in my rotation.


Ctrl+6 is for my Speeder.


Alt+1 to Alt+8 are for the target markers.


For the rest, I've got another 11 quickbar spaces on my first 2 bars(7 to = and Shift+8 to Shift+= that I use for Defensive Cooldown, Stun, Knockback and others situational. I want them on my bar since they are usefull in some situations, but if I need them, I can click them.


In total, I can put all the abilities that I need in 3 quickbar maximum for any of the specs. The 4th one that I use if for the abilites that I don't use for that spec, but that I could use on another or things like the Shield for S&V.

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People that complain about the abilities are simply lazy and do not want to learn their classes inside and out.

False, I learned my class inside and out, and I know how to play it, and I still complain because its hostile towards new players, which I witnessed when I invited friends to play it. People that complain about the abilities have different reasons, being lazy can be just one of many, and apparently the only reason you are capable to see. But here is another, from your own experience.

This was my first pc game and first mmo. When I first started I was literally running into walls like a drunk wench. But after a day or so, I got used to it, leveled up, realized it is a pain in the *** to use the keyboard, got myself an mmo mouse, and bam, was good to go. Within a week.

First impression counts, and sometimes people will not give a game extra costs by buying special hardware and invest days and weeks to learn how to use basic gameplay. The people I know who gave up for this reasons are not lazy, they want to use their free time to play game, not study how to rotate camera and use basic gameplay, and spend extra money just for that.


But as much there are reasons to have less abilities, there are reasons for having many too. And I see people who have no trouble, and love the game the way it is. Because we are all different and like different stuff.

Edited by BoySaber
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I have never touched a macro in my life. Spend 20 € for a cheap mmo mouse, and bam, easy mode with all the abilities.


When I say "most people" why do people respond with "That's not what I do, let me tell you about it" ?


Most people, not you or any particular individual but over 50% of the people who stick with the game, probably use some form of macroing. If you were an amputee, and I said "Most people have right hands" would you honestly reply "Well I don't, you jerk!"


The official SWTOR keyboard that came out even had recordable macros "on the fly".




Some classes have more abilities, some less. As a Warrior/Knight, there is no reason not to have a single key for all your melee rage/focus builders. There's also no reason not to stick your execute in front of your damage abilities either.


I'll just leave this in case some person has TOS confusion.




Macros that emulate hitting multiple keys at the same time are fine. Scripts with delays that fire off combinations violate TOS.

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